
本站小编 免费考研网/2019-03-21


一,名词解释 (3分/1题) 
1.国内生产总值 2.财政制度的内在稳定器 3.水平型国际分工 4.到达合同 5.外币期权 6.衍生金融工具 7.普遍优惠制 8.外汇留成制度 

二.单选 (1分/1题) 
A.出口增加 B.进口增加 C.通货膨胀 D.通货紧缩 
A.交易风险 B.经济风险 C.经营风险 D.政治风险 
A.备用信用证不受跟单信用证统一惯例的约束 B.该证的开证行不以单证相符作为付款的条
C.只有当开证申请人履约时,受益人才得到银行的付款 D.备用信用证仅在国际工程承包业
4.按照 < <联合国国际货物销售合同合约 > >的规定,下列有关发盘撤回问题的表述中,()
A.发盘之所以能够撤回是因为发盘尚未生效 B.当发盘中规定了有效期时,该发盘不得撤回
C.所有发盘均可以撤回,即使该发盘是不可撤回的 D.撤回的通知须先于发盘或与之同时到
A.净贸易条件 B.收入贸易条件 C.单项因素贸易条件 D.购买力平价 
A.9 B.10 C.11 D.12 
A.X商品的价格必须上升 B.消费者必须增加X商品的消费 
C.消费者必须增加Y商品的消费,减少X商品的消费 D.消费者收入必须增加 
A.增加30单位 B.减少30单位 C.增加130单位 D.减少130单位 
9.Leontief paradox 是在验证()理论时提出来的. 
A.绝对优势理论 B.比较优势理论 C.竞争优势理论 D.要素贸易理论 
A.有管理的单一固定汇率制度 B.有管理的单一浮动汇率制度 
C.有管理的双轨浮动汇率制度 D.由市场供求决定的浮动汇率制度 

三.多选 (1分/1题) 
A.增加名义货币供给量 B.增加政府购买支出 C.增加税收 D.增加政府转义支付 

A.等产量曲线和等成本曲线相切 B.RTSLK=w/r 
A.一种不可转让的运输单证 B.用以证明海上货物运输合同的凭证 
C.证明货物已经由承运人接管或装运的凭证 D.可以流通转让的所有权凭证 
A.生产者会生产更多的商品以缩小供求之间的差距 B.引起抢购或黑市买卖 
C.产生商品过剩现象 D.商品供不应求,政府实行配给制 
6.乌拉圭回合谈判中达成的 < <补贴与反补贴 > >中,将补贴分为() 
A.禁止使用补贴 B.不禁止使用补贴 C.可申诉的补贴 D.不可申诉的补贴 
A.进出口商不需事先协商 B.出口商品的价格高于托收下的价格 
C.出口商可免除外汇信贷风险 D.进出口商需事先协商 
A.择期业务 B.远期业务 C.欧式期权 D.美式期权 
A.外汇储备增加或官方短期债权减少 B.外汇储备增加或官方短期债权增加 
C.外汇储备增加或官方短期债务减少 D.外汇储备减少或官方短期债务减少 
A.扩大出口 B.减少进口 C.扩大进口 D.被国际上认为是歧视性汇兑措施 

四,判断 (1分/1题) 
4.按 < <关税与贸易总协定 > >第6条的规定,”缔约国为了抵消和防止倾销,可以对倾销的

五,填空 (1分/1题) 




(1).我方最终选择日元作为计价货币是否合适?为什么? (3分) 
(2).日元对美元时上浮还是下浮了? (2分) 
(3).若用日元作为支付货币,多付了还是少付了多少日元? (3分) 

(1).该笔贷款的利息时先付还是后付,还是提用贷款后付? (2分) 
(2).该笔贷款的利息时多少美元? (4分) 
(3).该企业是按100,000美元还本还是按多少美元还本? (2分) 
(4).该企业实际担负的利率是12%,还是多少? (4分)

