
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

6. 细节题

Lake Baikal

1    Crescent-shaped Lake Baikal, in Siberia, is only the ninth largest lake in area at 385 miles (650 km) in length and 46 miles (74 km) in width, yet it is easily the largest body of fresh water in the world. It holds one-fifth of the world's total fresh water, which is more than the total of all the water in the five Great Lakes; it holds so much fresh water in spite of its less-than-impressive area because it is by far the world's deepest lake. The average depth of the lake is 1,312 feet (400 meters) below sea level, and the Olkhon Crevice, the lowest known point, is more than 5,250 feet (1,600 meters) deep.

2    Lake Baikal, which today is located near the center of the Asian peninsula, is most likely the world's oldest lake. It began forming 25 million years ago as Asia started splitting apart in a series of great faults. The Baikal Valley dropped away, eventually filling with water and creating the deepest of the world's lakes.


1. What is stated in paragraph 1 about the shape of Lake Baikal?

  (A) It is wider than it is long.

  (B) It is circular in shape.

  (C) Its width is one-half of its length.

  (D) It is shaped like a new moon.

2. It is indicated in paragraph 1 that the area of Lake Baikal

  (A) is less than the area of eight other lakes

  (B) is one-ninth the area of Siberia

  (C) is greater than the area of any other freshwater lake

  (D) is equal to the area of the five Great Lakes

3. According to paragraph 1, Lake Baikal

  (A) holds one-fifth of the world's water

  (B) holds five times the water of the Great Lakes

  (C) holds one-ninth of the world's water

  (D) holds 20 percent of the world's fresh water

4. According to paragraph 1, the Olkhon Crevice is

  (A) outside of Lake Baikal

  (B) 400 meters below sea level

  (C) the deepest part of Lake Baikal

  (D) 5,000 meters deep

5. It is mentioned in paragraph 2 that Lake Baikal

  (A) is not as old as some other lakes

  (B) formed when sections of the Earth were moving away from each other

  (C) was fully formed 25 million years ago

  (D) is today located on the edge of the Asian peninsula






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