

 “If I eat nuts, then I break out in hives.” This in turn can be symbolized a

  s N——>H.

  Next, we interpret the clause “there is a blemish on my hand” to mean “hives

  ,“ which we symbolize as H. Substituting these symbolssintosthe argument yie

  lds the following diagram:



  Therefore, N

  The diagram clearly shows that this argument has the same structure as the g

  iven argument. The answer, therefore, is (B)。

  Denying the Premise Fallacy



  Therefore, ~B

  The fallacy of denying the premise occurs when an if-then statement is prese

  nted, its premise denied, and then its conclusion wrongly negated.

  Example: (Denying the Premise Fallacy)

  The senator will be reelected only if he opposes the new tax bill. But he wa

  s defeated. So he must have supported the new tax bill.

  The sentence “The senator will be reelected only if he opposes the new tax b

  ill“ contains an embedded if-then statement: ”If the senator is reelected, t

  hen he opposes the new tax bill.“ (Remember: ”A only if B“ is equivalent to

  “If A, then B.”) This in turn can be symbolized as R——>~T. The sentence “But

  the senator was defeated“ can be reworded as ”He was not reelected,“ which

  in turn can be symbolized as ~R. Finally, the sentence “He must have support

  ed the new tax bill“ can be symbolized as T. Using these symbols the argumen

  t can be diagrammed as follows:


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