Section 1 给孩子和丈夫报名跑步俱乐部
1. Trainer’s name: Mark Crichton
2. location: sport(s) centre
3. length: 800 meters run
4. time: 6.15
5. sports item: long roadrunner
6. time: Thursday
7. Location: North Park
8. Recommended to buy: a club vest
9. Next competition is going to be on the month of July
10. Contact phone number: 07958477222
Section 2 市场与手工制品介绍
11. Tour guide explain why they choose the first destination
A. products are locally made
12. 商店有何特色
B. Children playroom
13. 商店在哪里?
B. acorn’s street
14. 开门时间opening time
A. every Thursday and Saturday
15. 有一个商店搬家了,原因是:
A. allow more customers
16. What kinds of food are in supply now?
B. baked food
17-20 多选题
17-18. Visitors can cook with chef
选:romantic evening
选:visitors are welcome
19-20. beachfront view
选:picture of well-known singer
选:wall in bright colors
Section 4 向两种野生动物提供食物
31-40 填空
31. Boar is not a protected species of wild animal
32. 控制它的数量因为they damage the environment
33. and they spread diseases
34. Law prohibited using: poison
35. Kept deeding them in the forest
36. Increasing population density
37. 三个并列:potatoes
38. Come out in the winter because the food scares.
39. keeps the number of deer for hunting
40. Deer will destroy farmers’ crops
There are more workers to work from home and more students to study from home. This is because computer technology is more and more easily accessible and cheaper. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?