
本站小编 免费考研网/2020-01-16

第1章 经济类

Unit 1

The very loans that are supposed to help seniors stay in their homes are in many cases pushing them out.

Reverse mortgages, which allow homeowners 62 and older to borrow money against the value of their homes and not pay it back until they move out or die, have long been fraught with problems. But federal and state regulators are documenting new instances of abuse as smaller mortgage brokers, including former subprime lenders, flood the market after the recent exit of big banks and as defaults on the loans hit record rates.

Some lenders are aggressively pitching loans to seniors who cannot afford the fees associated with them, not to mention the property taxes and maintenance. Others are wooing seniors with promises that the loans are free money that can be used to finance long-coveted cruises, without clearly explaining the risks. Some widows are facing eviction after they say they were pressured to keep their name off the deed without being told that they could be left facing foreclosure after their husbands died.

Now, as the vast baby boomer generation heads for retirement and more seniors grapple with dwindling savings, the newly minted Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is working on new rules that could mean better disclosure for consumers and stricter supervision of lenders. More than 775,000 of such loans are outstanding, according to the federal government.

Concerns about the multibillion-dollar reverse mortgage market echo those raised in the lead-up to the financial crisis when consumers were marketed loans—often carrying hidden risks—that they could not afford.

“There are many of the same red flags, including explosive growth and the fact that these loans are often peddled aggressively without regard to suitability,” said Lori Swanson, the Minnesota attorney general, who is working on reforming the reverse mortgage market.

注(1):本文选自The New York Times;

注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象:第1题模仿2011年真题(二)Text 1第2题;第2题模仿2009年真题Text 2第4题;第3、4题模仿2010年真题Text 2第3、2题;第5题模仿2011年真题(二)Text 3第5题。

1. What can we learn about mortgage loans from the first two paragraphs?

A) The loans help seniors stay in their homes.

B) The loans are actually expelling seniors.

C) The reverse mortgage only welcomes seniors 62 and older.

D) Seniors can apply for reverse mortgage freely.

2. The problem of reverse mortgage refers to ______.

A) some lenders are pleased to lend money to seniors

B) the borrowers cannot pay back the money as expected

C) federal and state regulators are documenting new instances of abuse

D) former subprime lenders go bankrupt

3. The word “foreclosure”(Line 5, Paragraph 3) most probably implies ______.

A) the widows were pressured to lose their names

B) the seniors couldn’t enjoy their cruises finally

C) the widows may be evicted from their houses

D) the widows had misunderstood the reverse mortgage

4. Which of the following is true about the new rules from CFPB?

A) The rules are good for lenders while adverse to borrowers.

B) The baby boomer phenomenon helps seniors to save money.

C) Consumers can better understand reverse mortgage.

D) The rules will be stricter for consumers.

5. The “red flags” of reverse mortgage don’t include ______.

A) explosive growth

B) never considering suitability

C) leading to financial crisis

D) the reform of reverse mortgage market




mortgage /ˈmɔːgɪdʒ/ n. 抵押

fraught /frɔːt/ adj. 充满(令人不快之事)的;担心的,忧虑的

subprime lender 次贷方,次级抵押贷款的贷款方

default /dɪˈfɔːlt/ n. 不还债;违约;缺席

pitch /pɪtʃ/ v. 投掷;倾斜;搭帐篷

woo /wuː/ v. 争取…的支持;追求;恳求

long-coveted /ˌlɒŋ-ˈkʌvətɪd/ adj. 觊觎已久的,长期垂涎的

eviction /ɪˈvɪkʃn/ n. 逐出,赶出;收回

grapple /ˈɡræpl/ v. 努力克服;抓住;与…格斗

dwindle /ˈdwɪndl/ v. 减少;变小

outstanding /aʊtˈstændɪŋ/ adj. 未偿付的;显著的;未解决的

peddle /ˈpedl/ v. 叫卖;兜售;散播


Now, as the vast baby boomer generation heads for retirement and more seniors grapple with dwindling savings, the newly minted Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is working on new rules that could mean better disclosure for consumers and stricter supervision of lenders.

主体句式:As..., the CFPB is working on new rules...

