本站小编 免费考研网/2016-08-16
Historical Linguistics(历史语言学) is the study of language changes.
Anthropological linguistics(人文语言学) uses the theories and methods of anthropology to study language variation and language use in relation to the cultural patterns and beliefs of man.
Neurolinguistics(神经语言学) studies the neurological basis of language development and use in human beings.
Mathematical linguistics(数学语言学) studies the mathematical features of language, often employing models and concepts of mathematics.
Computational linguistics(计算语言学) is an approach to linguistics in which mathematical techniques and concepts are applied, often with the aid of a computer.
II. Phonetics(语音学)
1. scope of phonetics
Speech sounds may be studied from different angles, thus we have at least three branches of phonetics:
Articulatory phonetics(发音语音学)we may examine the way in which a speech sound is produced to discover which vocal organs are involved and how they coordinate(协调) in the process.
Auditory phonetics (听觉语音学)we may look into the impression a speaker makes on the hearer as mediated(调节) by the ear, the auditory nerve(神经) and the brain.
Acoustic phonetics (声学语音学) we study the physical properties of speech sounds, as transmitted(传送) between mouth and ear.
2. The vocal organs
The vocal organs may be viewed as consisting of three parts, the initiator of the air-stream,(气流发生器官) the producer of voice(声音发生器官) and the resonating cavities.(声音共振器官)
3. Consonants(辅音)
Places of articulation(发音部位): bilabial,(双唇) Labiodentals,(唇齿) dental,(齿) alveolar,(齿龈) retroflex,(卷舌) palate-alveolar,(上齿龈)palatal,(上颚) velar,(软腭) uvular,(小舌) glottal(声门)
Manners of articulation: plosive,(暴破) nasal,(鼻音) trill,(颤音)lateral,(边音) fricative,(摩擦) approximant,(近似音) affricate(破擦)
4. Vowels (元音)
The classification of vowels: the height of tongue raising (high, mid, low), the position of the highest part of the tongue(front, central, back), and the degree of lip rounding(rounded, unrounded) III. Phonology(音韵学)
1. phonemes(音素):a distinctive(有区别的) sound in a language.
2. Allophones(音位变体):The nondistinctive sounds are members of the same phoneme.
3. Minimal pairs(最小对立体): word forms which differ from each other only by one sound.
4. Free variation (自由变异):If two sounds occurring in the same environment(环境), they does not produce a different word form, but merely a different pronunciation of the same word.
5. Complementary distribution(补充分类):Not all the speech sounds occur in the same environment. When two sounds never occur in the same environment.
6.Suprasegmental phonology(超音段音位):the study of phonological properties(
性质) of units lager than the segment-phoneme. They are syllable(音节),stress,(重音) word stress, sentence stress. pitch (音调)and intonation(语调).
IV. Morphology(词法)
1. inflection(构形法):the grammatical relationships through the addition of inflectional affixes.(屈折词缀)
2. Word-formation(构词):the processes(过程) of word variations signaling lexical relationships.(表明词法关系) They are compound(合成)and derivation (派生).
3. Morpheme(词素): the smallest unit in terms of relationship between expression and content.
4. Allomorph(同质异象变体): some morphemes have considerable variation, for instance, alternate shapes or phonetic forms.
5. Types of morphemes: They are roots,(词根) affix(词缀) and stem(词干).
6. Lexicon(语言词汇):in its most general sense, is synonymous with vocabulary.
7. Closed-class words(封闭性) and open-class words(开放性):the former whose membership is fixed or limited and the latter whose membership is in principle(实际上) indefinite or unlimited.
