
本站小编 福瑞考研网/2017-04-15

Most of machine parts are mass produced.
大多数机器零件是批量生产的。(mass 修饰 produced)
Several cutters are arbor mounted on the spindle of a milling machine.
铣床主轴上可借助刀杆装上几把铣刀。(arbor 修饰 mounted)
机械工程专业英语文献阅读之五  The Strength of Mechanical Elements 1
One of the primary considerations in designing any
machine or structure is that the strength must be
sufficiently greater than the stress to assure both safety
and reliability. To assure that mechanical parts do not
fail in service, it is necessary to learn why they
sometimes do fail. Then we shall be able to relate the
stresses with the strengths to achieve safety.
Ideally, in designing any machine element, the 
Engineer should have at his disposal the results of a
great many strength tests of the particular material
机械工程专业英语文献阅读之五  Words Learning
considerations  考虑,意见,需要考虑的事项
Safety is the most important consideration in choosing a car.
We will give your proposal consideration.
Time is a very important consideration in this case.
strength  普通词义:力, 力量, 力气, 实力;专业词义:强度
Earning money to support his mother is the source of his strength. 挣钱赡养母亲是他力量的源泉。
The strength of this frame depends on designing structure .
机械工程专业英语文献阅读之五  Words Learning
reliability  可靠性
All mechanical parts on car should make the reliability trials.
in service  使用中,运行中
A good maintenance makes the machine in good service.
This new optical device will put in service next week.
relate …with   使…联系,  使…与…发生关系,
Every one should learn how to relate himself with others. 
achieve  完成,达到,取得成功
He achieved because he was a hard worker.
机械工程专业英语文献阅读之五  The Strength of Mechanical Elements 1
These tests should have been made on specimens having the same heat treatment, surface finish, and size as the element he proposes to design; and the tests should be made under exactly the same loading conditions as the part will experience in service. This means that, if the part is to experience a bending load, it should be tested with a bending load. If it is to be subjected to combined bending and torsion, it should be tested under combined bending and torsion. Such tests will provide very useful and precise information. They tell the engineer what factor of safety to use and what the reliability is for a given service life. Whenever such data are available for design purposes, the engineer can be assured that he is doing the best possible job of engineering.
机械工程专业英语文献阅读之五  Words Learning
be subjected to  受支配, 从属于, 可以...的, 经历,遭受
As a test these specimens were subjected to high temperature heat treatment.
precise  精确的, 准确的
To get a precise measurement, a precise instrument should be used.
factor  因素, 要素,系数
Safety factor is an main consideration in engineering design.
service life  使用寿命
Works often lubricate the machine for longer its service life. 
机械工程专业英语文献阅读之五  The Strength of Mechanical Elements 1
The cost of gathering such extensive data prior to design is justified if failure of the part may endanger human life, or if the part is manufactured in sufficiently large quantities. Automobiles and refrigerators, for example, have very good reliabilities because the parts are made in such large quantities that they can be thoroughly tested in advance of manufacture. The cost of making these tests is very low when it is divided by the total number of parts manufactured.
机械工程专业英语文献阅读之五  Words Learning
is justified  证明…是正确的 / 合理的 / 值得的
Such investment is justified on the result of productivity increasing.
You can’t justify yourself.
endanger  使遭到危险, 危及, 危害
Smoking  endangers person’s health. 
The metal pipes are endangered of corrosion in such a damp environment. 
The giant panda is an endangered species. (种)
机械工程专业英语文献阅读之五  Words Learning
in sufficiently large quantities  大量的,大批量的
The price of purchasing in sufficiently large quantities is much lower than by retail. 
in advance  提前,预先,在…之前
50% of  the payment should be made in advance after the contract put into force.
If any modification should be made an writing information should be submitted in advance to the Buyer .
机械工程专业英语文献阅读之五  The Strength of Mechanical Elements 1
You can now appreciate the following four design categories:
(1) Failure of the part would endanger human life, or the part is made in extremely large quantities; consequently, an elaborate testing program is justified during design.
(2) The part is made in large enough quantities so that a moderate series of tests is feasible.
(3) The part is made in such small quantities that testing is not justified at all; or the design must be completed so rapidly that there is not enough time for testing.
(4) The part has already been designed, manufactured, and tested and found to be unsatisfactory. Analysis is required to understand why the part is unsatisfactory and what to do to improve it.
机械工程专业英语文献阅读之五  Words Learning
appreciate   鉴赏, 感激,珍惜,评价, 鉴别
A musician can appreciate small differences in sounds.
A group of specialists appreciated the value of the design work.
consequently  因此,结局的, 跟着发生的
Operation system is malfunction consequently on a resistor element failure.
His long illness and consequent absence put him far behind in his work.
他因病缺席很久, 耽误了很多课程。
机械工程专业英语文献阅读之五  Words Learning
elaborate   完善(的), 精心制作(的), 详细阐述(的), 精细
Engineers made an elaborate plan for this project.
moderate    中等的, 适度的, 适中的
The workpiece on the machine is rotating at a moderate speed.
feasible  可行的,可用的
We should find a feasible method to solve these problems.
improve  改善, 提高, 改进
They adopt a new technology to improve the productivity. 
机械工程专业英语   作业  English in  Mechanical Engineering (home work)

6机械工程专业英语  第六课
翻译的基本方法 – 改变句子结构 Skills of Translation –transform sentence structure
(一) 转换为汉语主语
1. 状语译为主语
1) There be …结构:
There are different element in nature.
There are many reading rooms in our institute.
翻译的基本方法 – 改变句子结构 Skills of Translation –transform sentence structure
2) 原文句中状语在逻辑意义上说明主语时,原状语译为主语,原主语转为定语:
When water freezes, it becomes larger in volume.
The machine is lighter in weight and simple in structure.
There has been a decrease in our imports this year.
3) 被动语态句子中的地点状语及由by 和for引导的其它状语,往往可译为主语:
Within 3 years great advances have been made in our industry.
An engine is operated by a worker.
翻译的基本方法 – 改变句子结构 Skills of Translation –transform sentence structure
2. 定语译为主语:这种转换主要见于“there be +主语+介词”句型。


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