结构分析:本句是一个复杂句,as引导原因状语从句,其后主句的主干为the CFPB is working on new rules,并用that引导的定语从句修饰new rules。其中,that在定语从句中充当主语。



1. B 细节题。第一段开门见山地指出,在许多情况下,贷款(即指下文的反向抵押贷款)使得老人居无定所,因此A选项不正确。C、D两项中,“only”和“freely”措辞太绝对,与文章内容不符,故排除。只有B项符合题意。

2. B 细节题。题目要求找出反向抵押贷款所遇到的问题,故可将本题答案初步定位至文章的二、三段。根据还贷拖欠情况屡创新高和贷款方把钱贷给那些无法支付相关费用的老人可知,反向抵押贷款最大的问题是借贷者无法按预期还贷,B项正确。A、C、D项虽然说法上无太大错误,但明显答非所问,故正确答案为B。

3. C 语义题。对生单词应根据其在句子中的成分和上下文语境来进行推理。由生词所处句子的句意可知,该问题是孤寡妇人在丈夫死后所要面对的。根据上文推理可知,该问题是指房产问题,那么她们需要面对的应该是房产所有权的丧失。只有C选项符合题意,A、B、D项均与原文不符。

4. C 推理题。第四段指出,随着大量婴儿潮时代出生的人步入退休阶段,更多的老年人正在努力解决积蓄减少这一困境,新成立的消费者金融保护局开始着手制定新的政策,这一举措可能意味着消费者会拥有更好的知情权,借贷方面临更为严格的监管。由此可知A、B、D项均理解有误,只有C选项符合题意。

5. D 语义题。“red flags”不仅可以表示“红旗”,还可以指“危险信号”,由上下文可知,此处即为“危险信号”。根据最后两段可知,A、B、C选项中的爆炸性增长、未考虑是否合适和引发经济危机,都是反向抵押贷款给市场带来的危险信号,均不符合题意。只有D项不属于危险信号,符合题意。








Unit 2

The American economy has been shedding jobs for nearly two years, but now comes a sign that the gloom could eventually lift. The Bureau of Labour Statistics released new data on payroll employment on Friday December 4th, and across the board the numbers came in better than had been expected.

Some 11,000 jobs were lost in November, the smallest total since the recession began late in 2007. And despite the continued job losses, the overall unemployment rate fell from 10.2% to 10.0%. So, too, did broader measures of unemployment which include marginally attached workers and those who work only part time (for economic reasons).

The payroll report will leave markets and policymakers happy, for a day at least. Most forecasters had expected that 100,000 jobs, or more, would have been lost, and most thought that the unemployment rate would hold steady or rise. A private employment report for November, which is published just before the official payroll report, showed that nearly 170,000 workers lost their jobs.

None of this means that the troubles are all over, however. The unemployment rate had once before declined in 2009, from June to July, before proceeding to rise for the next three months. A steady decline now will be hard to achieve: one estimate suggests that the American economy needs to add around 150,000 jobs each month just to keep up with population growth.

Employment growth in the economy remains concentrated in just a few sectors. There are encouraging signs in professional and business services; a 52,000 job increase in temporary help services in this category indicates that employers may soon begin creating more permanent positions.(Although by one measure non-manufacturing businesses are losing confidence, according to an index produced by the Institute for Supply Management this week.)Education, health services, and government are the only other sources of employment growth; the manufacturing, construction, and retail sectors continued to cut jobs in November.

That is particularly disappointing given that manufacturing activity has expanded for four consecutive months. More troubling still, the rate of manufacturing expansion declined in November. Increasing activity to data had largely been because of the replenishment of depleted inventories. If this brief spurt of expansion has exhausted itself without creating new jobs, then that bodes ill for recovery in other sources of demand, including consumer spending.

And then there are the ugliest statistics of all. Just over 15m Americans are unemployed, an increase of 8m from the start of the recession. Nearly 6m of those are considered long-term unemployed. Almost 40% of jobless workers have been out of work for 27 weeks or more. Bringing most of these workers back into the labour force will require strong economic growth, of the sort that is unlikely to prevail for at least the next year or so. This unexpectedly sharp decline in lost jobs is a silver lining on an extremely dark cloud.


注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象:第1、3题分别模仿2004年真题Text 1第1、3题,第2题模仿2008年真题Text 4第2题,第4题模仿2014年真题Text 4第4题,第5题模仿2006年真题Text 2第5题。

1. What is America’s current unemployment situation?

A) The unemployment rate remains in a mild decline.

B) The number of job offers has exceeded that of job losses.

C) There still will be many people who are going to lose their jobs.

D) It has met the expectations of the majority of people.

