
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-11-27

备忘录及报告亦称便函(Informal Letters),本质也是书信,一般是写给同事的一种正式而简短的信,往往与工作有关。它的主体部分与书信的主体部分几乎一样,只是省略了其中的礼貌结尾。同时,不需要结束语和签名。
1 写作格式
To:(收文人,如All Faculty)
From:(发文人,如Li Ming)
Date:(日期,如January 4,2014)
Subject:(事由,如Faculty Meeting)
2 写作特点
1)时间:如2015年1月14日,星期六,2:00 pm
第3章 图画作文
第一节 总论
●General description:总体描述,1句。
●Topic sentence:主题句,即symbolic meanings(象征寓意),1句。
1)五大角度:background,facts,others' opinions,reasons,consequence
2)六种手段:cause and effect,classification,definition and explanation,statistics and facts,exemplification,compare and contrast
●Concluding sentence:结论句,1句。
1.General description:总体描述,1句,第一段主题句。人物/动物/事物+动作+环境,或人物+服装+表情。图画作文第一段一般是图画描述,不应发表太多议论,第一段发表议论属于跑题。请考生牢记,考研是提纲作文。
1)1998:As is vividly revealed in the cartoon,a hen is making promises.
2)2000:The drawings vividly illustrate the changes of numbers of fish and fishing boats in the past 100years.
3)2001:It is vividly described in the picture that a lamp is lightening in the darkness/a spark is smiling in the darkness.
4)2002:The photo vividly shows a lovely American girl in traditional Chinese costume with a sweet smile on her face.
5)2003:This set of drawings vividly reflect the destiny of a delicate flower under different circumstances.
6)2004:It is vividly illustrated in the cartoon that a boy is running on the playground/making the final spurt along the race track.
7)2005:As is vividly depicted in the drawing,four young people are playing a “football match” of caring their helpless father on the playground.
8)2006:The pictures vividly reveal that Beckham is extremely popular in China at present.
9)2007:The cartoon humorously presents a scene of football game with the two rivals facing each other.
10)2008:As is subtly portrayed in the drawing,two handicapped young men are walking towards their destination with vigorous strides,leaving all their crutches behind.
11)2009:As is symbolically illustrated in the cartoon,a large number of people are surfing on the net within a stretching spider web,either to entertain themselves or to meet the needs of work.
 As is symbolically illustrated in the portrayal,there is a boiling hot pot containing various ingredients of multi-cultures.
 As is subtly portrayed in the cartoon,two tourists are sightseeing on a small boat while discarding their picnic leftovers casually into a lake.
 As is symbolically demonstrated in the cartoon,two individuals respond to the same event in completely different ways.
 As is vividly shown in the cartoon,for college students,choosing what to do upon graduation can be a tough decision,to say the least.
 As is shown in the cartoon,four youngsters are sitting at a table,ready to have dinner.
 In the pictures above are a father and his beloved son.
 In the cartoons above are two men treating books in completely different ways.
1)1998:While laying eggs,she is proudly promises that her eggs are all round and oval-shaped rather than twisted.In addition,they are all composed of eggshells,egg whites and yolks.
2)2000:In one picture,there were various kinds of fish and only one fishing boat in 1900.On the contrary,in 1995 there was only one fish,but a great many fishing boats.
3)2001:An oil lamp is designed with a flame showing a child's smile.It looks so pure and innocent that we can almost feel the care and warmth from the symbol of love.
4)2002:She wears ribbons,earrings,necklaces and other accessories that are characteristic clothes of a certain Chinese minority group.Besides,the costume has added oriental charm to her beautiful appearances.
5)2003:In the first drawing,the flower is placed in a comfortable greenhouse which protects it from the threatening storm.By contrast,when it is exposed to the driving rain,the fragrant flower soon fades and withers,with fallen petals on the ground.
6)2004:After a long race,he is making the final spurt toward the finishing line,sweat pouring down his face.Straight ahead lies a sign which indicates a new “starting point” and encourages him to continue rushing to the next destination.
7)2005:In the cartoon,each of them stands in the different corner of the field.The elder son kicks out the old father,with the other three children guarding their goals.
8)2006:In the first photo,there is a young man with “Beckham” written on his face.In the second picture,there is another young man who is doing Beckham's haircut in a barber's shop.
