
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-05-08


1.We are unable to comply _________ your request in your letter dated October 15th,1995.

2. _________ your request we send you _________ cover a quotation sheet showing our lowest price for walnut meat.

3.We are _________ receipt _________ your letter of Sept.19,enclosing catalogues and price list for bicycles and sewing machines.

4.We are well experienced _________ this line and can handle big orders _________ large quantities.

5.It is only _________ view _________ our long friendly relation that we accept D/P payment for future dealings.

6.We are thinking _________ placing _________ your firm a trial order.

7.We will now very much appreciate receiving at the earliest possible moment your quotation _________ tea for the new season.

8.We have _________ present only 50m/ts Bitter Apricot Kernels _________ stock .

9.We will make contact _________ the endusers here and see if they are interested _________ the goods you offered.

10.The buyer made a bid _________ $700 per ton for Walnut meat.

11.We are glad that we have come _________ an agreement _________ this matter.


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