
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

国家最高科学技术奖 National Top Science and Technology Award
海洋工程技术 ocean engineering technology来源:考
核甘酸 nucleic acid; nucleotide
基因工程和细胞工程 genetic and cell engineering
基因芯片 genetic chip; biochip (an important component in human gene studies covering gene sequencing, genetic function defining and genetic diagnosing)
激光技术 laser technology
技贸结合 integrate technology acquisition with trade
技术复兴 technological renaissance
技术转让 technology transfer来源:考
加快高新技术产业化进程 step up commercialization of high and innovative technologies
加强知识产权的保护和管理 tighten up management and protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs)
尖端技术 state-of-the-art technology; cutting-edge technology
具有科技攻坚能力 be capable of tackling key research topics
开发和推广起关键作用、有共性的高新技术 develop and disseminate high and innovative technologies that can play a crucial role and can be widely applied
抗病转基因小麦 transgenic wheat of disease resistance
科技人员 scientists and engineers
科技中介服务机构 science and technology service agents来源:考
科学技术是第一生产力 Science and technology is the primary productive force.
科学技术体制改革 the reform of science and technology management system
科研成果商品化 effect commercialization of research findings来源:考
克隆动植物 cloning animals and plants
利用国际风险资金开办企业 invest in a start-up business with international venture capital
两系法杂交水稻 bilinear hybrid rice


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