On the first anniversary of Asia’s worst recession in half a century, it is clear that the geoeconomic shape of the Pacific Rim will be far different from
what anyone anticipated just a year ago. The fulcrum of growth is slowly shifing from a senescent Japan and stagnant Southeast Asia to a dynamic ,confident
 China, President Clinton’s remarkable journey will likely mark this tectonic
 shift for future histories. Consider these events taking place:
CHINA is choosing a strategy of pumping up domestic-led economic growth, in co
ntrast with the International Monetary Fund’s policy of austerity and Japan’
s weak yan-and-export push. By cutting interest rates, privatizing housing, in
viting foreign investment, and keeping the renminbi stable, Beijing is increas
ing domestic demand and growth. Certainly, China shares many of the woes affli
cting Asia-insolvent banks, lax regulatory enforcement, and corruption. Yet it
s vigor in attacking these problems and its decision to opt for a strong curre
ncy set it apart and show real leadship.
Japan,in contrast, is stick in a hermetically sealed society. Despite the rhet
oric of reform, its political and bureaucratic elites deny there is anything b
asically wrong and run the country as a pension state focused on an aging popu
lation. Problems are described as isolated , and solutions take an inordinate
amount of time. Seven years into a severe banking crisis, Tokyo is just now pa
ssing legislation to create a Resolution Trust Corp.-type unit. Meanwhile, the
 unemployment rate soars to new records. Among men, who constitute most of the
 labor force , it hit 4.3% in May, It is worse for the young. The jobless rate
 for men 15 to 24 years old rose to 8.4%
Foreign investment should be pouring in to reinvigorate growth, but little is
allowed. Mergers and acquisitions should be consolidating companies, but few a
re permitted. Immigrants should be arriving to give new life to society and su
pport the elderly, but they are forbidden. Outside CEOs should be taking over
failing corporations, but is not accepted. As much as China is invigorated, Ja
pan is stultified. The contrast is startling.
SOUTHESAT ASIA is in agony. A huge nascent middle class is being pushed back i
nto poverty. Depression is looming. Indonesia is deindustrializing, with peopl
e leaving cities to return to villages. Chinese merchants are fleeing(up to 10
0,000 have left). Overseas Chinese capital that funded much of Southeast Asia’
s past three decated of growth is drying up.
The Framework Agreement is made up of six parts that lay out the basic paramet
ers of the GATS. The six parts deal with(1) the scope and definition of GATS,(
2)general obligations, and disciplines of member states, (3)obligations and di
sciplines concerning specific commitments of member states,(4)a schedule for p
rogressively liberalizating the world’s trade in services, (5)the institution
al structure for implementing the GATS , and (6)miscellaneous provisions.
While much of the GATS is based on the provisions in the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade and uses much of the same terminology, the “architecture”
of the Agreement is significantly different. Unlike GATT, which provides for a
 single set of the obligation that apply to all measures affecting trade in go
ods, the GATS contains two sets of obligations (1)a set of general principles
and rules that apply to all measures affecting trade in services and (2)a set
of principles and rules that apply only to specific sectors and subsectors lis
ted in a member state’s Schedule. The consequence of this division of obligat
ion is that the principles and rules in the GATS, as we shall see, are less “
binding” than those in the GATT.
Taxation schemes are usually created for three basic purposes: (1) to raise re
venue for government; (2)to encourage, regulate, or restrict local or foreign
investment; and (3)to protect consumers or local producers.
The rationale most commonly used for adopting or changing a particular tax sch
eme is to improve revenues. For example, the multinational oil companies that
discovered and developed the petroleum industry in the Middle East encouraged
the local governments to impose a corporate income tax. Although this seems ir
rational at first blush, it was a sound financial move. The countries, rather
than taking a percentage royalty on profits (which was the arrangement origina
lly agreed to), imposed an income tax on profits at a slightly higher percenta
ge. The result was an increase in income for both the companies and the countr
ies. This was because the companies could use the taxes they paid to the Middl
e East countries to offset the taxes they paid to their home-country governmen
ts.(Royalties, by contrast, cannot-in most countries-be used to offset corpora
te income taxes.) This meant that the companies paid fewer taxes at home and,
even though they were paying more to the host countries, their after-tax profits were large. A second example is the value-added tax (VAT), w
hich generally produces greater revenues than a sales tax. In the last thirty
years, some forty countries have switched to, or adopted directly, a VAT.
By contrast, the most difficult tax scheme for governments to alter is one tha
t protects local products. Producers are commonly able to lobby the government
 to maintain a particular scheme, even though it may run contrary to other gov
ernmental objectives. However, the protection of local producers is not necess
arily a frivolous rational for a tax scheme, even in times of increased intern
ational trade。
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, or implied from a prior course of dealing
between the parties, payment of the price and of any other sums due by the Buy
er to the Seller shall be on open account and time of payment shall be 30 days
 from the date of invoice. The amount due shall be transferred, unless otherwi
se agreed, by    teletransmission to the Seller’s bank in the Seller’s count
ry for the account of the Seller and the Buyer shall be deemed to have perform
ed his payment obligations when the respective sums due have been received by
the Seller’s bank in immediately available funds.
If the parties have agreed on payment in advance, without further indication,
it will be assumed that such advance payment, unless otherwise agreed, refers
to the full price, and that the advance payment must be received by the Seller
’s bank in immediately available funds at least 30 days before the agreed dat
e of delivery or the earliest date within the agreed delivery period. If advan
ce payment has been agreed only for a part of the contract price, the payment
conditions of the remaining amount will be determined according to the rules s
et forth in this article.
Cash Dividends. The most customary type of dividend is the cash dividend decla
red and paid at regular intervals depending in amount upon the policy of the b
oard of directors and earnings of the enterprise. References to “regular” di
vidends in a charter or contract are considered as referring to a distribution
 of the earned surplus in the form of cash. While dividends are almost invaria
bly paid in cash, in a few instances a distribution of earnings has been made
to shareholders in the form of property and has been termed a property dividen
d. On one occasion, a distillery declared and paid a dividend in bonded whiske
Stock Dividends. A stock dividend is a ratable distribution of additional shar
es of the capital stock of the corporation to its shareholders. It is reflecte
d on the books of the corporation by a reduction in surplus account equal to t
he amount of the stock dividend and a corresponding increase in the stated cap
ital account. The practical and legal significance of a stock dividend differs
 greatly from a dividend payable in cash or property. Following the payment of
 a stock dividend, the assests of the corporation are no less than they were b
efore, and the shareholder does not have any greater relative interest in the
net worth of the corporation than he had before except possibly where the divi
dend is paid in shares of a different class. His shares will each represent a
smaller proportionate interest in the assets of the corporation, but by reason
 of the increase in the number of shares his total investment will remain the
same. The declaration and payment of a stock dividend means that surplus which may have been previously available for distribution or other u
ses is thereafter frozen in stated capital.
A stock dividend should not be confused with a stock split. By the latter, eac
h of the issued and outstanding shares is simply broked up into a greater numb
er of shares, each representing aproportionately smaller interest in the corpo
ration. A stock split effects no change in the stated capital or in the surplu
s account. Where there is more than one class of shares outstanding it is poss
ible for either a stock dividend or a stock split in one class to alter the re
lative voting strength of the different classes.
The greater part of the research, however, has been into the relationship betw
een inflation and the savings ratio. Most of the studies have found a positive
 connection between these two variables, but there is some disagreement as to
why the inflation rate should affect the savings ratio.
One theory(Deaton 1977)explains the relationship in terms of consumers failing
 to perceive that actual rate of inflation. The suggestion is that consumers u
nderestimate the average price level and are therefore unduly shocked at the a
pparently “excessive”
rise in the price of particular commodities. Until such time as consumers reco
gnize the true(and higher) level of average prices, purchases of these commodi
ties will have been cut back in response to the assumed sharp increase in indi
vidual prices. Savings will therefore rise as a result of this “inflation sur
prise” effect. This theory suggests that it is unanticipated inflation that m
atters, so that the effect on consumption, and therefore savings, will be part
icularly strong in the early stages of inflation when the rate of inflation is
A study by Bulkley(1981) has supplemented the above theory, showing that even
if inflation is fully anticipated the savings ratio will increase as long as a
nticipated inflation is itself increasing. Even if inflation is fully anticipa
ted, workers’ real wages will still have fluctuated throughout the year, sinc
e money wages are usually set on only one occasion in the year. Real wages wil
l therefore be at a maximum when the money wage is first set, falling to a min
imum a year later as prices progressively rise. In order to smooth out his or
her real consumption pattern over the year, an individual will save more each
week early in the contract period, and correspondingly less later in the contr
act period. If inflation is constant, and if wage contracts are spread evenly
over the year, then the additional savings of some will cancel out the reduced
 savings of others, and there will be no aggregate effect on the savings ratio
. However, when anticipated inflation is increasing and with it the money wage, then the extra savings by those who have recently received hi
gher wage awards will more than offset the reduction in the savings of those n
earing the end of their nominal wage contracts, and the savings ratio will ris



