复习内容《简明英语语言学教程》导学手册 程可拉主编(10)
本站小编 网络资源/2015-07-10
Morphological and syntactic changes also take place in progress, for example, change in “agreement” rule, in negation rule, process of simplification, loss of inflections, etc.
4. Vocabulary Change 词汇变化
Vocabulary change can include: addition of new words, loss of words and changes in the meaning of words.
4.1 Addition of New Words 增加新词
a) Coinage 创新词
A new word can be coined or invented outright to fit some purpose, e.g.
dacron koda xerox
b) Clipped Words 缩略词
Clipping refers to the abbreviation of longer words or phrases, e.g.
gym (gymnastics) fridge (refrigerator) disco (discotheque)
c) Blending 紧缩法
A blend is a word formed by combining parts of other words, e.g.
smog (smoke+fog) motel (motor+hotel) flurry (flutter+hurry)
d) Acronyms 词首字母缩略词
Acronyms are words derived from the initials of several words, e.g.
Radar (Radio detecting and ranging) U.S.A (the United States of America)
e) Back-formation 逆生成法
New words may be coined from already existing words by “subtracting” an affix thought to be part of the old word, e.g.
Edit (derived from editor)
f) Functional Shift 功能转移
Words may shift from one part of speech to another without the addition of affixes, e.g.
g) Borrowing 借用
When cultures come into contact, words are often “borrowed” from one language to another, e.g.
education (from Latin) cycle (from Greek) question (from French)
4.2 Loss of Words 词的消失
The loss of words takes place gradually over the course of several generations. One of the most common causes for the loss of lexical items is the discontinuation of the object they name.
4.3 Widening of Meaning 词义的扩大
When the meaning of a word becomes broader, that word means everything it used to mean, and then some more, e.g.
holiday holy day [specific] any rest day [general]
tail the tail of a horse [specific] the tail of any animal [general]
4.4 Narrowing of Meaning 词义的缩小
In the course of several generations, semantic change has narrowed the meaning of a word to what it is in Modern English, e.g.
deer any animal [general] a particular species [specific]
meat food [general] edible part of an animal [specific]
5. Some Recent Trends 最近变化的趋势
5.1 Moving towards Greater Informality 倾向非正式化
Since the last war there has been a trend towards much greater informality of expression. Most people will agree that this trend towards greater informality in the use of the written word is to be welcomed rather than deplored.
5.2 The Influence of American English 美国英语的影响
For many years American English has been assaulting the British Isles with ever-increasing weight and persistence, through films, magazines, radio and television.
5.3 The Influence of Science and Technology 科学与技术的影响
As science and technology develop, they use new words to express new concepts and new techniques as well as new inventions; and they have developed more rapidly during the last 30 years.
I. Match each of the following terms in column A with one of the appropriate definitions in column B:
Column A Column B
1. Coinage A. New words may be coined from already existing words by
“subtracting” an affix thought to be part of the old word
2. Blending B. Clipping refers to the abbreviation of longer words or phrases.
3. back-formation C. Acronyms are words derived from the initials of several words.
4. borrowing D. When cultures come into contact, words are often “borrowed” from
one language to another.
5. clipping E. A new word can be coined or invented outright to fit some purpose.
6. acronyms F. A blend is a word formed by combining parts of other words.
7. functional shift G. Words may shift from one part of speech to another without the
addition of affixes
II. Explain each of the following terms in no more than 50 words:
1. semantic change 2. Sound change 3. Vocabulary change
III.Develop the topic into a 200-word essay:
1. Some recent trends of language change
VIII. Language and Society 语言与社会
1. The Scope of Sociolinguistics 社会语言学的范围
1.1 Indications of Relatedness between Language and Society 语言与社会关系的标示
Certain linguistic phenomena cannot be accounted for unless they are related to society. In other words, social factors cannot be excluded in our description of language.
An obvious indication of the inter-relationship between language and society is the fact that language is not always used to exchange information as is generally assumed, but rather it is sometimes used to fulfil an important social function-to maintain social relationship between people.
Another indication is that users of the same language in a sense all speak differently. The kind of language each of them chooses to use is in part determined by his social background.
To some extent, language, especially the structure of its lexicon, reflects both the physical and the social environments of a society.
As a social phenomenon language is closely related to the structure of the society in which it is used, and the evaluation of a linguistic form is entirely social.
1.2 Sociolinguistics vs. Traditional Linguistic Studies 社会语言学与传统语言学研究
Sociolinguistics relates linguistics study to society.
Traditionally linguistic study emphasizes the study of the rules which govern the formation of language. Its aim is to discover the structure of language.
Saussure proposed the classic distinction between langue and parole. “Parole” is the realization of the language system in speech.
Chomsky proposed the theory of competence and performance. Competence is an ideal language user’s knowledge of his language, and performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in utterances.
1.3 Two Approaches in Sociolinguistics 社会语言学的两种研究方法
a) Macro-sociolinguistics 宏观社会语言学
We can look at society as a whole and consider how language functions in it and how it reflects the social differentiations.
b) Micro-sociolinguistics 微观社会语言学
The other approach is to look at society from the point of view of an individual member within it.
