本站小编 免费考研网/2015-02-26
The trembling criminal hung his head.
Do you see the floating bridge there?
She is a doting mother.
The existing situation will last some years.
In the field are nodding trees, murmuring rivulets, smiling flowers, singing birds, swimming ducks and playing children.
He is an uncompromising diplomat.
It proves futile in spite of all untiring efforts.
This upright man always takes an unswerving course.
It is an unavailing plot.
There is an undying friendship between them.
It is a charming story=It is a story that charms us (me,you or anyone).
We have an encouraging prospect. =We have a prospect that encourages us.
This exciting experience made him sleepless. =This experience, which excited him, made him sleepless.
It is an interesting (or surprising, amazing, moving, entertaining, affecting ) story.
He has a puzzling problem to solve.
In the forest there happened a shocking (or frightening ) case of murder.
Her fascinating eyes and her tempting mouth put you in a reverie.
It is a misleading statement, a deceiving promise.
An unconvincing rumor spread over the city.
有少数及物动词的分词,它们的意义上的宾语也不说出, 却是指‘物’的,这时要经过琢磨才知道宾语是什么:
It is an arresting sight (=a sight that arrests somebody's attention), an imploring look (=a look that implores somebody's help), a revealing story (= a story that reveals things hidden or kept secret), a deserving cause (=a cause that deserves sympathy or help).
He is a grasping attorney (an attorney who are eager to grasp money).
A knowing man (=a man who knows all the secret),
an understanding man (a man who understands others' feelings),
a forbidding headmaster (=a headmaster who forbids others to approach or to like him),
a loving father (=a father who loves children or others),
a promising youth (a youth who promises to suceed),
a designing businessman (=a bisinessman who designs some intrigues),
an unfeeling judge (=judge who feels no sympathy),
an unforgiving father (=a father who does not forgive any fault),
an unthinking playboy(=a playboy who does not think of the consequences)
an unsparing housewife (=housewilfe who does not spare money),
an unassuming scholar (=a scholar who does not assume importance),
an unpretending manager (=a manager who does not pretend importance).
He is an honoured abd respected professor (=professor who is honoued and respected).
We live in a crowded area.
The oppressed natons are beginning to rise.
The persecuted patriot hid himself in the jungle.
I drink boiled water (=water that has been boiled before, but is no more boiled and is free from germs now ).
There are many trained nurses (=nurses who have been trained before, but are efficient now) in this hospital.
Don't tread on the broken glass (=glass that has been broken before, but may hurt somebody's feet now).
Used cars cost cheaper than new ones.
There are thousands of wounded soldiers in this lost battle.
He is a qualified teacher.
His honesty is a proven fact.
I like frozen fruit.
This is the tomb of forgotten heroes.
How hot is molten iron?
It is said the devil has cloven hoofs.
Some drunken sailors are fighting in the street.
Do you see the hidden meaning of this letter?
driven snow, woven thread, sawn timber, hewn timber, a sunken cheek, shrunken clothes, a rotten egg, a shorn lamb, a gaven image, a terror-stricken child, a down-trodden people, ill-gotten money, a swollen face, a carven image, his broken promise.
"That is an unfounded rumour." "No, it is an undoubted fact."
There are unnumbered (or untold) crimes in this small city.
The enemy suddenly attacked this unguarded city.
His unaffected (or unfeigned) manners make me love him.
A rich man has to hear unearned praise from time to time.
What is the most important thing for an underdeveloped country?
That is an unheard-of (=extraordinary) case of murder.
He bacame the owner of undreamt-of wealth.
An unlooked-for (=unexpected) love letter came to me this morning.
An unwished-for (or unhoped-for )(=undesirable ) accident happened to me.
Nobody can stand this uncalled-for (=unnecessary and improper) insult.
This is a celebrated city.
This is the most noted (=famous) mounain inJapan.
He is a confirmed pickpocket (=pickpocket who is unlikely to be changed).
He is a past-master (=one who has much experience) in deceit.
He will suffer for his ill-advised (=unwise) action.
I have never seen such a beautiful place in my born days (=in my lifetime).
