2018年10月13日雅思考试答案 大陆卷+亚太卷

本站小编 免费考研网/2018-10-27

又是一场雅思考试过去,不知道各位同学考得如何。刚考完的时候有学生反馈说听力section 1语速偏快,section 2和section 4倒还一般。不知道大家的感受是否一致。老烤鸭小编根据网上的回忆,整理了这次雅思考试的答案,以供大家参考。



Section 1 果园兼职工作


1-10 填空

1. Visa type: blue card

2. work time from July to October

3. The information is from the agency

4. Busiest time: September

5. Picking date decided by weather

6. Additional wage over 18: 6.50/hour

7. Accommodation: there is a campsite

8. Advise to go around by bike

9. Must work with passport

10. Should bring own lunch and supply of water 

Section 2 健身中心


11-16 地图题

11. Shop – H

12. Playground – G

13. Spa – A

14. Gym – I

15. Weight room – D

16. Massage room – E

17-20 多选

17-18. Opening day introductory price (declined/discounted) for memberships like

D all-in covered

E family ticket

19-20. 报名的free gift有哪些?

B free massage

E heart rate monitor

Section 3 答案暂缺

Section 4 戏剧对学生的影响


31-40 填空(顺序可能有出入)

31. Drama courses assist to raise the children’s confidence

32. Via the teamwork, kids can understand the importance of listening

33. Learn skill of taking risk and role-playing is a form of experience

34. Increase the passion for participation

35. Drama can have effect of therapy

36. Help students understand the morality

37. Cultivate the spirit of teamwork and being responsible

38. Teachers can intrigue debate in a safe environment

39. Help children remember and understand the history react in society knowledge

40. Find the answers or solutions to problems of history










In many countries, women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their baby. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?



Section 1 The insurance of claim for damaged floor

1. Reference number: CWX576884

2. When did the woman claim last time: 9 months ago

3. Postcode: GO19 4KE

4. First name of the address: 120, Middle Street, Oxford

5. The floor which is made of wood was wet

6. Because of the water

7. Its was out of control and she switched off immediately

8. Contact the client engineer to come and check the problem

9. The client inspector could come on Tuesday next week

10. The woman’s house is opposite to the post office

Section 2 Mentor

11. B people who just moved hear

12. B tell you which is the best shop

13. C take the advantage of the informal meeting Thursday every week

14. A leaflets in foreign languages

15. B adapt to the new environment as soon as possible

16. F

17. D

18. E

19. A

20. G

Section 4 Ship archaeological remains underwater

31. Maoris actually don’t have record on language which in written

32. It indicates a lifestyle

33. Used last technology on research

34. Possible reason for sunken: it was hit by a bad storm

35. A shoot gallery

36. Boat capacity: can hold up to 400 passengers/the research opportunity was limited

37. Ship instead of gun fight against pirates

38. A historical map of wreck was found

39. People came to these place for the cargo of gold

40. A lot of treasure such as jewelry and coins


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