
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-12


  Here's some ways of giving praise

   Excellent work. The CEO will be very pleased.

   This is wonderful. You aced it.

   Wow! Your work is really impressive.

   Good job! That presentation was of professional quality.

   Great! Your report feels like an A.

  Here's how you can dish out criticism

   Unfortunately, this is not up to standard/not up to par.

   Not bad, but there's room for improvement.来源:www.examda.com

   You need to be more focused.

   There were gaps in your report. Please be more thorough.

   The boss found careless mistakes in your proposal.来源:www.examda.com

  Please be more detail-oriented.

  Besides constructive criticism, there is negative criticism using terms such as:

  Lousy, very poor, very sloppy, terrible, etc.

  Responses you can give after receiving praise来源:www.examda.com

   Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

   It's my pleasure.

   I'm very glad to help/glad you like it.来源:www.examda.com

  Things you could say after receiving criticism

   I'm sorry.

   I acted in haste. I jumped the gun.来源:www.examda.com

   I overlooked some facts, I.ll be more thorough.


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