
本站小编 免费考研网/2015-02-26

The visitors coming and going are so numerous.
He is a person revered and beloved.
In many countries, word spoken are different from words written.
Those remaining had to wait two days more.
Virtue is a thing unseen.
He is like one charmed.
All involved will be sent to jail.
The point controverted is insignificant.
This is the most difficult job known.
He is the fattest man living
The chief (or only, one) guest invited was me.
This is the only chance left.
We welcomed every client (or all clients) coming.
Every man arriving received a gift.
I will stay here for the time being.
We danced for two days running.
They were at daggers drawn.
I know the bank concerned.
The votes cast represent their opinion.
There is 20 dollars remaining.
Fish thus (or so) cooked is delicous.
Money thus (or so) earned is money stolen.
7/如果分词是某些特定的词 (这时分词也可以放在名词前面):
He is a poet born (or born poet)
He is a novelist born and bred (or a born and bred novelist).
An artist born and brought up (or a born and brought up artist ) must be different from an ordinary man.
The terms above-metioned (or -cited, -specified,-said, -named) should be carried out.
The person before- (or afore-) metioned died in 1950.
The expected visitor came in the year following at the time appointed.
It is a question puzzling (=that puzzles) many people.
(带有宾语)(比较:It is a puzzling question.)
He was a businessman growing(=that grew ) rich in recent years.
(带有补语)(比较:He is a growing boy.)
The gentleman talking (=who is talking ) so loudly is my uncle.
(带有副词) (比较:Can you read her talking eyes?)
The lady visiting (=who visited) us from time to time taught us French. (带有副词短语)
The girl coming to learn music is only siz years old. (带有不定式作状语)
"Anybody getting up as soon as the cock crows will be rewarded," said my father. (带有状语从句)
过去分词短语也必须放在所修饰的名词后面,它相当于一个被包含有被动谓语的定语从句,这个谓语可以是完成时态,也可以是一般时态。 若分词是被动进行形式(即由being开头的短语),这个谓语又可以是进行时态。
Dogs cruelly treated (=which have been cruelly treated ) will be vicious. (带有副词)
The woman abandoned (=who had been abandoned) by her husband called on me one day. (带有副词短语)
I drink water boiled (=which has been boiled) at least ten minutes.
Book called (=that are called ) the comics may be harmful to children. (带有补语)
Boys disciplined (=who are disciplined) when they are yong will become good citizens. (带有状语从句)
I shall study the subject being studied (=which is being studied) by so many students. (带有being)
The text-book being used (=which is being used) in this school is "Let Us Learn French".
The news as arriving (=The news as it arrives, Such news as arrives( today is not believable. (There may be different news).
The results as proclaimed (=The results as they have been proclaimed, Such results as have been proclaimed) in today's newspaper are encouraging.
His ability as displayed during the last three months was inadequate.
I will tell you a story as told by my mother.
It is interesting (or charming, astonishing, exciting).(这些表示情绪的现在分词这里用作纯粹的形容词,尽管看起来像谓语动词,却不是谓语动词。)
He was interested (or charmed, astonished,excited). 这些表示情绪的过去分词,这里也是用作纯粹的形容词。)
She is very (or greatly) delighted (or disgusted, concerned, pleased). (带有表示程度的副词)
He felt interested (or charmed, astonished, excited, annoyed, assured ).
He appears (or seems ) pretending (or sparing, unthinking, grasping, forbidding).
It looks decayed (or withered, rotten, sunken).
He remains unsatisfied; the matter remains unsettled and untouched.
His illness continued unchanged.
He became excited (or discouraged).
He got scolded.
He grew tired of life.
The situation proves encouraging.
I saw(宾补动词) him(宾语) running(现在分词作宾补) off. (=I saw(及物动词) that he was running or ran(谓语动词) off)
I found(宾补动词) those people(宾语) working(现在分词) hard. (=I found(及物动词) that those people were working or worked(谓语动词) hard.)
They heard her singing.
Did you notice that fellow stealing it?
I saw the thief caught by policemen. (=I saw that the thief was caught by the policemen.)
Do your own yourself defeated?(=Do you own that you have been defeated?)
He declared himself satisfied.
I must see everything done properly.
I found everything changed.
He left his children playing in the street.
The joke set all of them laughing.
They must keep the pot boiling.
I have kept you waiting a long time.
He sent the ball flying.
They caught him doing evil.
I can't make myself understood.
His actions make him respected, but not his words.
I have a house built on the mountain.
Please get thie luggage carried into the room.
分词也可由being 开始:
He watched the pictures being hung on the wall.
I found myself being looked after by ten servants. (=I found that I was being looked after by ten servants.)
He described the city as expressing the modern idea of speed.
He quoted Confucius as saying this.
He recorded the movement as beginning a new era.
He accepted me as having seen much of the world.
The results show their lessons as having been neglected.
He looked upon the accident as being caused by a grave misunderstanding.
The story was told as having happened to himself.
An old man was represented as standing among his sons.
I was given a dictionary as being the best students.
Gasping and excited(作状语的分词),Richard aroused suspicion. (=Because he gasped and was excited, Richard aroused suspicion.)
Gasping and excited(作解释性修饰语的分词),Richard arrived home. (Approximately=Richard gasped and was excited when he arived home;或Richard gasped and was excited, and thus he arrived home.)
Not seen by anyone(作状语的分词),David stole the watch. (=As he was not seen by anyone, David stole the watch)
Not seen by anyone(), David ran past. (Approxinately=David was not seen by anyone when he ran past;或David was not seen by anyone, and thus he ran past.)
Shivering and greatly ashamed, Lilian lowered her head.
Starving, John wandered about.
Kneeling and shutting her eyes, Mary prayed to the goddess.
Bleeding and fainting, he waited for the ambulance.
Closing the door, he shut out the beggar.
Shouting aloud, he called to me.
Walking along the bank, the poet sang a sorrowful song.
Dressed in while, she suddenly appeared.
Supported by his sons, the old man came out.
Richard,gasping and excited, arrived home.
David, not seen by anyone, ran past.
Mary, kneeling and shutting her eyes, prayed to the goddess.(只有主语为名词时,分词才可放在它后面,如果是代词,譬如说he,就不能放在这个位置.)



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