2018年12月14日雅思考试答案 亚太卷

本站小编 免费考研网/2018-12-19

这次亚太卷的答案第二天才收集整理完成。感谢各位考生的等待,也给大家道歉,以后我们一定会加快答案搜集的速度。争取第一时间让大家有个参考。看网上大家的反馈,貌似这次亚太区的考试也不简单 ,希望大家能够超常发挥,争取一次通过。



Section 3 介绍大学申请信息


21-25 选择

21. Why did James choose to study in the Baker:

B good reputation in his subject area 在他的科目有良好的声誉

22. What he found in his study:

B surprised that he can finish the theoretical courses 很吃惊他能够完成理论学习

23. What about the assessment of James course:

B marks given by students with each other 学生们互相打分

24. The girl inquires the English language course for what:

B selling art pieces in Galleries 在画廊卖艺术品

25. Before she goes to this collage to get more information about:

C choice of modules 选择课程

26-30 匹配

26. History of art –

C many outside speakers 许多外来的演讲者

27. Sculpture option –

G using materials 使用材料

28. Painting digital –

B stay at the studio 在工作室学习

29. Theory of art –

E student do their own research 学生自己做研究

30. Photograph –

F focus on display 关注展示

Section 4 体育课程介绍


31-40 填空

31. PE is a central part of the traditional education


32. The government encourages schools to improve their academic standard


33. However, PE is important for students’ development in mental education and skill learning


34. Students today spend most of their pastime on non-active activities, eg. TV, computer games


35. This has a negative effect on students’ development


36. Same research results also come from France, India, and Canada


37. PE is not only good for students’ behavior but for concentration


38. PE helps to improve students’ intelligence too


39. Because it increases the blood flow of the brain


40. In conclusion, PE is the key to the academic study



Section 1 预约演唱会票


1-10 填空

1. By phone: 0127***** 电话号码

2. 2.50 金钱

3. Form an agent 从中介那里

4. Get a ticket in the side entrance 在旁边的入口买票

5. Time after 7.30pm on the day of the concert 音乐会当天7.30之后

6. Address: close to a local market 挨着当地市场

7. Restaurant with a garden 带有花园的餐厅

8. Cafe in the basement 地下室里的咖啡馆

9. An action movie in May for a special season 在五月份因为特殊的原因会有动作电影

10. Member can have a chance to meet movie stars 成员有机会见到电影明星

Section 2 安排邮局里的工作


11. Receive post

A should be done today 今天完成

12. Answering phones

C not his responsibility 不是他的责任

13. Reading emails

B in a few days later 几天之后

14. Update data

A should be done today 应该在今天完成

15-20 匹配

15. C accesses to authority

16. F check number

17. D make a list

18. A filling order form

19. E confirm the order contract

20. B signed a delivery note

Section 3 讨论某篇文章


21. It brings teaching’s problem (based on old method) – C

22. Be cautious to internet institutions’ innovation when applying – B

23. The computer can be applied to certain courses – C

24. The opinion about personal contact(Non help) – A

25. Technological development – A

26. Should there be more internal contact – B

27. What does the man the think about the usage of the Internet in the campus:

A the student so much depend on the internet 学生太过依赖互联网

28. What’s the meaning of John Smith’s term:

B they cannot access the computer 他们无法使用电脑

29. Reference to the term should be divided:

B help online 网上帮助

30. What is Smith’s view on:

C a simple way to make profit 简单的方式来盈利

Section 4 介绍考古地点

31. the tribe was living 10000 years ago


32. These remains was flooded


33. the study of corpse teeth, fingers and bones


34. Research on bones of children and adults and relics of homes


35. The study interested in women communities


36. Findings of the big toe


37. Evidences: find pictures on temple walls


38. They put mills on the ground used for grilling


39. Reason why teeth were abrade is that grain didn’t remove out small stones


40. Why they don’t have teeth decay, because their food don’t contain bacteria








大作文:Some people believe that sport plays an important role in the society, while others feel that it is nothing more than a leisure activity for some people. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


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