
张奎武 免费考研网/2009-01-06

8. The _____ determines the government and divides the power of the government into three branches.

9. The official presidential residence is the _____ _____.

10. _____ is the only way in which the president can legally be removed from office.

11. In 1974 President _____ was impeached and he resigned his office before a trial could take place.

12. The parties in the US choose all their candidates for election, except for president, as “_____ _____”.

13. In American history _____ presidents have been assassinated.

14. The president who was first assassinated in 1865 was _____ _____.

15. The American Congress is made up of two houses: the _____ and the House of _____.

16. In the US the chief function of _____ is to make laws.

17. The Democratic Party grew out of the _____.

18. There are _____ persons in the Jury.

19. There are _____ members in the Senate.

20. The head of he House of Representatives is called the _____.

21. According to the _____, the president should be a citizen born in the US territory.

22. The two main parties are the Democratic and the _____ Party.

III. Explain the Following Terms

1. FBI

2. The President-elect

IV. Answer the Following Questions

1. What is the role of the US congress? What is the criticism of the Congress in the American Press?

2. What are the main features of the State government?



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