“863”计划《高技术研究发展计划纲要》 863 Program; High-Tech R & D Program Outline
《国家科学技术奖励条例》Regulation on National Science and Technology Awards
《世界版权公约》 Universal Copyright Convention
α干扰素 recombinant human interferon α
版权(著作权) copyright
版权税 royalties
办好国家高新技术产业开发区 ensure successful operation of national innovative and high technology industrial development zones
不甘落后 be not reconciled of being lagged behind
猖獗的盗版行为 rampant piracy来源:考试大
创新 innovation
达到配套程度 make complete and systematic
蛋白质工程 protein engineering来源:考试大
多肽药物 polypeptide drugs
多学科交叉攻关 tackle the hard-nut topics in science through interdisciplinary efforts
发展多种形式的产学研结合 promote the integration of production, teaching and research in a variety of approaches
风险投资基金 venture capital investment fund
风险资本 venture capital
改革试点 pilot reform来源:考试大
改造传统产业 renovate conventional industries
高新技术 innovative and high technology
高新技术产业开发区 high-tech industrial zones
工程中心 engineering centers
公益型科研机构 public service based research institutions来源:考试大
国家创新体系建设 develop a national innovation system
改变研究机构与企业相分离, 研究、设计、教育与生产相脱节的状况reverse the divorce between research institutes and industrial enterprises, between research, designing, education and commercial production
国家技术发明奖 National Award for Technological Invention
国家科学技术进步奖 National Award for Science and Technology Progress
国家重点科研项目 research projects of national priority
国家自然科学奖 National Award for Natural Sciences