
张奎武 免费考研网/2009-01-06

33. Readers’ Digest is a _____ magazine which is published in 15 languages and 39 editions.

A. weekly

B. monthly

C. biweekly

D. triweekly

34. The major wire services in America are the following except _____.

A. the Associated Press

B. the United Press International

C. the Columbia Broadcasting System

35. From 1901 to 1978, 117 Americans won the Nobel Prize, holding _____ of the world Nobel Prize winners.

A. half

B. one-third

C. one-fourth

36. Blues is a music of strong rhythm, which was originally sung by _____.

A. Negroes

B. Indians

C. Europeans

37. The Father of American literature was _____.

A. Mark Twain

B. Washington Irving

C. Walt Whitman

D. Jack London

II. Fill in the Blanks

1. American children usually begin their school at the age of _____.

2. An elementary school teacher must have a _____ degree of arts with a major in education.

3. _____, one of the most famous universities in the world, was founded in 1686.

4. About _____ percent of the high school graduates can be admitted by universities or colleges.

5. There are four grades in universities. They are freshmen, _____, junior and senior.

6. About _____ of all the colleges and universities are private.

7. A department consists of faculty members raging from full professors to _____.

8. The tuition in a _____ college is very high.

9. The Library of _____ is the largest public library in the U.S.

10. The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library is in _____ Park, New York.

11. The academic degrees in America are the Bachelor’s, the _____ and the Doctor’s degrees.

12. VOA Radio Station is in the city of _____.

13. In 1965 the U.S.A launched the first communication space satellite “_____ _____”.

14. The major wire services in America are the _____ Press and the United Press International.

15. The popular magazine _____ _____ has the largest circulation in the world.

16. VOA now sends news to the whole world in _____ languages day and night.

17. _____ is the most popular game in autumn.

18. Wrestling, boxing, horseracing are called _____ sports.

19. The Dutch introduced _____ into the New York areas in the 17th century.

20. In the year _____ the first satellite was launched in America.

21. From 1901 to 1978 there are 117 people in America won the _____ Prize for the research of natural science.

22. The Metropolitan Museum and other two museums located in the city of _____ _____.

23. Gilbert Stuart is considered America’s first great _____.

24. _____ is the earliest and the best film studio in America.

25. Gone with the Wind was the best known of all _____ films.

26. In 1915 the first major feature film Birth of a _____ was made.

27. Before the 1960’s many _____ had not been given the right to receive education.

28. The American children usually graduate from high school at the age of _____.

29. A high school teacher usually has majored in the field of his special interest and in addition, he must have a _____ arts degree in education.

30. The University of _____ has more than 128,000 students.

31. The students who are working for a bachelor degree are called _____.

32. Today about 5 million men and more than 3 milliogogo, of which about _____ percent are coeducational.

33. Two-year college were originally called “_____ colleges”, but now they are called “_____ colleges”.

34. A four-year college is often called a “_____ _____ college” or a “college of _____ and _____”.

35. One of the measurements for an undergraduate in academic progress is credit or “credit hours”, or “_____”.

36. VOA has _____ broadcasting stations, sending news to the whole world in _____ languages day and night.

37. The first music in the American colonies was _____ music.

38. Jazz music developed out of the music of the early American _____.

39. _____ _____ was considered the father of American literature.

40. Hawthorne’s best novel is The _____ _____.

41. _____ _____ is the pen name of Samuel L. Clements.

42. Whitman is remembered for his poems The _____ of _____.

43. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered _____ _____’s masterpiece.

44. Ernest Hemingway belonged to the _____ generation.

45. The best novel written by Theodore Dreiser is “_____ _____ _____”.

46. The novel Martin Eden was written by _____ _____.

47. _____ _____ became pessimistic and committed suicide at the age of 40.

48. The two main successful novels written by Sinclair Lewis are “_____ _____” and “_____”.

49. “_____ _____ _____ _____ _____” earned Ernest Hemingway a Nobel Prize in literature.

III. Define the Following Terms

1. credit

2. The Library of Congress

3. spectator sports

4. Jazz music

5. VOA

IV. Answer the Following Questions

1. What do American schools lay emphasis on?

2. What are the characteristics of American literature during the 17th and 18th centuries?



Part IV Social Life

I. Multiple Choice

1. The popular kind of family in America is _____ family.

A. nucleus

B. loose

C. large

D. blend

2. Americans like the following attitudes except _____.

A. informality

B. personal dignity

C. equality

D. frankness

E. consideration for others

3. Thanksgiving Day is originated in _____.

A. England

B. America

C. Scotland

D. Canada

4. The largest Protestant group in America is known as _____.

A. the Latter-day Saints

B. Baptists

C. Methodists

D. Quakers

5. Marriage in America is considered _____.

A. more important to the parents

B. a pure religious affair

C. rather burdensome

D. a pure individual matter

6. _____ American young people live independently after marriage.

A. Half

B. Most

C. Some

7. The rate of divorce in America ranks _____ in the world.

A. second

B. third

C. first

D. fourth

8. The black people usually have _____ family.

A. small

B. middle-sized

C. big

9. The “senior citizens” in the social centres refer to _____.

A. high officials

B. professors

C. president

D. old people

10. The popular foods in America include the following except _____.

A. hamburgers

B. hot dogs

C. bread

D. rice

11. People can usually get cheap meals in the following places except _____.

A. snack bars

B. cafeterias

C. big restaurants

D. coffee shops

12. Dining customs include the following except _____.

A. being polite to ladies

B. not staying too long after dinner

C. being punctual

D. using both hands

13. Most Americans are _____ from different countries.

A. blacks

B. Indians

C. emigrants

D. immigrants

14. BLT in America is a kind of _____.

A. sandwich

B. sauce

C. butter

D. vegetable

15. Valentine’s Day falls on _____.

A. July 4th

B. March 21st

C. February 14th

16. On Easter Sunday people usually have lamb and ham as their maigogoymbol of _____.

A. good luck

B. the sacrifice of Christ

C. the tomb from which Christ rose

17. American Independence Day fall on _____.

A. the 4th of July

B. October 31st

C. March 20th

18. Halloween is a _____.


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