
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-10-27

今天是10月份的最后一场考试,不知道大家考得如何。这次听力考试最后一部分的题目与剑桥雅思海外版第二套题目的section 4一模一样,做过的同学看到题目估计会在考场上笑出声来的吧。写作部分的小作文出了地图题,这已经是这个月的第二次了。还没有考试的同学要着重复习一下,不要遇到之后完全不知道该怎么写。老烤鸭小编根据考生的回忆,整理了这次考试的答案,希望对大家有所帮助。


Section 1 旅游咨询场景


1-10 填空

1. Try climbing for the first time

2. The students can pay to borrow shoes during the camp

3. Lunch will be barbecue or pizza

4. Students can enjoy a spectacular view of the city

5. Students can try football game

6. In the afternoon, they will watch dancing from aborigines.

7. Students live in a block named Paige

8. When the camps are full, it can contain 95 students

9. The price is 150 pounds per students

10. It does not include transport

Section 2 答案暂缺

Section 3 有价值的历史物品


21-26 选择题

21. What Linda think the material is at first?

C. piece of jewelry

22. Linda calculate the date of the material based on its

B. stitching

23. What surprised Linda most is?

A. searching much more information

24. How did Linda tell the character of gloves French or Irish?

A. a visible label

25. Why did Neil take a photograph of the gloves?

B. too useful for the owner to move

26. How did Neil identify the time?

A. by metal on the top

27-30 匹配题

27. new method for search:

C. both of them

28. draw a conclusion from the experiment:

B. Neil only

29. meet interesting people:

C. both of them

30. feel prepared for the start:

A. Linda only

Section 4 澳大利亚濒危动物


31-40 填空题

31. The decreasing of the frog because of the increasing housing.

32. Insecticide use reduced the number of birds

33. The single crop like corn can also affect the ecosystem

34. People of conscious of extinct animals can be influenced by the media

35. People are less concerned with small animals like insects

36. People are with shock or fear

37. As our rivals in terms of food

38. To improve our knowledge of the ecosystem

39. We need to improve the complex of the ecosystem in order to make it more stable

40. Cobwebs can influence the medical effects related to the blood clot











Some people think that young people should spend more of their free time at home with their families instead of entertaining outside. Others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


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