
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  自1989年以来,这个地区的教育发展迅速。至今已有1所大学,3所大专,5所职业学校,9所成人学校, 4所函授学校和20所中小学。

  Since 1989, education has developed greatly in this area. So far there have been 1 university, 3 junior colleges, 5 vocational schools, 9 adult schools, 4 correspondence schools and 20 middle schools and primary schools.


  Established in May 1997, Shanghai Meimei Company was a collective work unit with 40 staff members. Last year it made a profit of 6.5 million yuan.


  Official statistics showed 68 percent of the people between the age of 18 and 48 are ensured in that area.


  This company has made a profit of 50,000 US dollars and it is estimated to make a profit of 75,000 US dollars in the next quarter of the year.


  To compete in the world market, the company decided to spend large sum of money updating the existing machinery and improving the quality of product ions.


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