
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-12-12




Top 1:建议信 押题统计:张剑、新东方、陈正康
1、提出建议       I would like to suggest that ……
      I am writing with great sincerity(怀着极大的诚意) to make suggestions to ……
      I am writing to express my humble opinions about ……
      Here are some tips for you as follows.
      I am writing this letter to raise some suggestions to ……
      To begin with, I would like to suggest that ……
      Moreover, I believe if ……would better
2、结语/期盼回复       Thanks for your reading and we hope you can take these suggestions seriously and make improvements.
      Thanks for your time and consideration.
      I hope you will find the above proposals conducive(有益处的,有帮助的).
      I am looking forward to your reply.
      Thank you for your time and I hope you will fine the above suggestions useful.
1、Directions       Write a letter to the library in your university,making suggestions for improvement.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET.
      Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use "Li Ming" instead.
      Do not write the address.(10 points)
Dear Sir/Madam,
      I am a freshman in this university and I am writing to make some suggestions to improve our library service and facilities.
      Firstly, our library seems to offer too few seats in the reading rooms and we can not find places to sit down if we go there late than10a.m. Secondly, sometimes the lights are too dim(昏暗) in the aisles(走廊) among bookshelves, so it is advised that you change the bulbs with bigger watts(瓦). Thirdly, the faculties in the library need to be more hospitable(热情的) towards the new comers because the freshmen don’t know well about the facilities in the library and they do need more help.
      Thank you for your reading and I would appreciate it if you can take these suggestions seriously and make improvements.I am looking forward to your reply.
Sincerely yours,
Li Ming
      首先,我们的图书馆似乎提供了较少的阅览室的座位,如果我们去的时间晚于上午10点,我们就找不到坐下的地方。 其次,有时书架中的过道灯太暗,所以建议你更换更大瓦的灯泡。第三,图书馆的工作人员需要更加热情一些,因为新生对图书馆的设施不太了解,他们确实需要更多的帮助。

Top 2 道歉信 押题统计:张剑、新东方、陈正康

1、表示歉意       I would like to apologize to you for ……
      I feel terribly sorry for ……
      I am very sorry for ……
2、说明具体原因、提出补救方法       If it is convenient for you, shall we ……
      But to my much regret I cannot……because I will……
      Anyway, I have chosen some……for you and will ask our mutual friend to bring them to you.
      I have ……that it takes much more time than expected, and now it seems impossible for me to finish it as scheduled.
3、再次致歉并希望得到理解       Please accept my apology for ……
      I feel extremely sorry about it and hope you can accept my sincere apology.
      I am truly sorry for any inconvenience that my action might have caused
1、Directions       You have borrowed a book from Professor Thomas and find that you can't give it back to him two days later as schedule.Write him an email to ask whether you can keep the book for a few days more and make an apology.
      You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
      Do not use your own name at the end of the email.Use "Li Ming" instead.(10 points)
Dear Professor Thomas,
      I appreciate that you have lent me one of your precious books.I am writing to ask whether I could keep it for a few days more, and to make a sincere apology for the delay.
      For a deeper understanding of it, I have been consulting(查阅) so large amounts of reference sources(参考资料) that it takes much more time than expected, and now, it seems impossible for me to finish it as scheduled. Moreover, it is not yet available in China whereas the important reference documents for my paper. For these reasons,I want to ask if I could have your permission to return it two weeks later.
      Looking forward to your reply.
Li Ming

Top 3 投诉信 押题统计:何凯文、陈正康

1、说明投诉问题       I am writing to inform(告知)you that I find…unsatisfactory…
      I am writing to express dissatisfaction/ disappointment/ concern regarding/ with ……
      I am writing because I need to complain to you about ……
2、期待解决方案       I strongly request that a satisfactory explanation should be given.
      I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience(在您方便的时候尽快......).
      I would be grateful if you could send me a replacement(替代方案).

TOP 4 求职信 押题统计:张剑、新东方、何凯文、陈正康

1、申请职位       I am writing this letter to apply for the position of ……
2、工作能力       My previous working experience and score lists in the university can prove my potential to be a ……
      My rich working experience and strong teamwork spirit will enable me to perform better.
      I have also received multiple awards for excellence(多个优秀奖) in ……
3、表示期待和感谢       I really appreciate your consideration of my application for the post. And I am looking forward to your reply and interview at your convenience.
      I look forward to meeting you, and thank you for the opportunity to be considered for the post of the ……
      Thank you for taking the time to review my resume.

TOP 5 推荐信 押题统计:何凯文、张剑

      I am writing to recommend(推荐) our ……to you, and invite those who……join us.
      I am pleased to write a letter of recommendation for ……
      Join us, and you will get the chance to ……I am sure you will benefit a lot from it.
      Given(考虑到) these experiences and qualities, it is very clear to me that ……would qualify for the position.
      Thus I sincerely hope that you will recognize the rare value of this individual and select ……for the position in your company.

TOP 6 辞职信 押题统计:张剑

1、表明感谢       I truly appreciate the guidance and support you have given me in the past years.
2、解释理由、说明辞职       Thank you for the great knowledge you’ve imparted(传授) to me.However, I hve to submit(递交) my resignation for personal reasons, leaving my job at ……
3、道歉       Please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience this may cause. I will do my utmost to make a smooth handover before leaving.


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