大多数过去分词都有被动意思,例如 the unforgotten hero 的意思是 the hero that has been forgotten,又如 boiled water的意思是water that has been boiled. 但有少数过去分词却有主动意思,它们甚至起及物动词作用,可以有一个说不出的宾语。例如 a drunken sailor 意思是a sailor who has drunk too much liquor.
A learned scholar (=A scholar who has leanred very mush ) usually looks silly.
Experienced men (=Men who have experienced a lot) in this matter are not numerous.
A practised man (=A man who has often practised doing this) can do more than a greenhorn.
These cultivated people (=These people, who have cultivated their minds ) are my good friends.
The king loves his devoted subjects (=his subjects, who devotes themselves to him ).
A dissipated youth (=A youth who dissipates his time and money ) will ruin himself.
Is a contented man (=a man who contents himself with what he has ) always happy?
The mistaken traveller has had a narrow escape.
They declared him to be a traitor.
They proved the statement to be false.
He professed himself to be a scientist.
This is the reputed scene (= the place which is reputed to be the scene ) of robbery.
John is the supposed father (=the man who is supposed to be the father) of this child.
He is an avowed member (= a man who has avowed himself to be a member ) of this party.
He is a professed scientist.
The confessed (or admitted ) thief was sent to prison.
A retired official (=An official who has retired or is retired) lives next door.
He is a returned student (=a student who has returned from abroad).
The decayed tooth should be pulled off.
A married man is more stable in character than a bachelor.
Thousands of people mourned for the deceased actress.
Both fading and faded flowers were blown about in the strong wind.
Here and there were decaying or decayed leaves.
We see changing and changed modes of life every year and every day.
abdicted emperor, obsconed debtor, aged poet, arrived guest, assembled company, eloped pair, escaped prisoner, failed candidate, fallen angel, fled robber, perjured witness, travelled writter
departed glories, expired lease, foregone conclusion, mouldered temple, risen sun, rotten fruit, shrunken clothes, sunken rocks, vanished civilization, withered leaves, well-read and well-behaved young man, plain-spoken politician, free-spoken man, full-grown girl, full-blown roses
I want to know the person coming (=who comes or is coming)
Who were the people participating (=who participated )?
I went into the room adjoining---and saw something I can't tell.
No man living can do that.
I went to meet her at the plane indicated (=which had been indicated).
They threw into prison all the persons all the persons suspected (=who were suspected).
The prisioner acquitted went home directly.
The matter being investgiated (=that is being investigated) is a military secret.
The work being done (=that was being done ) prevented his from going.
