
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-04-05

External Balance   Performance goal in which the country's economy has an overall balance of payments that is sustainable over time.
External Economics  外部平衡Productivity gains and cost reductions that an individual firm reaps from the expansion of other firms in the same geographic area.
External Shocks   Sudden changes in international capital flows or in international trade.
Factor Abundance and Scarcity   A country is relatively abundant (scare) in some factor if the
FDI  对外直接投资
 Foreign direct investment. A flow of lending to, or purchase of ownership in, a foreign enterprise that is largely owned (at least 10 percent ownership, according to U.S. balance of payments accounts) by residents of the investing country. Direct investment implies full or partial control of the enterprise and, usually, physical presence by foreign firms or individuals in the host country.  对外直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment):简称FDI,是指企业以跨国经营的方式所形成的国际间资本转移.一般认为对外直接投资是一国投资者为取得国外企业经营管理上的有效控制权而输出资本,设备,技术和管理机能等无形资产的经济行为.

Fixed Exchange Rate  固定汇率A rate whose officially declared value is maintained by central bank intervention. (Also referred to as a pegged exchange rate.

Floating Exchange Rate ]浮动汇率  A rate whose value is determined purely by the market forces of supply and demand with no direct intervention of the central bank. (Also referred to as a flexible exchange rate.)

Foreign Exchange Market  外汇交易市场A computerized communications network embracing all the major financial centers in the globe, where sellers and buyers of any national money can quickly and efficiently carry out any desired currency exchange.
 FOREX(外汇交易)市场——银行同业市场,建立于1971年,当时国际贸易从固定汇率转向浮动汇率。从此,一种货币相对于另一种货币的汇率通常以显式的方式来表示——双方都同意的交换关系。 该市场的交易量超过了其它所有的。比如,每天全球有价证券市场的交易量大约为3000亿美元,而每天外汇交易量为1-3万亿美元。 不过,Forex并不是传统意义上的“市场”,它并没有像股票和期货那样有具体的交易场地。外汇交易是通过电话和电脑终端,在全球几百家银行间同时进行。
Foreign Investment国外投资   Lending to or purchasing ownership shares in a foreign enterprise largely owned and controlled by the investor (direct investment) or in a foreign enterprise not owned or controlled by the investor (portfolio investment).
Forward Exchange Contract外汇期货合同  An agreement to buy/sell a foreign currency for future delivery at a price set now (the "forward exchange rate").
Forward Exchange Rate  远期汇率The exchange rate applicable to foreign exchange transactions agreed upon today for later delivery (usually in 30, 90, or 180 days).
G-7 Countries  七国集团Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan and the United States. These countries first coordinated to intervene in exchange rate markets with the Plaza Accord in 1985. Sometimes referred to as G-8 when Russia is included. 第一次会议

同年7、8月间举行的欧安会最后阶段会议上,5国代表经过协商,同意召开西方主要工业国最高级会议,指出首脑会议议程"涉及世界经济危机的所有经济问题 "。9月底,5国最高级首脑会议筹备小组成立。10月初,在纽约举行的筹备小组会议决定邀请意大利参加。同年11月15-17日,第一次会议在法国的朗布依埃举行。
1991年7月,七国集团首脑会议第17次会议在伦敦举行。当时的英国首相梅杰作为东道主邀请前苏联总统戈尔巴乔夫前往伦敦,以客人身份与7国领袖见面,但无权出席会议。苏联解体之后,俄罗斯总统叶利钦成为七国首脑会议的"客人"或称"观察员"。但直到1994年7月,在那不勒斯举行的第20届首脑会议上,俄罗斯才获准参加政治问题的讨论,但仍然被排斥在关键会议的大门之外。从那时候起,这种"7+1"的模式一直保持到1997年第23届首脑会议上,这次会议除了一个小时的专门讨论财政金融问题的会议俄罗斯不参加之外,叶利钦和西方七国首脑一起讨论了全球的政治和经济问题。1998年在德国科隆举行的第23届首脑会议上,最终结束了"7+ 1"模式,俄正式成为会议的全权成员,八国集团首脑会议宣告定型。

Maastricht Treaty马斯特里赫特条约   An agreement ratified in 1993 in which the EU countries set in motion a process to create a monetary union and common currency. 《欧洲联盟条约》即《马斯特里赫特条约》,于1991年12月9-10日第46届欧洲共同体首脑会议在荷兰的马斯特里赫特(Maastricht)举行。经过两天辩论,通过并草签了《欧洲经济与货币联盟条约》和《政治联盟条约》,即《马斯特里赫特条约》。这一条约是对《罗马条约》的修订,它为欧共体建立政治联盟和经济与货币联盟确立了目标与步骤,是欧洲联盟成立的基础。

