
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-11-25

Unit 11


“WHANG—Boom—Boom—cast delicacy to the winds.” Thus Ezra Pound in a letter to his father, urging the old man to help promote his first published collection. It might have been the poet's manifesto.

Pound is as divisive a figure today as he was in his own lifetime. For some he was the leading figure of the Modernist movement who redefined what poetry was and could be; and who, in his role as cultural impresario, gave vital impetus to the literary careers of T. S. Eliot, James Joyce and Wyndham Lewis, among others. But for many Pound remains a freak and an embarrassment, a clinical nutcase and vicious anti-Semite who churned out a lot of impenetrable tosh before losing the plot completely.

During the Second World War he broadcast pro-Fascist radio programmes from Italy and later avoided trial for treason at home only because he was declared insane. On his release from St. Elizabeth's Hospital near Washington, D.C., he returned to Italy (“America is a lunatic asylum”), where he died in 1972 aged 87.

David Moody, emeritus professor of English at York University, makes a strong case for Pound's “generous energy” and the “disruptive, regenerative force of his genius”. His approach (unlike Pound's) is uncontroversial. He follows the poet's progress chronologically from his childhood in Idaho—still, at the time of his birth in 1885, part of the wild west—to his conquest of literary London between 1908 and 1920. He marshals Pound's staggering output of poetry, prose and correspondence to excellent effect, and offers clear, perceptive commentary on it. He helps us to see poems, such as this famous, peculiarly haunting 19-syllable haiku, in a new light:

The apparition of these faces in the crowd:

Petals on a wet, black bough.

That Mr. Moody is constantly being upstaged by the subject of his study is not surprising. Pound was one of the most colourful artistic figures in a period full of them.

According to Ford Madox Ford, who became a good friend of Pound's shortly after the bumptious young American arrived in London: “Ezra would approach with the step of a dancer, making passes with a cane at an imaginary opponent. He would wear trousers made of green billiard cloth, a pink coat, a blue shirt, a tie hand-painted by a Japanese friend, an immense sombrero, a flaming beard cut to a point and a single large blue earring.” W. B. Yeats's simple assessment was that: “There is no younger generation of poets. E. P. is a solitary volcano.”

A great merit of Mr. Moody's approach is the space he gives to Pound's writings. It is love-it-or-hate-it stuff, but, either way, undeniably fascinating. “All good art is realism of one kind or another,” Pound said. Reconciling that tidy statement with practically any of his poems is hard work but, as Mr. Moody shows over and over again, hard work that offers huge rewards. His first volume ends in 1920, with Pound quitting London in a huff, finally fed up—after more than a decade of doing everything in his power to rattle the intellectual establishment—with “British insensitivity to, and irritation with, mental agility in any and every form”. His disgraceful radio programmes and the full blooming of his loopiness lie ahead. So, too, do most of his exquisite Cantos.

1. Pound was a divisive figure in that _____.

[A] he brought both positive and negative effects to the development of the Modernist movement

[B] he was both a poet and a person with mental problem

[C] he was politically a racist while he was also pro-Fascist

[D] he was a man of complex and unintelligible personality

2. When Pound was released from hospital, he returned to Italy because _____.

[A] Italy was his hometown

[B] he was persecuted by Americans

[C] he disliked America

[D] he was out of his mind

3. Which one of the following statements is NOT true of David Moody's study on Pound?

[A] His literary approach is unlike that of Pound's, being less contradictory.

[B] He focuses on Pound's poetry itself instead of his personality, attempting to keep objective.

[C] He traces the poet's life in time order to study Pound's achievement.

[D] His study offers a fresh sight of Pound's work.

4. From Yeats's simple assessment, it can be inferred that _____.

[A] Pound was of exploding power in his literary creation

[B] Pound's achievement could hardly be reached by later poets

[C] Pound's excellence was unsurpassable in his time

[D] it would take a long time for Pound's generation to fully understand him

5. The word “rattle”(Line 5, Last paragraph) most probably means _____.

[A] set up

[B] destroy

[C] struggle

[D] disturb


这篇文章主要介绍了Pound的两个不同侧面。第一段用Pound的一句诗歌来引出Pound的态度;第二段讲述人们对于Pound不同的看法;第三段讲述他播放亲法西斯广播节目的事件;第四段和第五段讲述了David Moody对Pound的分析;第六段讲述其他人对Pound的评价;第七段讲述Moody先生分析的特点。


impresario n. 发起人;经理

nutcase n. 疯子

churn out 大量地粗制滥造

tosh n. 胡话

asylum n. 收容所

emeritus adj. 名誉退休的

marshal vt. 整理

upstage vt. 傲慢地对待

bumptious adj. 傲慢的

billiard cloth 台球布,台球桌面昵

sombrero n. 宽边帽

loopiness n. 失去理智


① For some he was the leading figure of the Modernist movement who redefined what poetry was and could be; and who, in his role as cultural impresario, gave vital impetus to the literary careers of T. S. Eliot, James Joyce and Wyndham Lewis, among others.