一 简单准确解释下列名词(3分/题,共24分)
1. 市场失灵
2. 机会成本
3. 李嘉图的比较成本说
4. 规模报酬
5. 欧洲货币市场
6. 加工贸易
7. 反倾销税
8. 联系汇率制

二 以下各题的答案中,只有一个是合适的,请选择你认为合适的答案,并在编号字母上划


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    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-03
  • 对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师:崔凡
    对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师崔凡介绍如下:崔凡uibecuifan@163.com对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系教授、博士生导师。中国世界贸易组织研究会常务理事、副秘书长、研究部主任。商务部经贸政策咨询委员会全球价值链专家组专家。北京大成Dentons律师事务所高级顾问。 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-03
  • 对外经贸大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师:殷晓鹏
    对外经贸大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师殷晓鹏介绍如下:殷晓鹏,2001年毕业于加拿大麦吉尔(McGill)大学,获经济学博士学位。曾先后在加拿大康科迪亚(Concordia)大学,温莎(Windsor)大学任教。2007年秋季起到对外经贸大学国际经贸学院任教。现任对外经贸大学国际经贸学院国际贸 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-03
  • 对外经贸大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师:黄晓玲
    对外经贸大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师黄晓玲介绍如下:黄晓玲,女,经济学博士,对外经济贸易大学教授、博士生导师,联合国贸发会议咨询专家,中国国际贸易学会理论研究会委员, AIB (Academy of International Business) 会员。1991年-1992年为加拿大卡尔顿大 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-03