2. Varieties of Language 语言的变体
It is an obvious fact that people who claim to be users of the same language do not speak the language in the same manner. The language used by the same individual varies as circumstances vary. The varieties of a language are actual manifestations of the general notion of the language and they are assumed to be related both to the language user and to the use to which language is put. Varieties related to the user are known as dialects and varieties related to use as registers.
香港浸会大学 中国文学、语言及文化文学 研究生专业介绍 目录 香港浸会大学中国文学、语言及文化文学课程主任对话 3 香港浸会大学中国文学、语言及文化文学主要课程设置 6 香港浸会大学中国文学、语言及文化文学基本要求 6 香港浸会大学中国文学、语言及文化文学课程主任对话 对话课程主任: 谈到攻读 ...香港留学 本站小编 网络资源 2015-07-06香港浸会大学语言研究文学研究生专业介绍
香港浸会大学 语言研究文学 研究生专业介绍 目录 香港浸会大学语言研究文学课程主任对话 3 香港浸会大学语言研究文学主要课程设置 6 香港浸会大学语言研究文学入学基本要求 7 香港浸会大学语言研究文学课程主任对话 对话课程主任: 语言研究文学硕士课程是香港浸会大学最早通过严格审核系统的授课式课 ...香港留学 本站小编 网络资源 2015-07-06华中师范大学2014-2004语言学考研真题合集
初试真题 华中师范大学2004年语言学真题 华中师范大学 二零零五年研究生入学考试试题 招生专业:语言学及应用语言学、汉语言文字学 研究方向:所有方向 考试科目及代码:理论语言学327 考试时间:元月11日上午 一 填空(30分) 1、语言的本质功能是( )和( )。共同语是( ),亲属语是( ), ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-07-062015北京语言大学考研文字学初试真题(回忆版)
2015年北语考研现代汉语716 一、分别用汉语拼音和严氏音标标音(标原调),并根据四呼给韵母分类。 为中华之崛起而读书 二、举例说明普通话儿化音变的类型。 三、对于词的理性意义,有义素分析法,还有其他的分析方法吗?请举例说明。并分析下列 几组词。 1、 教师:的专业人员。 学生:的人。 2、 入境:进入国境线 ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-07-012010年中国传媒大学语言学考研真题
2010年中国传媒大学语言学考研真题 一用国际音标给下列汉字注音。 我们特别需要一批能够仰望星空的人 二名词解释 1鼻化音2哈里迪3语言的社会变体4亲属语言5意音文字 三分析(空白语) 1 a.我们打算再写一篇。2 a.我劝他不要来。 b.我们同意再写一篇。b.我也找点东西吃。 c.我们允许再写一篇。 3歧义结构 a.孩子在火车 ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-06-282009年中国传媒大学语言学概论考研真题
2009年中国传媒大学语言学概论考研真题 一。名词解释 1克里奥尔语2能指3语言的地域变体4历史比较语言学5.借源文字 二。分析题 1给了几个词语让你分析韵腹的变体(实际上考的就是A音位的变体) 2用层次分析法划分句子(记不清了,比较基础) 3歧义句小王讲故事很有趣连校长都不认识 4 5义素分析椅子沙发凳子草垫 三。 ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-06-27考研:英语专业语言学方向的复习策略
1.请问关于考英语专业语言学方向的研究生有没有什么建议,相关参考数目都买了,但是不知道从何下手,求指点。 答:同学可以这样安排: 一阶基础复习规划(3月-6月份):英语:掌握大纲要求的词汇及短语,全面复习语法,争取语法无盲点;政治:掌握基本的复习方法,了解政治知识 体系及考 点。毛特、马哲、近现代核 ...专业课考研经验 本站小编 跨考教育 2015-06-222015年华中师范大学语言所汉语国际教育复试真题
综合面试问题: 1. 什么是格?汉语的格和日语的格有什么不一样?(这位同学的二外是日语) 2. 辨析万万和千万 3. 什么是部首?什么是偏旁?二者有何区别? 4. 睡是不是及物动词?为什么会有沙发睡小孩这种说法?这 ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-06-09湖南师范大学2014-2009年语言综合713考研真题
2009年 语言综合713 一、术语 解释(30分) 1.联绵词 2.粘连 3.异体字 4.音训 5.亲属语言 6.历史比较法 二、分析(30分) 1.用 层次 分析法 分析 下面 的 短语,要求 标出 层次 和 结构 关系。 ①我们 三人 一组 ②月色 下 的 黄河 更 显得 宽阔、寂寥 2.用 下列 句子 的 例子 解释 其中 加 着重号 词语 的 ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-06-082012华中师范大学外院语言学与应用语言学复试试题回忆
2012华师外院语言学与应用语言学复试试题回忆 Ⅰ语言学(选择题)(15%) 1.the definition of displacement 2.phatic function 3.blending(构词法) 4.foot of the mountain(好像是问修辞类的,记不太清了,选项好像有semantic,metaphorical) 5.the meaning given in the dictionary is()。 6.what the ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-06-01