
张奎武 免费考研网/2009-01-06

A. summer festival

B. night-time festival

C. sweethearts’ holiday

D. pilgrims holiday

19. Over _____ of all American religious people are Protestants.

A. half

B. three fifths

C. two thirds

20. In Protestantism there are about _____ principal groups.

A. 40

B. 50

C. 60

D. 30

21. There are two major denominations in America which are the result of native developments. They are the following except _____.

A. Christian Science

B. Mormonism

C. Unitarians

D. both A and B

22. The characteristics of the American religion are the following except _____.

A. wide variety of denominations

B. emphasis on social problems

C. separation of church and state

D. unity among the churches

23. In the US about _____ of all the property is in the possession of one-tenth of the population.

A. half

B. one third

C. two thirds

24. Urban Hermits refer to _____.

A. people who live in the remote places

B. people who live in mountains and forests

C. shopping-bag ladies in big cities

25. A hamburger is usually made from _____.

A. beef

B. pork

C. combination of beef and pork

26. In America snack bars and coffee shops are usually _____.

A. cheap

B. expensive

C. formal

27. The outstanding characteristic of American society is the diversity of _____.

A. climate

B. industry

C. people

28. Sometimes two couples go out together. This is known as _____.

A. steady dating

B. casual dating

C. double dating

D. blind dating

29. The popular American belief is _____.

A. part-time working

B. self-made man

C. manual labour

30. White-collar workers _____.

A. have higher reputation

B. get higher pay

C. may earn less than blue-collar workers

D. both A and C

31. The black people usually have a _____ family and 1/3 of which are controlled by women.

A. nucleus

B. big

C. loose

D. middle-sized

II. Fill in the Blanks

1. A person who is employed to take care of children for a specific length of time while the parents are out is called a _____ _____.

2. The rate of divorce in America ranks _____ in the world.

3. A family composed of a father, a mother and two children is considered the _____ family.

4. In order to solve the problem of the loneliness and uselessness for the aged, many communities and church group sponsor social centres which are called _____ centres.

5. Today over _____ percent of all married women are active in community affairs.

6. A hamburger is a kind of sandwich made with ground beef that is fried and put into a bun.

7. A cheese burger is a hamburger with melted _____.

8. The coffee without cream or sugar is called _____ coffee.

9. To any black, the old term “_____” by which he is addressed is considered a great insult.

10. Because of the existence of the nucleus family some of the old men and women suffered greatly from _____.

11. In the 1960’s the “_____ _____” appeared among young people, such as living together before marriage.

12. _____ is the most popular American drink.

13. The most typical and true national holiday in the US is _____ _____.

14. Americans have great admiration for the _____ man.

15. American children suffer most for their parents’ _____.

16. The American’s favourite meat is _____.

17. The peculiarity of American history made the American spirit of _____ come into being. This spirit is reflected in many aspects of American life.

18. The fact that many citizens take drugs – heroin makes _____ _____ the “City of Heroin”.

III. Explain the Following Terms

1. Thanksgiving Day

2. Halloween

3. do-it-yourself

4. City of Heroin

IV. Answer the Following Questions

1. What day in the US is the birthday of the nation?

2. Who was Martin Luther King?

3. What is the meaning of the saying “trick or treat”?

4. What does Easter Sunday celebrate?

5. What is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the US?



Part V Political System

I. Multiple Choice

1. The Judicial Branch is headed by _____.

A. the Supreme Court

B. Congress

C. President

2. The general election in America is held every _____ years.

A. 5

B. 4

C. 6

D. 3

3. The symbol of the US Democratic Party is _____.

A. donkey

B. elephant

C. eagle

4. _____ has the sole right to interpret the Constitution.

A. The Cabinet

B. The Supreme Court

C. President

D. Congress

5. The symbol of the US Republic Party is _____.

A. tiger

B. elephant


6. The political system of the US is based on the following except _____.

A. federalism

B. the constitutional monarchy

C. the separation of powers

D. respect for the constitution

E. the rule of law

7. The US Federal Government is composed of the following except _____.

A. the legislative

B. the standing committee

C. the judicial

D. the executive

8. The number of Congressmen from each state varies depending on _____.

A. the size of the area

B. the size of the population

C. the tradition

D. the wealth

9. The Democratic Party of America was founded in _____.

A. 1845

B. 1828

C. 1787

10. There are _____ departments in American Government.

A. 13

B. 14

C. 15

11. The law-making or the legislative body in the government is _____.

A. the Supreme Court

B. the Congress

C. the Cabinet

D. the president’s committee

12. All states in America have the legislative branch of two houses except the state _____.

A. Nebraska

B. Nevada

C. Oregon

13. In each state there are about _____ counties on average.

A. 30

B. 50

C. 60

14. The members in the Senate must be at least _____ years old and those in the Representative _____ years old.

A. 40, 30

B. 30, 26

C. 30, 25

15. The tenure of office of federal judges is _____ years long.

A. 8

B. for life

C. 5

16. The Democratic and the Republican Parties gradually lost their differences after _____.

A. 1865

B. 1860

C. 1870

17. There are _____ presidential electors for all the states.

A. 535

B. 100

C. 538

D. 435

18. The Federal Government and the states governments are supposed to _____ each other.

A. guide

B. control

C. keep independence from

19. If the president wants to put a treaty into effect, he has to get the approval by two thirds of the _____.

A. Senate

B. Cabinet

C. Congress

II. Fill in the Blanks

1. Only the _____ _____ has the right to interpret the constitution.

2. There are _____ voting members in the House of Representatives.

3. Each of the fifty states of US elects _____ senators.

4. There are _____ judges in the Supreme Court of America.

5. The first ten amendments added to the constitution in 1791 was called the _____ _____ _____.

6. The Federal Constitution consists of _____ articles and _____ amendments.

7. The balance is always kept among the three branches of the power of the government and this is called the “System of _____ and _____”.


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