9)2007:On guarding the goal,the man on the left seems to be keeping a “huge one” that is easy and inevitable for a goal,while the person on the right hesitates to kick the ball with an illusion about the “huge keeper”.(19分作文)
10)2008:The hardship of disability being no longer an obstacle on their journey,they support each other with firm hands and proceed steadily.
11)2009:However,it seems rather ironic to present people separated from each other by the spider web when they attempt to communicate.
 But different from the traditional Chinese hot pot,in which you see beef or lamb,luncheon meat,mushrooms,and a variety of vegetables,in this hot pot are various “cultural foodstuffs” of both Chinese and foreign origins:Confucius,Aristotle,and Shakespeare,Taoism,Greek Mythology,etc.(19分作文)
 Unfortunately,the lake is already filled with litter and teaming with flowing rubbish like plastic containers,fish-bones,banana peels,watermelon rinds,bottles,tins,food wrappings,and so on.
 Faced with the same situation,a man is saying “Everything is ruined.” while another man is saying “It's lucky to have some water left.”(高分作文)
 For the vast majority of students,the choice is among finding a job,pursuing postgraduate studies,going abroad,and starting one's own business.
 In the first cartoon,three decades ago,along the road walks a young and vigorous mother,leading her beloved daughter hand in hand,with a sweet smile on her beautiful face.On the contrary,in the second portrayal,the daughter in the prime of her life is now supporting her aged mother with her firm arm .
 Unfortunately,instead of drinking and eating from a variety of delicious and nutritious dishes,each of them is holding a mobile phone and staring at the screen,with no thought to chatting or eating at all.
 In the left-hand cartoon,the father,smoking a cigarette and sitting comfortably on a sofa,is watching a football match on TV and shouting,“Son,study hard for me!”On the contrary,in the right-hand portrayal,at 9 p.m.,the father is studying together with his son,both totally absorbed in their books.
19)2017英语(一): In the first caricature,facing hundreds of books on the shelf,a man is saying proudly,“I have so many books!”On the contrary,in the second drawing,facing merely one book on the desk,another person is saying to himself,“I will exert my effort to finish reading 20 books this year.”
1)2001:The caption reads,“Love is like a lamp which is brighter in darker places.”
2)2003:We are informed that “the flower growing in a greenhouse cannot withstand the test of a storm.”
3)2004:The caption reads,“The finishing line is also the starting point.”
4)2005:We are informed that it is a “football matching of financially support the elderly.”
5)2006:In the first cartoon,the caption indicates that “worship for the idol is written on the face”.In the second photo,we are informed that he is spending 300yuan imitating his idol's haircut.
6)2008:Obviously,it is teamwork that makes it possible for them to go anywhere they want to.(19分作文)
7)2009:Undoubtedly,the spider web serves as a symbol of the Internet,connecting people and isolating them from each other at the same time.
 We are informed that the cultural “hot pot” is both delicious and nutritious.
 And below the drawing,there is a caption which says:“after” the travel or “me” in the travel.
10)2012英语(一):We are informed that various folks take different attitudes toward the same occurrence.
 And below the drawing,there is a caption which says: “Choice”.
 And below the drawing,there is a caption which says:“Mutual Support”.
 The caption informs us that the picture shows a typical gathering in an era of mobile phones.
 The caption indicates,“Instead of merely making a request,set an example.”
 The cartoons are captioned:“owning books and reading books”.
1.Topic sentence主题句:1句,应是symbolic meanings,即图画的深层象征寓意。此句是文章的中心思想,也是第二段的主题句,承上启下。
1)1998:The symbolic meaning of the picture is to show us that importance should be attached to the widespread meaningless promises made by people in all walks of life.
2)2000:The purpose of the drawer is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the decline of ocean resources.
3)2001:The picture illustrates the real meaning of love,by stressing the fact that love is emotional strength,which can support us no matter how dark the world around us becomes.
4)2002:The fact that people from different countries are attracted to the mysterious Chinese culture indicates that to some extent a culture can be accepted,respected,appreciated and shared internationally.
5)2003:Undoubtedly,the drawings symbolically reveal a serious problem in our daily life,i.e.parents' doting care to only child in the current society.
6)2004:The cartoon conveys the meaning that life is like the process of running in which one should make constant efforts and never stop making progress.
7)2005:The purpose of the drawing is to show us that utmost importance should be attached to the mistreatment of senior citizens.


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