The money spent, the day appointed, the fact alleged, the reason given, the plan suggested, the party interested, the guests invited.
2015年西北大学翻译硕士考研真题 357翻译基础真题 一、 1,ISNB 2,UNESCO 3,CBR 4,CAD 5,CBS 6,R.S.V.P. 7, 8, 9,buddhist scripture 10,常务委员会 member 11,unrevertable L/C 12,the Home News for Oversea Service 13, 14, 15, 16,教学育人 17,幼主 18, 19, 20, 21,甲骨文 22,拦路虎 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,申诉方 28, 29, 30,世界纪录保持者 二、英译汉是关于原始社会,奴隶社会,封建社会的上等级与下等级的关系的,反映资本主义与农民的关系 汉译英是某小说的一段,写的是下大雨了,车夫们跑的很快,,,,,黑夜里,他们走在路上像是在墨水画里一样,,, 2015年西北大学翻译硕士考研真题 448汉语写作与百科知识 1.生产力 2. ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-02-24湖南科技大学2012翻译硕士复试考研真题回忆版
012年湖南科技大学翻译硕士研究生复试经验详谈 初试相信大家都已经看了招生简章,在这里我就不详谈了。今年湖南科技大学升了一本,往后的试题难度肯定会加大,有意向的同学要加油了。 至于复试,翻译硕士的复试分为笔试和面试。4月3号才出复试名单,然后4月9号复试报名,4月10号下午考的笔试。 笔试又分为听力和翻译两大部分。今年的试题比较难,特别是听力,没有那种选择题,都是播一遍短文,然后回答问题,都是以小问题的形式出现,还有一个部分是听一篇短文,然后挖空,填单词和几个句子。这个部分播了三遍。翻译部分就是汉译英和英译汉两部分。都是那种文言文形式的句子,例如要你翻译学而不思者罔,思而不学则殆之类的搭哲 ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-02-232015海南大学MTI翻译硕士考研真题回忆
海南大学MTI真题回忆 百科知识与汉语写作 150分 一、名词解释 20个,2.5分/个,共50分 ( 给出5篇短文,解释短文中划线的词语) 短文一:释文 韵文 兴 意境 短文二:(是一篇古文) 晚学 牒 脩 ( ) 短文三:总和刑期 拘役 管制 有期徒刑 短文四:文艺复兴 神曲 中世纪 拉丁文 短文五:奥林匹克运动 工业革命 五大洲 顾拜旦 二、应用文 40分 450字 假设你是海口A公司的总经理助理张小天,三亚B公司10月份从你公司采购了30台光明牌计算机。11月3日你收到了来自B公司副总王强的商务函,说这次采购的电脑有 3台计算机出现不同程度的质量问题,希望A公司尽快处理。来函日期11月1日。 请你写一份回函,4 ...专业课考研资料 海南大学 2015-02-082015中国科学院大学翻译硕士真题回忆
中国科学院大学翻译硕士真题回忆 翻译基础 Roi AIIC 混合所有制经济,国家公祭日,OECD,TPP,fast flowing of consumer goods,求同存异,thinking tank,grand slam(大满贯),GMO,简政放权,FTA Memorandum of Understanding,initial public offering ,节能减排,出口配额,文化逆差,市场平衡,套取科研经费,Kyoto Protocol,zhanzhong non-performing loan,trade barrier ,M A 百科名词解释 马尔撒斯 老龄化社会 劳动年龄人口 人口红利 千年目标 9.11 蒙娜丽莎 卢浮宫 雅典娜 文艺复兴 圣律铭 APEC 世界银行 首席执行官 基本面 通货紧缩 量化宽松 美联储 次贷危机 ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-02-08翻译硕士考试大纲和复习参考书梳理
1.翻译硕士英语 (1)大纲。 ①考试目的。 翻译硕士英语作为全日制翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)入学考试的外国语考试,其目的是考查考生是否具备进行MTI学习所要求的外语水平。 ②性质及范围。 本考试是一种测试应试者单项和综合语言能力的尺度参照性水平考试。考试范围包括MTI考生应具备的外语词汇量、语法知识以及外语阅读与写作等方面的技能。 ③基本要求。 a。具有良好的外语基本功,认知词汇量在10 000以上,掌握6 000个以上(以英语为例)的积极词汇,即能正确而熟练地运用常用词汇及其常用搭配。 b。能熟练掌握正确的外语语法、结构、修辞等语言规范知识。 c。具有较强的阅读理解能力和外语写作能力。 (2)考试解析。 ...翻译硕士 本站小编 跨考教育 2014-12-132013年北京第二外国语学院英语翻译硕士考研心得及复习方法
去年曾经发过一篇南开学硕英语语言文学的失败心得帖,今年再次来到论坛,是想给再战或者一战的学弟学妹们打打气,坚持住,你就会 ...专业课考研经验 本站小编 免费考研网 2014-08-122013四川外语学院翻译硕士口译初试经验
首先介绍一下个人情况:高中理科,本科是二流二本院校英语专业,四级 550+,六级 490+,专四 60+,过了中级口译,报考的是四川外 ...专业课考研经验 本站小编 免费考研网 2014-08-102013年中南大学翻译硕士考研经验总结
我于2013年参加了研究生考试,成功考上了中南大学的翻译硕士口译专业,考试期间,论坛里各位学姐学长的经验分享给我提供了很多帮 ...专业课考研经验 本站小编 免费考研网 2014-08-102013南京大学日语翻译硕士考研初试经验分享
先报一下成绩:总分386,政治67,翻译硕士日语82,日语翻译基础134,百科知识与汉语写作103。这里要先说一下,南大没有指定参考书 ...专业课考研经验 本站小编 免费考研网 2014-08-102013年北京科技大学翻译硕士(口译)考研三跨经验
写这个经验贴有点忐忑,因为写经验贴的都是牛人,我跟他们还差得很远,而且学习方法因人而异,我在备考过程中就发现很多前辈的方 ...专业课考研经验 本站小编 免费考研网 2014-08-10