
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-05-26

54.Malformation (畸形) -is a morphologic defect of an organ, part of an organ, or a larger region of the body from an abnormal developmental process.


55.Disruption (破裂) -is a morphologic defect of an organ, part of an organ, or a larger region of the body resulting from breakdown of, or an interference with, an originally normal development process.

56.Deformation (变形) -is an abnormal form, shape, or position of a part of the body caused by mechanical forces.

57.Dysplasia (发育异常) -abnormal growth of a particular tissue.

58.Epistatic effect(上位效应): 影响同一性状的两对非等位基因,其中一对基因(显性或隐性的)抑制(或掩盖)另一对显性基因的作用时所表现的遗传效应。 即一对基因显性基因的表现受到另一对非等位基因的作用,这种非等位基因间的抑制或遮掩作用叫上位效应。起抑制作用的基因称为上位基因,被抑制的基因称为下位基因。(1) 显性上位:一对基因中的显性基因阻碍了其他对基因的作用。(2) 隐性上位:一对隐性基因对另一对基因起阻碍作用时叫隐性上位。

59.Tag SNPs:指能够代表某一基因组区域的所有SNPs的最小子集,它们在群体内相互连锁。Tag SNPs非常有用,因为最小子集的SNPs的等位基因组成的单倍体能够代表这一区域内所有的单倍型。

60.HapMap: A set of haplotypes, defined by tag SNPs, distributed throughout the genome, used for association studies.

61.二代测序技术 massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technology OR next-generation sequencing OR second-generation sequencing OR high-throughput sequencing

62.Translational medicine:  An effort to carry scientific knowledge "from bench to bedside," translational medicine builds on basic research advances - studies of biological processes using cell cultures, for example, or animal models - and uses them to develop new therapies or medical procedures.

Ⅱ.Answer questions  ( 60 points )(注意任选5题,请勿多选):


1.What are the effects of disease-causing mutations on function of gene product?

a)   Loss of function

b)   Gain of function

c)   Acquisition of novel property

d)   Abnormal expression: heterochronic(wrong time) or ectopic (wrong place)

2. How to identify and confirm a disease-causing gene?

a) Disease gene can be identified by 2 major approaches: positional cloning and candidate gene

b) Disease gene can be confirmed by segregation analysis, functional assay and animal study.

3. What are the major types of Genetic Defects?

•    Somatic cell genetic defects 体细胞

•    Multifactorial and polygenic defects 多因素和多基因=complex disorders

•    Chromosomal genetic defects 染色体

•    Mitochondrial genetic defects  线粒体

•    Monogenic defects 单基因缺陷=single-gene defects




4. What are the 4P’s medicine?

a)      personal, 个人

b)     predictive  预测

c)      preventive 预防

    D)  participatory 参与性

5. What are the indications for prenatal genetic diagnosis? Why?产前诊断











6. Goals of Clinical Molecular Genetics

•    Accurate diagnosis

•    Precise classification

•    Elucidation of basic defect

•    Prevention

•    Effective therapy

7.principles of prenatal diagnosis 产前诊断的途径:

(1)孕早期绒毛取材(chorionic villus sampling, CVS)


(2)孕中期羊膜腔穿刺(Amniocentesis, AM)




 胎儿血取材(fetal blood sampling,FBS)



(4)母血胎儿细胞分离   对母儿均无伤害,但分离技术尚不完善,目前未进入临床应用