2. We can infer from the second and third paragraphs that ______.

A) the private employment report lacks credibility

B) unemployment rate does not involve all citizens

C) unemployment rate forecast is inaccurate

D) policy-making depends on unemployment rate

3. The word “bodes” (Line 4, Paragraph 6) most probably means ______.

A) brings

B) falls

C) develops

D) foretells

4. Speaking of employment growth, the author implies that ______.

A) economic sectors of employment growth are still limited yet expanding

B) inventory replenishment is a good chance of providing more jobs

C) the prospect of an overall employment growth remains gloomy

D) the difficulty of demand recovery impedes the creation of new jobs

5. We can draw a conclusion from the text that ______.

A) the unexpectedly sharp decline in lost jobs paves the way for general optimism

B) the unemployment rate fluctuates dramatically in economic recession

C) it is still uncertain whether the November unemployment rate is a good sign

D) unemployment rate is expected to continually drop in the following months




gloom /gluːm/ n. 萧条(或消沉)的状况,无望

payroll /ˈpeɪˌrəʊl/ n. 薪水册,工资表

recession /rɪˈseʃn/ n. (经济的)衰退;衰退期

marginally /ˈmɑːrdʒɪnəli/ adv. 少量地;最低限度地

consecutive /kənˈsekjutɪv/ adj. 连续不断的;接连而来的

replenishment /rɪˈplenɪʃmənt/ n. 再装满,补充,充满

inventory /ˈɪnvəntri/ n. 清单上开列的货品,存货

spurt /spɜːt/ n. 短时激增;迸发

exhaust /ɪgˈzɒst/ v. 用完,耗尽

prevail /prɪˈveɪl/ v. 流行,盛行;普遍发生

silver lining (不幸或失望中的)一线希望


So, too, did broader measures of unemployment which include marginally attached workers and those who work only part time(for economic reasons).

主体句式:So did broader measures of unemployment.

结构分析:本句使用了“So did+主语”的倒装结构,用来说明前面所说的情况也同样适用于后面的事物,too为插入语。主语broader measures of unemployment由which引导的定语从句修饰,定语从句中的宾语之一those又由who引导的定语从句修饰。



1. C 细节题。根据文章前两段,失业率的增长速度有所减缓,这好于先前的预期,因此A和D不正确。根据文章第四段以及最后一段的内容可知,尽管情况有所好转,但这并不能说明麻烦已经全然消失,目前依然很难实现失业率的持续下降,而且明年经济不可能迅速复苏,这意味着失业率仍然会维持在较高水平,仍然将有很多人会失去工作,因此排除B,故C正确。

2. B 推理题。根据文章第二段,从广义上衡量,失业率涉及了近期未就业的人和兼职员工,因此可以推出失业率的统计并不涉及全体公民,因此B正确。文章第三段提到此前预期和民间报告与官方数据的不同,但并不能据此说明民间报告可信度低,也无法得出预期不准确的结论,因此A与C皆不正确。第三段提到政策制定者看到这个失业率增长速度的数据会很高兴,但并没有提到政策制定和失业率之间的关系,因此D不正确。

3. D 语义题。整个第六段都在讲目前各领域存在的糟糕情况,因此可以推出这些都预示着经济很可能不会迅速复苏。“bode”作为动词是“预示”的含义,通常都是指预示不好的结果。

4. C 推理题。尽管文章第五段指出一些部门的就业率在增加,但是从文章总体看来,失业率仍然居高不下,就业率的总体增长态势并不乐观,因此C正确。第五段中表明就业率增长仅限于几个领域,并没有提到扩张的趋势,所以A错误。第六段中manufacturing activity指的并不是就业,因此B不正确。第六段还提到如果无法创造新的工作机会,那么其他需求很难得以恢复,D颠倒了因果关系,因此错误。

5. C 推理题。文章中虽然提到11月份的失业率数据让市场和政府都感到十分振奋,但是通过全文的分析,整体就业情况依然不容乐观,因此很难说这个数据意味着失业率增长的速度会持续下降,因此C正确,A和D不正确。文章中并没有提到失业率数据是否有很大的起伏变化,故B也不正确。









Unit 3

Since the start of the year the price of sugar futures has almost doubled. This is welcome news for Brazil, the world’s largest producer of the stuff. The price spike is mainly explained by unfavourable weather—too little rain in India and too much in Brazil. India’s sugar production fell by almost half last year, turning the country from the second-biggest producer to the biggest importer. For Brazil’s big sugar companies the timing is perfect: the credit crunch set off a wave of consolidation in an industry that had been resistant to it. The firms that have survived now have more scale and lots of cash.


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  • 考试吧:2019年考研《英语二》阅读理解答案
      Section II Reading Comprehension  Part A  Directions:  Read the following four texts. Answer the questions after each text by choosing A, B,C or D. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET (40 points)  Text 1  参考答案:  21. A foster a child&s moral development  22. D burdensome  ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-31
  • 2019考研《英语二》阅读理解答案(海天版)
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-31