主体句式:For some he was the leading figure... who..., and who...

结构分析:句中两个由who引导的定语从句都是修饰表语the leading figure的;在后一个定语从句中,介词短语in...是从句的状语。

句子译文:对于一些人来说,他是现代主义运动的领军人物,他重新定义了什么是诗歌及诗歌应该是什么等问题。而作为文化发起人,他大力推进了T. S. Eliot、James Joyce和Wyndham Lewis等人的文学事业。

② Reconciling that tidy statement with practically any of his poems is hard work but, as Mr. Moody shows over and over again, hard work that offers huge rewards.

主体句式:Reconciling... is hard work but,... hard work that...

结构分析:本句的主句主语由动名词短语构成,as引导的方式状语从句是用来修饰后面的hard work that offers huge rewards的。



1. Pound was a divisive figure in that _____.

[A] he brought both positive and negative effects to the development of the Modernist movement

[B] he was both a poet and a person with mental problem

[C] he was politically a racist while he was also pro-Fascist

[D] he was a man of complex and unintelligible personality

1. Pound是一个有争议的人物,是因为 _____。

[A] 他给现代派运动的发展同时带来了积极和消极的影响

[B] 他既是一个诗人,又是一个精神有问题的人

[C] 他在政治上是一个种族主义者,而且还是亲法西斯者

[D] 他是一个性格复杂、让人无法理解的人

答案:D 难度系数:☆☆☆


2. When Pound was released from hospital, he returned to Italy because _____.

[A] Italy was his hometown

[B] he was persecuted by Americans

[C] he disliked America

[D] he was out of his mind

2. 当Pound被从医院放出来时,他返回了意大利,是因为 _____。

[A] 意大利是他的故乡

[B] 他被美国人所迫害

[C] 他不喜欢美国

[D] 他疯了

答案:C 难度系数:☆☆☆☆


3. Which one of the following statements is NOT true of David Moody's study on Pound?

[A] His literary approach is unlike that of Pound's, being less contradictory.

[B] He focuses on Pound's poetry itself instead of his personality, attempting to keep objective.

[C] He traces the poet's life in time order to study Pound's achievement.

[D] His study offers a fresh sight of Pound's work.

3. 关于David Moody对于Pound的研究,以下哪个陈述是不正确的?

[A] 他的文学风格和Pound的不同,不像后者引起如此大的争议。

[B] 他重点研究Pound的诗歌本身,而不是Pound的性格,以试图保持客观的态度。

[C] 他以年代为顺序来研究Pound的成就。

[D] 他的研究为欣赏Pound的作品提供了新的视角。

答案:A 难度系数:☆☆☆


4. From Yeats's simple assessment, it can be inferred that _____.

[A] Pound was of exploding power in his literary creation

[B] Pound's achievement could hardly be reached by later poets

[C] Pound's excellence was unsurpassable in his time

[D] it would take a long time for Pound's generation to fully understand him

4. 从Yeats的简短评论中可以推断出 _____。

[A] Pound的文学创作充满了爆炸性的力量

[B] Pound的成就是后来的诗人们很难达到的

[C] Pound的出色表现在他那个时代是无人企及的

[D] 与Pound同时代的人还需要很长时间才能彻底理解他

答案:C 难度系数:☆☆☆☆


5. The word “rattle” (Line 5, Last paragraph) most probably means _____.

[A] set up

[B] destroy

[C] struggle

[D] disturb

5. rattle这个词(最后一段第五行)最有可能的意思为 _____。

[A] 建立

[B] 摧毁

[C] 奋斗

[D] 扰乱

答案:D 难度系数:☆



“砰砰——轰轰——轰轰——把精致扔到风中。”在Ezra Pound写给父亲的一封信中,他要求父亲帮助他宣传自己出版的第一本诗集,而这可能就是这位诗人的宣言。

Pound在他生活的时代是一个有争议的人物,直至今日仍然如此。对于一些人来说,他是现代主义运动的领军人物,他重新定义了什么是诗歌及诗歌应该是什么等问题;而作为文化发起人,他大力推进了T. S. Eliot、James Joyce和Wyndham Lewis等人的文学事业。但是,对于许多人来说,Pound还是一个怪诞的人、一个让人窘迫的人、一个疯子、一个反闪米特人的恶人,在他的阴谋彻底流产前还说了许多不可理喻的疯话。


