
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


  Foreigners have shown particular interest in the natural food that requires the least possible amount of procession.

  Phrases and Expressions:

  苏绣 embroidery

  纺织工业 textile industry

  1700年历史 the tradition of 1700 years

  山清 水秀 怪石 beautiful mountain and lake, exotic rocks

  “统得太死” channel sb. too much

  美籍华人 Chinese-Americans

  出租车站 taxi stand

  家用电器 household appliance


  The newly established four-star hotel is a Sino-US joint venture. Because of its advanced administration and good service, it hosts many quests and tourists of home and abroad every year.


  Since China's reform and opening up to outside world, our hometown has become the hot destination of both domestic and overseas investment.



  In 2000, the yearly average income of each person in our family has reached 12,500 yuan, 4.8 percent higher than that of the previous year. Meanwhile the money spent on education and tourism increased by 8.7 percent and 5.9 percent respectively.


  In our company, the salaries of staff members are decided on the basis of their education levels and their contributions to the company.


  In previous years, the salaries of staff members in state-owned enterprises are decided on the basis of title, education level and working-age.


  Since 1997, leaders of this residential area have made great efforts to develop the service-sector, providing 280 jobs for the laid-off workers. Last year, the yearly average of each person of this area amounted to 9,860 yuan, 6.7 percent more than that of the previous year.


  Since China's reform and opening up to outside world policy, leaders of this area have attached great importance to schooling and education. Meanwhile, they have absorbed quite a few young people who have just graduated from colleges.


  A community college for the elderly has been established in our residential area. According to calculations, about 75 percent of the retired teachers, doctors and engineers teach here and have contributed a lot, which has not only promoted the development of our community work but also benefited the relationship among the residents.



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