广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2017年 考试科目代码及名称:804-英语写作与翻译(自命题)适用专业:050201 英语语言文学[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]Part I Writing (100分)Summary Writing.Please read the following passage and write a summary of 120 to 150 English words. (1题,共40分)English as a National Foreign Language
India has two national languages for central administrative purposes: Hindi and English. Hindi is the national, official, and main link language of India. English is an associate official language. The Indian Constitution also officially approves twenty-two regional languages for official purposes.Dozens of distinctly different regional languages are spoken in India, which share many characteristics such as grammatical structure and vocabulary. Apart from these languages, Hindi is used for communication in India. The homeland of Hindi is mainly in the north of India, but it is spoken and widely understood in all urban centers of India. In the southern states of India, where people speak many different languages that are not much related to Hindi, there is more resistance to Hindi, which has allowed English to remain a lingua franca to a greater degree.Since the early 1600s, the English language has had a toehold on the Indian subcontinent, when the East India Company established settlements in Chennai, Kolkata, and Mumbai, formerly Madras, Calcutta, and Bombay respectively. The historical background of India is never far away from everyday usage of English. India has had a longer exposure to English than any other country which uses it as a second language, its distinctive words, idioms, grammar and rhetoric spreading gradually to affect all places, habits and culture.In India, English serves two purposes. First, it provides a linguistic tool for the administrative cohesiveness of the country, causing people who speak different languages to become united. Secondly, it serves as a language of wider communication, including a large variety of different people covering a vast area. It overlaps with local languages in certain spheres of influence and in public domains.Generally, English is used among Indians as a ‘link’ language and it is the first language for many well-educated Indians. It is also the second language for many who speak more than one language in India. The English language is a tie that helps bind the many segments of our society together. Also, it is a linguistic bridge between the major countries of the world and India.English has special national status in India. It has a special place in the parliament, judiciary, broadcasting, journalism, and in the education system. One can see a Hindi-speaking teacher giving their students instructions during an educational tour about where to meet and when their bus would leave, but all in English. It means that the language permeates daily life. It is unavoidable and is always expected, especially in the cities.The importance of the ability to speak or write English has recently increased significantly because English has become the de facto standard. Learning English language has become popular for business, commerce and cultural reasons and especially for internet communications throughout the world. English is a language that has become a standard not because it has been approved by any ‘standards’ organization but because it is widely used by many information and technology industries and recognized as being standard. The call centre phenomenon has stimulated a huge expansion of internet-related activity, establishing the future of India as a cyber-technological super-power. Modern communications, videos, journals and newspapers on the internet use English and have made ‘knowing English’ indispensable.Essay Writing. Please write an essay around 500 English words according to the materialsgiven below. (1题,60分)Happiness is what human beings pursue during their lives. But what is the real happiness in this world? Read the following quotations, and write an essay on HAPPINESS, explicating your opinions with examples. Make your essay logical, concise and convincing. You should give a title to your essay. Happiness is not a matter of events; it depends upon the tides of the mind.—Alice MeynellThe happiness that is genuinely satisfying is accompanied by the fullest exerciseof our faculties, and the fullest realization of the world in which we live.—Bertrand RussellHappiness does not lie in happiness, but in the achievement of it.DostoevskyIt is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation, which gives happiness. —Thomas Jefferson
Asound mind in a sound body, is a short but full description of a happy state in this world. —John Locke
Just as a cautious businessman avoids investing all his capital in one concern, so wisdom would probably admonishus also not to anticipate all our happiness from one quarter alone. —Sigmund FreudPart II Translation(50分)English-Chinese Translation (25分)There were flowers: delphiniums(飞燕草), sweet peas, bunches of lilac; and carnations, masses of carnations. There were roses; there were irises. Ah yes—so she breathed in the earthy garden sweet smell as she stood talking to Miss Pym who owed her help, and thought her kind, for kind she had been years ago; very kind, but she looked older, this year, turning her head from side to side among the irises and roses and nodding tufts of lilac with her eyes half closed, snuffing in, after the street uproar, the delicious scent, the exquisite coolness. And then, opening her eyes, how fresh like frilled linen clean from a laundry laid in wicker trays the roses looked; and dark and prim the red carnations, holding their heads up; and all the sweet peas spreading in their bowls, tinged violet, snow white, pale—as if it were the evening and girls in muslin frocks came out to pick sweet peas and roses after the superb summer’s day, with its almost blue-black sky, its delphiniums, its carnations, its arum lilies(海芋)was over; and it was the moment between six and seven when every flower—roses, carnations, irises, lilac— glows; white, violet, red, deep orange; every flower seems to burn by itself, softly, purely in the misty beds; and how she loved the grey-white moths spinning in and out, over the cherry pie, over the evening primroses!Chinese-English Translation (25分)这批以吴越乡村生活为背景的画,粗看与一般水乡风情画相仿,实则意思迥然相异。这些画并不想单纯反映所谓乡土气息,因为这一段已经残破。也不说古叙旧,那一段已成往昔。我所求的只是画的情境。从某种意义上讲,只是通过所画之物映照一种思想,一种人与自然的协调关系。这是人们永远梦想着的,也是时常为现代社会所忘却的美好理想,或许这也只能在艺术中成为现实。我所画的石桥瓦舍,应是剔除岁月沧桑的永恒的构造,画中并无更多的故事,却想为观者提供一个假想的去处,或引发回归自然之幽思,或用来得一份清净,如此我亦足以自慰。考研高分咨询罗老师电话/微信:**
本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-28
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