本站小编 免费考研网/2020-01-09
The railroad was very important in encouraging Westward Movement. It also helped build up industry and farming by moving raw materials and by distributing products rapidly to distant markets. In linking towns and people to one another it helped unify the United States.
36. The major problems with America's railroad system in the mid-19th century lay in
. A) lack of a transcontinental railroad
B) lack of financial support for development
C) limited railroad lines
D) poor quality rails and unreliable stopping systems
37. The building of the first transcontinental system .
A) brought about a rapid of industry and farming in the west
B) attracted many visitors to the construction sites
C) attracted laborers from Europe
D) encouraged people to travel all over the country
38. The best title for the passage would be .
A) Settlements Spread Westward
B) The Coast-to-Coast Railroad: A Vital Link
C) American Railroad History
D) The Importance of Railroads in the American Economy
39. The construction of the transcontinental railroad took .
A) 9 years C) 4 years
B) 7 years D) 3 years
40. What most likely made people think about a transcontinental railroad?
A) The possibility of government support for such a task.
B) The need to explore Utah.
C) The need to connect the east coast with the west.
D) The need to develop the railroad industry in the west.
Part III: Vocabulary (10%) Section A
Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Chooses the One that best complete the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
41. Some people prefer to remain anonymous when they call the police to report a crime.
A) undisturbed C) unwearied
B) unnoticed D) unnamed\
42. They didn't feel the least bit frustrated when they were confronted with formidable difficulties.
A) hard to overcome C) possible to emerge
B) open to attack D) easy to expect
43. The senator agreed that his support of' the measure would jeopardize his chances for re-election.
A) assure B) endanger
B) increase D) destroy
44. When the eye of the hurricane passed over, there was a lull in the storm.
A) fresh outburst C) calm interval
B) rise in the wind D) downpour
45. The plane win be landing in five minutes. All passengers should refrain from smoking.
A) avoid C) hold up
B) prevent D) hold back
46. In buying a suit, a difference of ten cents in price is negligible.
A) negligent C) negotiable
B) insignificant D) consequential
47. A mansion was virtually destroyed in a fire in a subdivision in Greenwich.
A) completely C) badly
B) actually D) slightly
48. To treat a person justly is to treat him with perfect impartiality.
A) justice C) fairness
B) equality D) honesty
49. Precision instruments allow scientists to measure minute quantities with a high degree of accuracy.
A) tiny C)instant
B) various D) momentary
50. China has launched dramatic market openings because she needs it to boost her economy.
A) radical C) gradual
B) effective D) steady
Section B
Directions: There are lo incomplete sentences in this section For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the One the best complete the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with o single line through the center.
51. human behavior may be caused by eating substance as that upset the delicate chemical balance in the brain.
A) Deliberate C) Primitive
B) Consistent D) Abnormal
52. I guess Jones didn't have a chance to win the election. Almost all of the people in the city voted for his.
A) candidate C) alternative
B) opponent D) participant
53. The municipal government has decided to smoking
A) do away with B) get away with
B) take away D) put away
54. In many cultures people who were thought to have the ability to dreams were likely
to be highly respected.
A) interpret C) inherit
B) intervene D) impart
55. I’ll accept any job I don't have to get up early.
A) lest C) as long as
B) though D) in case
56. Once out of the earth's gravity, the astronaut is by the problem of weightlessness.
A) related C) inclined
B) effected D) affected
57. This popular sports car is now being at the rate of a thousand a week.
A) turned down C) turned up
C) turned out D) turned on
58. I used to smoke but I gave it up three years ago.
A) seriously C) severely
B) badly D) heavily
59. It took him several months to the wild horse.
A) tend C) tamed
B) breed D) cultivated
60. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could .
A) stand up to C) come up with
B) make up for D) put up with
Part IV: Translation (15%)
Directions: There is one passage below in this part Read it carefully and translate it into Chinese. Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
McDonald's is an organization founded on a heritage of giving back to the communities in which they live and work. Leadership and doing the right thing has been the legacy of McDonald's throughout their 45-year history. To achieve their goal of being the world’s best quick service restaurant, to improve service and enhance management, McDonald’s has made a series of commitments to their employees. They have commitment to education, commitment to quality and safety, and commitment to social responsibilities. In fact, McDonald’s has committed to creating an environment which values and respects employees, recognizes and rewards their performance and provides them with meaningful growth opportunities. McDonald’s has also had in place five people principles to make sure they deliver on their promises. Here are just a few of the many commitments McDonald’s offered in their management.
Commitment to Education. McDonald’s is committed to the education of youth. They all take this leadership role very seriously and work in partnership with parents and educators to ensure that their school-age employees see education and schoolwork as their top priorities. Their Hamburger University is the symbol of their commitment to education, which has
trained thousands of managers and employees so far. McDonald’s Corporation and McDonald’s Operators are similarly committed to ensuring that the McDonald’s job experience complements and supports employees’ educational goals. When faced with a choice between education and an employment commitment, education always comes first. They have programs to reward good grades and school attendance. They provide tuition for our employees to continue their education. Their employment practices stand head and shoulders above employment laws.
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