预测文章1- Foundational and Keystone Species The harmony present in any ecological system relies on the inclusion of different types of species, each with a specific role or set of roles. Although to some extent all species contribute in important ways, scientists are now learning about t ...
预测独立写作1The most influential problems to the society can be solved by the contemporary generation.
高分思路human is not such a perfect animal so it must possess certain flaws, some of which are resistant to be corrected
the generation in this time has changed to be much lazier due to the hig ...
Do you agree ordisagree: it is easier for parents to raise their children today than 50 years ago.
超级经典的今昔对比老题有木有?最近一次出现是在2016年10月28日。现在一起来看看吧! ...
预测文章1- Foundational and Keystone SpeciesThe harmony present in any ecological system relies on the inclusion of different types of species, each with a specific role or set of roles. Although to some extent all species contribute in important ways, scientists are now learning about the p ...
预测文章1- Cell Theory The study of cells--cell biology--began in 1660, when English physicist Robert Hooke melted strands of spun glass to create lenses that he focused on bee stingers, fish scales, fly legs, feathers, and any type of insect he could hold still. When he looked at cork, w ...
预测独立写作1 Athletes and entertainers can be good politicians. 高分思路 l they have no ability to take this job l their identities of athletes and entertainers l the popularity of athletes and entertainers will cause the social disruption 高分范文 People who work in polit ...
预测独立口语1Task 2:Some people believe that, in the future, all university classes will be given through the Internet instead of in buildings. Other people believe that universities will always hold classes in buildings. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why.预测独立口语2Task 1 ...