
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-12-03

  If there is a chance for you and your friend to open a company, which kind of company or industry would you like to choose and why? Give specific explanations in your response.
  Sample response:
  If having the chance, definitely we will open a small travel agency because we are fond of travelling. When having such an agency, we may travel to many countries around the world along with the clients. If there are guests going to Singapore, apart from taking care of the guests, I may also have chance to taste the authentic Singapore foods like Chili crab and admire the view of Marina Bay Sand and largest infinity swimming pool in the world. If there are guests going to America, I may get the chance to see the White House, the Niagara Falls and many prestigious universities and so on. I think opening a travel agency will enrich my life.
  Some teachers think competition will motivate students, while some teachers argue competition will exert adverse influence on children. Which one do you agree and why?
  Sample response:
  In my view, no competition, no progress.
  Taking myself for example, now I am studying baking in a training school; every month the chef will organize a competition on baking bread and cakes. The chef will have the comments for every student on the time we use, the taste we bake, the profile we make and the skills we adopt and so on, and chooses the top 2 products. At first, I always lagged behind, but gradually, just because of the competition and comments, I learned from others and became at adept at using proper skills when baking my foods. Looking back now, if there hadn’t been competition, I couldn’t have made progress so quickly.


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    优惠券领取后72小时内有效,10万种最新考研考试考证类电子打印资料任你选。涵盖全国500余所院校考研专业课、200多种职业资格考试、1100多种经典教材,产品类型包含电子书、题库、全套资料以及视频,无论您是考研复习、考证刷题,还是考前冲刺等,不同类型的产品可满足您学习上的不同需求。 ...
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  • 【真题】2018年托福真题回忆合集
    同学们如果想顺利考出优异的成绩,提前一系列备考工作一定不要忘了哦.只有真正将资料吃透,考试时候才能得心应手。下面我们一起来看看资料内容,希望能给大家的备考带来更多的启发。【真题】2018年托福真题回忆合集& ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-03
  • 2018年12月8日托福阅读机经预测
    预测文章1- Foundational and Keystone Species  The harmony present in any ecological system relies on the inclusion of different types of species, each with a specific role or set of roles. Although to some extent all species contribute in important ways, scientists are now learning about t ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-03
  • 2018年12月1日托福考试真题回忆
    阅读第1篇  海洋动物发光,一系列化学反应,一个动物有两套系统,介绍发光原因,吸引猎物,伪装,对海水变化做出反应阅读第2篇  snow pack 吸收长波短波,由两种模式:1.百分百全吸收 2. 反射大于吸收 树枝底下最暖和的原因,小树森林比大树森林不容易融雪的原因阅读第3篇  一条美国大峡谷的道路,没有工具也能修用来 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-03
  • 40天托福首战108分,教你如何用最短时间拿到高效的提分!
    大家带来一个首战108分的学霸写的经验,她用5000字长文详细介绍了自己的备考经验,特别适合备考时间比较短的同学。一起来看看吧!(小姐姐还贴心地做了文章的思维导图)个人情况  先说一下自己的基本情况,自认为英语水平还不错,六级裸考650。因为大三要出国交换,在今年5月12号考了托福。 其实我在寒假的时候就想到应该 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-03
  • 托福112:除了TPO我们还能听什么?
    从第一次随大流近乎裸考的95+,到现在明确了出国选择和要求,进一步弥补弱项之后的112(30,29,24,29)。有一些经验和感受想和有一定英语基础,还在被托福纠缠不清的,想要和她快速分手的童鞋们分享分享。   听力   这里所说的并不只是托福的听力部分,而是听力能力。托福考试中听力部分只占到四分之一的分数,但是 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-03
  • 考了8次托福是什么体验?
    查完分,看到104的时候,我正在上课,当时教室一片安静,只听突然我拍了下桌子,然后大家转头看我。据后来我的同学说,当时表情突然就像中奖了一样(其实是觉得我中风了)。我平时也不算很大喜大悲的人,这么激动确实有原因的。很大一部分是因为之前托福的失败经验。  说出来很多人可能会感到惊讶,我托福从2015年5月第一 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-03
  • 大四狗托福71-101,备考虽然很辛苦,但请不要放弃!
    首先介绍一下基本情况,本人大四狗一枚,共考过5次托福,分数跨度经历71-90-91-99-101。 因为大三才决定出国,准备时间很仓促。大三上也就是一年前刚开学报了强化班,然后报名了12.12的托福,因为考试之前学校有三门考试,也就基本是裸考加上之前的补习,结果考了71,最高的是口语22,其他都是20分以下,最搞笑的是当时我竟 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-03
  • 托福二战108分,我只是认真的找出了“套路”
    对于这次考试其实我的准备并不是特别充分,考试周的时间大部分都匀给期末复习了,但是我大一的时候就断断续续开始背单词做阅读了,所以稍微有一些功底,因为准备不足还是很虚的,考完出来感觉也就80多分的水平,着急报了第二次考试,没想到成绩比我想的好些,只能说被命运之神眷顾了吧~ 单 词 重中之重  我觉得考托福比 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-03
  • 托福95-102,除了努力刷题,还要在考试中“着眼当下”
    先来说说我个人基本的情况吧,16年9月11号首战,95分,24+24+23+24,只能说勉强可以,然后17年3月4号二战,102分,27+25+23+27。   除口语外均比上一次有所提升,其实当时考完试出来的时候感觉很不好,听力跟口语都有种崩了的感觉,但是分数出来发现口语跟上次一样依然是23,而听力居然还比上次高了一分,所以自己的感觉 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-03
  • 2018年12月1日托福独立写作机经预测
    预测独立写作1The most influential problems to the society can be solved by the contemporary generation. 高分思路human is not such a perfect animal so it must possess certain flaws, some of which are resistant to be corrected the generation in this time has changed to be much lazier due to the hig ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-30
  • 2018年11月25日托福写作真题解析
    面对11月25日的托福写作考试题目,具体的如何开展写作思路呢?编辑为大家整理了详细的内容,帮助更好地打开思路,供大家参考。 Do you agree ordisagree: it is easier for parents to raise their children today than 50 years ago. 超级经典的今昔对比老题有木有?最近一次出现是在2016年10月28日。现在一起来看看吧! ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-30
  • 2018年12月1日托福阅读机经预测
    预测文章1- Foundational and Keystone SpeciesThe harmony present in any ecological system relies on the inclusion of different types of species, each with a specific role or set of roles. Although to some extent all species contribute in important ways, scientists are now learning about the p ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-30
  • 2018.11月24-25日托福机经阅读小范围预测
      预测文章1- Cell Theory  The study of cells--cell biology--began in 1660, when English physicist Robert Hooke melted strands of spun glass to create lenses that he focused on bee stingers, fish scales, fly legs, feathers, and any type of insect he could hold still. When he looked at cork, w ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-30
  • 2018.11.24托福机经独立写作小范围预测
      预测独立写作1  Athletes and entertainers can be good politicians.  高分思路  l they have no ability to take this job  l their identities of athletes and entertainers  l the popularity of athletes and entertainers will cause the social disruption  高分范文  People who work in polit ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-30
  • 11月24日托福独立口语预测
    预测独立口语1Task 2:Some people believe that, in the future, all university classes will be given through the Internet instead of in buildings. Other people believe that universities will always hold classes in buildings. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why.预测独立口语2Task 1 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-30