Let W stand for “you work hard,” S stand for “you will be successful in Amer
ica,“ and L stand for ”you can lead a life of leisure.“ Now the first senten
ce translates as W——>S, the second sentence as S——>L, and the conclusion as
W——>L. Combining these symbol statements yields the following diagram:
Therefore, W——>L
The diagram clearly displays the transitive property.
DeMorgan's Laws
~(A & B) = ~A or ~B
~(A or B) = ~A & ~B
If you have taken a course in logic, you are probably familiar with these fo
rmulas. Their validity is intuitively clear: The conjunction A&B is false wh
en either, or both, of its parts are false. This is precisely what ~A or ~B
says. And the disjunction A or B is false only when both A and B are false,
which is precisely what ~A and ~B says.
You will rarely get an argument whose main structure is based on these rules
——they are too mechanical. Nevertheless, DeMorgan's laws often help simplify
, clarify, or transform parts of an argument. They are also useful with game
Example: (DeMorgan's Law)
It is not the case that either Bill or Jane is going to the party.
This argument can be diagrammed as ~(B or J), which by the second of DeMorga
n's laws simplifies to (~B and ~J)。 This diagram tells us that neither of th
em is going to the party.