
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06


paragraph                        The Clovis Culture

1    Archeologists have found sites all over North America that contain similar tools dating from a period about 12,000 years ago. The culture that developed these tools has been named Clovis after the site near Clovis, New Mexico, where the first tools of this sort were discovered in 1932. The tools are quite sophisticated and are unlike any tools that have been found in the Old World.

2    In the years since the first tools of this sort were discovered in New Mexico, archeologists have discovered Clovis tools in areas ranging from Mexico to Montana in the United States and Nova Scotia in Canada. All of the Clovis finds date from approximately the same period, a fact which suggests that the Clovis spread rapidly throughout the North American continent.

3    From the evidence that has been discovered, archeologists have concluded that the Clovis were a mobile culture. They traveled in groups of 40 to 50 individuals, migrating seasonally and returning to the same hunting camps each year. Their population increased rapidly as they spread out over the continent, and they were quite possibly motivated to develop their sophisticated hunting tools to feed their rapidly expanding populace.

11. What is stated in paragraph 1 about Clovis tools?

   (A) They date from around 10,000 B.C.

   (B) They have been in use for 12,000 years.

   (C) They have been found at only one location.

   (D) They were discovered by archeologists hundreds of years ago.

12. According to paragraph 1, the town of Clovis

   (A) is in Mexico

   (B) was founded in 1932

   (C) is where all members of the Clovis culture lived

   (D) is where the first remnants of an ancient culture were found

13. It is indicated in paragraph 1 that the tools found near Clovis, New Mexico, were

   (A) very rudimentary

   (B) similar to others found prior to 1932

   (C) rather advanced

   (D) similar to some found in Africa and Europe


14. According to paragraph 2, what conclusion have archeologists drawn from the Clovis finds?

   (A) That the Clovis tended to remain in one place

   (B) That the Clovis expanded relatively quickly

   (C) That the Clovis lived throughout the world

   (D) That the Clovis were a seafaring culture


15. It is mentioned in paragraph 3 that it is believed that the Clovis

   (A) lived in familial groups of four or five people

   (B) had a relatively stable population

   (C) lived only in New Mexico

   (D) spent summers and winters in different places





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