[2019初试真题回忆] 2019年中国海洋大学学科英语真题回忆(333,945)

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-28

333教育综合一名词解释1. 教学策略2. 教学的启发性原则3. 教学组织形式4. 学习动机5. 元认知策略6. 最近发展区二简答题1. 教育学作为一门学科,它的主要任务是什么?2. 简要回答教育目的的层次结构有哪些?3. 简要回答孔子关于教育对象“有教无类”思想。4. 简要回答进步主义教育改革的主要内容是什么?三论述题1. 请详细阐述新一轮基础教育改革的具体目标是什么?2. 请论述蔡元培五育并举的教育方针的主要内容。3. 请详细阐述斐斯泰洛奇教育心理学化的主张。4. 请结合加德纳的多元智能理论,谈一下如何促进学生的个性化发展。
945英语综合B一文学判断正误(20point)1. Old English differs from Modern English in spelling,pronunciation and grammar.2. The most widely read and enjoyed of all literary genres employed during the Middle Ages was the novel.3. Milton’ s influence on English poetry has been immense. He has been justly called “the poet’s poet”.4. Shakespeare’s sonnets,written in the mid-1590s,use the Elizabethan or Shakespearean form--rhyming abab cdcd efef gg --rather than Petrarchan form.5. John Dryden was leading poet of the Restoration in which the most prominent subject of poetry is political and religious infighting.6. The Enlightenment Movement was a progressive intellectual movement which flourished in Italy and swept through the whole Western Europe at the time.7. Great Expectations tells the story of Philip,known as “Pip”,an orphan.8. Thomas Hardy was the most significant novelist in the last quarter of the nineteenth century.9. T.S.Eliot was an English novelist,playwright and critic,who lived in America from 1915.10. Stream of Consciences is a term used to refer to particular techniques of presentation which a number of Romantic novelists developed.11. The principles and practices of puritans were popularly known as puritanism.12. Philip Freneau’ s “The House of Night” , is one of the first distinctly romantic novels in American literature.13. Irving’ s enduring fame rests on his frontier stories,especially the series of the five novels that comprise the Leatherstocking Tales.14. “Song of Hiawatha”is the first famous epic American Indians in American literature.15. Most of Hawthorne’ s stories are allegorical.16. Melville is known for his sea stories which include Typee, Omoo, Mordi, and his masterpiece ,Moby Dick.17. In literature, the term realism is used to identify a literary movement in Europe and the United States in the last half of the 18th century and the early years of the 19th century.18. The Gold Bowl(1904) is the subtlest and most difficult and also the most poetic of James’ s dramas.19. In 1899,while serving a three-year prison sentence for alleged embezzlement in Columbus, Ohio,Kate Chopin began to write short stories published under the pseudonym of O.Henry.20. The Waste Land is Eliot’ s most memorable poem and one that set the tone of the postwar era.文学填空(10point)1.New Worlds are the key to the R____,the “rebirth” of learning and culture,which reached the peak in I____ in the early s____ century and in the Britain during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I form 1558 to 1603.2. Clarissa or The History of Young L____(1747-8) is R____’ s most epistolary novel and his masterpiece.3. Unlike the early-romantic writers whose writings were imitative, the late r____writers such as E____,Thoreau, Hawthorne, M____ and Whitman were instrumental, in the way or another, in creating an indigenous American literature.4. The Red B____ of Courage, the novel of the Civil War, is C____’s most famous work and has long been regarded as one of the classics of American literature.二语言学1. Explain the following terms. Language , phonetics, universal grammar, antonymy, endocentric construction.(15point)2. What is suffixation? List any FIVE ways of suffixation.For which of the ways, there should be at least THREE examples.(15point)3. Comment on the contribution Prague school made to modern linguistic.(15point)三教学法1. What are the differences between traditional pedagogy and language in real life so far as language is concerned? (12.5point)2. Name some ways to consolidate and explain each of them in detail. (12.5 point)3. How to design a task in task-based language? (12.5 point)四大小作文1. Introduce a birthday gift you have ever received. Give specific reasons why you like(or dislike) it. (12.5 point)2. Write an essay in at least 350 words expressing what makes happiness essential. (25 point)2020-2021年


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