
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


  Chinese intellectuals especially young intellectuals have benefited a lot from the China's reform and opening up to outside world policy. Started from 1978, many of them went abroad for further study at the public expense or at their own. In recent years, many of them have come back at the completion of their study and become leaders in their own fields.

  大华大学是一所成立于90年代初的民办大学。 10年来,培养了2000多名毕业生正活跃在上海地区各自的领域。

  Dahua University is a non-government college, which was established in the early 1990s'. In the recent ten years, it has cultivated more than 2,000 graduates who are working hard at their own fields in Shanghai.


  All nurses in the mental hospitals are not female and in some cases the ratio of man to female is 2 to 1.


  The transplantation of organs not only involves delicate surgery but also needs regular supply of human organs.

  Phrases and Expressions:

  公务员 civil servant

  贫困落后 backward

  没有余地做某事…… There's no ground for…

  自力更生 self-reliance

  交通量 volume of traffic

  经济特区 special economic zone

  市政建设 public project

  赢利 win a profit of

  立场和观点 stands of points

  知青 educated young people


  108 foreign guests from US, Canada, Australia and so on attended the buffet reception held in Pudong Shangri-La Hotel.


  Tourist industry is one of the fastest growing industries in modern times. Its growing rate has exceeded that of worldwide economy.


  Tourism benefits not only the service sector, but also manufacture of tourist commodities. It is not a single trade, but a comprehensive one consisting of many enterprises such as transportation, accommodation, guiding service, banking, manufacturing, education and so on.



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