David Moody是约克大学的英语荣誉教授,他找到了强有力的证据证明Pound“充沛的精力”和“他天才的分裂性的再生力量”。与Pound不同的是,他的方法是没有争议的。他先是按年代上溯至这位诗人在爱达荷州度过的童年(1885年他出生时,爱达荷州还是拓荒前的美国西部),然后一直追踪到他于1908年至1920年征服了伦敦文学界的经历。Moody整理了Pound令人惊愕的诗歌集、散文和信件,还加上了有条理、有洞察力的评论。他帮助我们用一种新的眼光来读诗,比如下面这首著名的、令人难以忘怀的19音节俳句:




Ford Madox Ford在这个傲慢的美国年轻人到达伦敦后不久就和他成了好朋友,Ford说:“Ezra常踏着舞步过来,而且还用拐杖与假想敌激战,为自己开路。他常穿绿色的呢绒裤,粉色上衣,蓝色衬衫,打一条一个日本朋友手绘的领带,戴一顶特大的宽边帽,火红的胡须修到只剩下一点,还戴着一只很大的蓝色耳环。”W. B. Yeats的简单评价是:“没有更年轻的一代诗人了,Ezra Pound是座孤独的火山。”



Not all modern observers of Byzantium have been so willing to associate the city on the Bosphorus with universalism or cultural breadth. While Byzantium's rating has risen recently, it has not entirely shaken off the criticisms dished out in the 18th and 19th centuries, including the devastating verdict of William Lecky, an Irish historian, who in 1869 described the Byzantine empire as “the most thoroughly base and despicable form that civilisation has yet assumed”.

Even Byzantium's modern defenders have tended to set out their case in qualified terms, stressing the empire's relationship to other historical developments. Some see it as a connecting line between classical antiquity and the modern world; others, particularly those who think that civilisations are doomed perpetually to clash, stress the empire's role as a bulwark against Islam, without which Europe as a whole would have turned Muslim. Others again see it as a catalyst for the European Renaissance, especially after Hellenic talent was freed from Byzantine dogmatism.

Judith Herrin, a professor at King's College London, sets out to show that there are far better reasons to study and admire the civilisation that flourished for more than a millennium before the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, and whose legacy is still discernible all over southeast Europe and the Levant. She presents Byzantium as a vibrant, dynamic, cosmopolitan reality which somehow escaped the constraints of its official ideology. For example, despite the anti-Semitism of the empire's public discourse and theology, its complex, diversified economy could hardly have functioned without the 30-plus Jewish communities that Benjamin of Tudela, a 12th-century rabbi, described.

Ms. Herrin also shows that there was a fluid and perpetually evolving relationship between the competing influences of classical Greek learning, Greek Christianity and popular Byzantine culture. She pays particular attention to the powerful female voices that emerged from Byzantium: not just pious ladies who wrote saints' lives and hymns (including one breathtaking piece of sensual, almost erotic religious poetry) but the sophisticated political history that was penned by Anna Komnene, a frustrated would-be empress of the 12th century.

Ms. Herrin will certainly win over some sceptics. But it will remain the case that more people are drawn to Byzantine civilisation through its dazzling art and architecture than by its literature. In August 2006, for example, more than 1,000 academic specialists on Byzantium converged on London for a week-long conference. The success of the quinquennial event was a sign that Byzantine studies are flourishing in almost every corner of the world. But it is a reasonable bet that, whatever they ultimately studied, these scholars were first drawn to the Byzantine world by gazing in wonder at an icon or a frescoed church rather than by perusing the pages of Anna Komnene.

The brilliance of Byzantine art is proof enough that something extraordinary happened on the Bosphorus. And this brilliance remained undimmed even when the empire's geopolitical fortunes were collapsing. Snobbish Western classicists who called Byzantium a poor substitute for ancient Greece may have missed the point. True, the Byzantine world was weighed down by deference to classical Greek models. But that charge could also be laid against the pedagogues who used to dominate the study of the humanities in the Western world. Right now, Byzantine history is in vogue at many universities while old-fashioned classical studies are struggling to hold their own.

1. Modern observers and defenders do not highly praise Byzantium's culture because _____.

[A] the civilizations of the empire were short of universalism or cultural breadth

[B] William Lecky, who is the leading figure of the Byzantium's study, depreciated the culture of Byzantium greatly

[C] criticisms against the Byzantium in the history biased people

[D] Byzantium's culture was completely devastated in the 18th and 19th centuries

2. The example by Herrin in the third paragraph may prove that _____.

[A] the civilization of Byzantium is worth of studying and admiring

[B] Byzantium' civilization had flourished a much longer time than people usually perceive it and such influence has been neglected

[C] to some extent, it is not necessary to relate Byzantium the city with the whole empire's public discourse and theology


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