8. Word class(词性):It displays a wider range of more precisely defined classes.
9. Lexeme(词位):the smallest unit in the meaning system of a language that can be distinguished from other smaller units.
10. Idiom(习语,成语):Most phrasal lexemes are idioms. It is especially true for a sequence of words(词序) which is semantically(语义上) and often syntactically(句法上) restricted.(限制)
11. Collocation(搭配): the habitual(习惯的) co-occurrences (同时出现)of individual lexical items.
V. Syntax (句法)
1. Positional relation or word order(词序):the sequential(顺序)arrangement of words in a language.
《新编简明英语语言学教程》第二版 练习题 参考答案 Chapter 1 Introduction 1. How do you interpret the following definition of linguistics: Linguistics is the scientific study of language. 答: Linguistics is based on the systematic investigation of linguistic data, conducted with reference to som ...外国语言学笔记 本站小编 免费考研网 2016-08-13新编简明英语语言学教程考研笔记_复习资料
Chapter one Introduction 一、定义 1.语言学Linguistics Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. 2.普通语言学General Linguistics The study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics. 3.语言language Language is a system of arbitrary ...外国语言学笔记 本站小编 免费考研网 2016-08-13英语语言学常见名词解释
1. What is language? Language is system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. It is a system, since linguistic elements are arranged systematically, rather than randomly. Arbitrary, in the sense that there is usually no intrinsic connection between a work (like book ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2016-08-062015-2016年研究生专业排行榜:语言学及应用语言学
排 名 学校名称 星 级 重点学科 博士点 开此专业学校数 1 北京大学 5★ 132 2 北京语言大学 5★ 132 3 北京师范大学 5★ 132 4 华中师范 ...考研报考信息 本站小编 免费考研网 2016-07-272015-2016年研究生专业排行榜:语言学及应用语言学
排 名 学校名称 星 级 重点学科 博士点 开此专业学校数 1 北京大学 5★ 132 2 北京语言大学 5★ 132 3 北京师范大学 5★ 132 4 华中师范 ...考研报考信息 本站小编 免费考研网 2016-07-27北京第二外国语大学专业介绍:外国语言学及应用语言学
外国语言学及应用语言学学科培养方案方向一 国际商务英语方向硕士研究生培养方案一. 培养目标英语语言文学国际商务英语 硕士研究生培养具有较强商务英语交际能力,系统掌握国际商务知识,毕业后能够从事高层次商务英语翻译工作和具体业务的高级复合型人才。基本规格如下:1.学生掌握马列 ...考研专业介绍 本站小编 免费考研网 2016-07-27首都师范大学专业介绍:语言学及应用语言学
语言学及应用语言学语言学及应用语言学学位点于2004年1月获得批准,共有三个研究方向,各研究方向概况如下:语义学(一)研究优势及特色:1、以现代汉语自然语言的语句为研究核心,探讨汉语句子生成的语义基础、语义结构和语义理解等基本规律。这种研究内容的定位在国内语义研究领域是独 ...考研专业介绍 本站小编 免费考研网 2016-07-27中国传媒大学专业介绍:语言学及应用语言学专业
1.应用语言学方向应用语言学方向是适应我国应用语言学发展需要设立的研究方向,它以人机交际和人际交际的语言理论和技能、技术为主要研究对象。作为跨学科的语言应用学科,它同人文科学、自然科学(数学、物理学、信息科学、计算机科学等)都有密切关系。本方向有社会语言学和计算语言学两个 ...考研专业介绍 本站小编 免费考研网 2016-07-27中国传媒大学专业介绍:外国语言学及应用语言学
1.跨文化交际与语言传播方向跨文化交际与语言传播方向点研究跨文化交际理论的基本原理、主要概念和研究方法;深入研究本学院已开设的20多个语言对象国的语言表征及文化价值;结合外语教学实际讨论语言、文化和交际的关系;探讨外语教学中的文化教学模式,增进对于文化差异的敏感度和宽容度,促进跨文化交际能力的提高。 ...考研专业介绍 本站小编 免费考研网 2016-07-27复旦大学研究生专业介绍:语言学及应用语言学
博士和硕士学位授予点。现有教授3人,副教授3人。主要研究方向:①语言学理论 ②社会语言学及方言学 ③应用语言学(言语障碍) ④汉藏比较语言学 ⑤文化语言学近年来的主要研究成果:《文化语言论纲》、中国文化语言学丛书、《中国文化通志语言文字学志》、《当代中国语法学》、《语言与文化的现代思 ...考研专业介绍 本站小编 免费考研网 2016-07-27