Mercantilism重商主义  A school of thought which was dominant in Europe (roughly in the 16th century through the 18th century). Mercantilism advocates trade restrictions through restriction of imports and expansion of exports so as to accumulate gold and foreign exchange. 重商主义(mercantilism,也称作“商业本位”,16至18世纪)。 重商主义是十八世纪在欧洲受欢迎的政治经济体制。它建立在这样的信念上:即一国的国力基于通过贸易的顺差--即出口额大于进口额--所能获得的财富。是封建主义解体之后的16~17世纪西欧资本原始积累时期的一种经济理论或经济体系,反映资本原始积累时期商业资产阶级利益的经济理论和政策体系。
MFN  最惠国(Most Favored Nation)Most favored nation status. An agreement between two nations to levy tariffs on each other at rates as low as those levied on any other country. If one of these nations reduces tariffs on a third country, all of that nation's MFN partners also receive that lower tariff rate.
Monopolistic Competition  垄断性竞争A market structure with many firms selling a differentiated product, with low barriers to entry and exit in the industry. It is like monopoly in that the firm has some control over the price it charges since products are differentiated. Yet, since there are many sellers, it is like perfect competition in that the free entry and exit of other firms in the industry pushes each firm toward having zero net profit. 垄断性竞争(Monopolistic Competition)是经济学中比较典型的市场形式之一,并在以下条件下产生:
Montreal Protocol  蒙特利尔议定书A document first signed in 1987; over 160 nations are now signatories. It was designed to ban trade in (and later, production of) ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons.
 蒙特利尔议定书又称作蒙特利尔公约,全名为“蒙特利尔破坏臭氧层物质管制议定书(Montreal Protocol on Substances that Depletethe Ozone Layer)”,是联合国为了避免工业产品中的氟氯碳化物对地球臭氧层继续造成恶化及损害,承续1985年保护臭氧层维也纳公约的大原则,于1987年9月16日邀请所属26个会员国在加拿大蒙特利尔所签署的环境保护公约。该公约自1989年1月1日起生效。
Moral Hazard道德危机  A situation in which someone insured against risks will purposely engage in risky behavior, knowing that any costs incurred will be compensated by the insurer. A financial system which offers "rescue packages" may encourage borrowers and lenders to undertake low-quality or high-risk investments, thus increasing the likelihood of a crisis.
NICs新兴工业化国家  Newly industrialized countries. Commonly identified as South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. (These are also referred to as the "four tigers.") Their rates of growth in 1990-97 were as high as 6.6 percent per year. Singapore, the richest in the group, had the highest GDP per capita in the world in 1997. 新兴工业化国家是指经济发展程度介于发达国家以及发展中国家之间,又称“半发达国家”、“半工业化国家”,这一定名是在20世纪70年代末期的《经济合作发展组织报告书》里提出的。总的说来所谓新兴工业化国家是指具有一定资本主义基础的发展中国家在较短的历史时期内克服了社会经济的落后性并在工业化进程中一定程度上接近于发达国家水平的国家和地区。例如亚洲的韩国、台湾、香港和新加坡;拉丁美洲的巴西和墨西哥;欧洲的葡萄牙、西班牙、希腊和南斯拉夫等。
Official Intervention官方干预  Government attempts to influence market exchange rate by buying or selling foreign currency in exchange for the domestic currency.
Oligopoly   寡头市场垄断,寡头卖主垄断
 A market structure with a few firms supplying most of the output. Firms know that their actions affect each other. 该市场只有少数几个企业,每个企业所生产的产品可以是同质的,也可以是异质的,行业进出障碍较大。
OPEC石油输出国家组织  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Established in 1960, this cartel had a membership of 13 producers by 1975. OPEC was successful in engineering enormous increases in the price of crude oil during 1973-74 and 1979-80. Because of supply conditions, it is unlikely that cartels in other primary products could achieve anything like OPEC's success成立于1960年9月14日,1962年11月6日欧佩克在联合国秘书处备案,成为正式的国际组织。其宗旨是协调和统一成员国的石油政策,维护各自的和共同的利益。现有11个成员国是:沙特阿拉伯、伊拉克、伊朗、科威特、阿拉伯联合酋长国、卡塔尔、利比亚、尼日利亚、阿尔及利亚、印度尼西亚和委内瑞拉。

Tragedy of the Commons公地的悲剧   The over-use of a natural resource as a result of unclear property rights. If ownership of a resource is not established, everyone has an incentive to take as much of it as possible, quickly depleting the resource. A typical example is the decline in the fish population resulting from over-fishing of the ocean. 1968年,美国学者哈定在《科学》杂志上发表了一篇题为《公地的悲剧》的文章。英国曾经有这样一种土地制度——封建主在自己的领地中划出一片尚未耕种的土地作为牧场(称为“公地”),无偿向牧民开放。这本来是一件造福于民的事,但由于是无偿放牧,每个牧民都养尽可能多的牛羊。随着牛羊数量无节制地增加,公地牧场最终因“超载”而成为不毛之地,牧民的牛羊最终全部饿死。
Transition Economies  转型经济Countries of the former Soviet Union (FSU) and its satellites that are moving from central planning to market orientation. Beginning in 1989 these countries have started to "liberalize" in the form of market-determined prices, private ownership of resources and business, and openness to international competition and trade. 经济转型指的是资源配置和经济发展方式的转变,包括发展模式、发展要素、发展路径等等转变。从国际经验看,不论是发达国家还是新型工业化国家,无一不是在经济转型升级中实现持续快速发展的。我国从九五计划开始即提出了经济转型问题。
UNCTAD联合国贸易暨发展会议  The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Since 1964, a permanent forum for the discussion of developing countries' concerns about international trade and investments
World Trade Organization世界贸易组织  An international organization of most of the world's countries which oversee governmental policies regarding international trade. The chief purposes are to liberalize trade, promote the MFN principle, and limit unfair export policies.
Sources: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072487488/student_view0/glossary.html
