

  Premise Indicators

  because for

  since is evidence that

  if in that

  as owing to

  suppose inasmuch as

  assume may be derived from


  Since the incumbent's views are out of step with public opinion, he probably

  will not be reelected.

  Here “since” is used to flag the premise that the incumbent's positions are


  Suppressed Premises

  Most arguments depend on one or more unstated premises. Sometimes this indic

  ates a weakness in the argument, an oversight by the writer. More often, how

  ever, certain premises are left tacit because they are too numerous, or the

  writer assumes that his audience is aware of the assumptions, or he wants th

  e audience to fill in the premise themselves and therefore be more likely to

  believe the conclusion.


  Conclusion: I knew he did it.

  Premise: Only a guilty person would accept immunity from prosecution.

  The suppressed premise is that he did, in fact, accept immunity. The speaker

  assumes that his audience is aware of this fact or at least is willing to b

  elieve it, so to state it would be redundant and ponderous. If the unstated

  premise were false (that is, he did not accept immunity), the argument would

  not technically be a lie; but it would be very deceptive. The unscrupulous

  writer may use this ploy if he thinks that he can get away with it. That is,

  his argument has the intended effect and the false premise, though implicit

  , is hard to find or is ambiguous. Politicians are not at all above using th

  is tactic.


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