
本站小编 免费考研网/2015-02-26

謊! You are the one who’s lying. /他要是不知道才怪呢!I’d be really surprised if he didn’t know.
6. (表示事情在前不久發生;剛才):The performance has just started.節目才開始.Why leave so soon?怎麼,才來就要走?
7. (表示事情發生或結束得晚):He left New York only yesterday.他昨天才離開紐約.
8. (表示只有在某種條件下或由於某種原因、目的,然後怎麼樣,前面常有“只有、必須、因為、由於”等配合):非等起重機來了才能裝?#092;嗎?Must we wait till the crane arrives before we start loading.只有肯努力,才能得到好成績.Only you study hard can you get good results.
9. (對比起來表示數量小,次數少,能力插等等;僅僅):1949年以前中國剛年產量最高才90多萬噸.Before 1949, China’s highest annual output of steel was only just over 900,000 tons.當時他才五歲.He was only five years old then.
10. (表示強調所說的事,句尾常用“呢”字):麥子長的才好呢!The wheat is coming along fine.他要是不知道才怪呢!It would be really strange if he didn’t know.屋子裡不熱外面才熱呢!It is not hot in the house, nut it’s really hot outside.
請注意! 在英文中這個“才”字不一定是非要用”某個單字”來表達不可;它可以用一些特別的句型,片語或語氣來表達.所以,學會用這些特別的句型,片語或語氣來表達是很重要的.
“非常, 很, 极其”的英文表达法
  相信大家都会有这样的经历: 每每用英语表达一些很一般的概念时, 我们总会立刻想起某个表达法. 例如: 想说"很"时,立刻想到了very或very much; 想说"大"时, 则用big或large.这样的一一对应, 大大减弱了英语写作的丰富性和生动性.
  于是这些最先为我们想到的表达法, 便成了我们提高英语水平的羁绊. 如果我们能把这些最常用概念的英语表达归类, 总结, 贫乏的英语表达便会涣然一新.
在英语中用来表达"极其, 非常, 很"的方式有26种:
1) most
(used for giving force)
a. (to an adjective) very
It really is most annoying.
b.(to an adverb) quite; very
Whatever happens, I shall most certainly attend the meeting.
most只能修饰具有主观意见或感情色彩的形容词和副词, 表示"非常, 很"的概念.我们可以说 most certainly, 但不能说most tall 或 most quick
2) awfully adv.
infml (used to give more force to an expression) very
awfully cold, awfully nice
I am awfully sorry for it.
3) badly adv.
(与"want", "need"连用) a great deal; very much
They want help badly.
He is badly in need of a haircut.
4) more than ...
fml, to a degree at which "..." is no longer a strong enough
or suitable word. 与中文的"无以名状"差不多
We were more than happy to hear of your escape.
I think his offer is more than fair.
5) ever so/such
infml. esp. BrE very
It's ever so cold.
She's ever such a nice girl.
6) immensely adv.
apprec very much
I enjoyed it immensely.
7) much adv.
to a great degree
I don't much like that idea.
I'm much surprised to hear that.
8) mighty adv.
infml. very
It was a mighty good meal, and everyone enjoyed it.
9) highly adv.
(esp. before adjectives made from verbs) to a high degree; very
highly pleased, highly skilled, highly interesting, highly
This is a highly amusing film.
10) greatly adv.
(with verb forms, esp. the past p.)
to a large degree; very
greatly moved by his kindnes
greatly to be feared
We are greatly obliged to you for your help.
11) mortally adv.
very greatly; deeply
She is mortally afraid of walking home alone on a
dark night.
He is mortally jealous.
12) deeply adv.
We are deeply obliged to you for your help.
13) like anything
very hard; fiercely
When they arrived, the house was burning like anything.
The maid wanted like anything to try on her mistress's clothes.
He is brave like anything.
14) only too
only too happy to come
I am only too glad to go there.
15) a thousand
It is a thouand pity.
A thousand thanks!
16) one hundred percent
I am sure the figure is one hundred percent correct.
17) to the world
He was tired to the world.
18) up to the handle
I am enjoying my trip up to the handle.
19) to a large extent
I agree with what you say to a large extent.
20) not half
BrE infml very
It isn't half windy today!
They didn't half support my proposal.
21) extremely
I am extremely sorry
22) exceedingly adv.
very; to an unusual degree
They were exceedingly kind.
23) terribly adv.
infml. very
I've been terribly worried about you all day.
We were terribly lucky to find you there.
24) quite adv.
more than usually; rather
It's really quite good; much better than we expected.
25) utterly adv.
I found the books utterly charming, instructive, and
26) completely adv
wholly; altogether; in every way; totally
The army made a completely successful attack
on the enemy capital.
  (1)All night long: 整夜
Some stores stay open all night long.
  (2)Call it a day: 一天工作完毕
Every day, we have class from 9am and will call it a day at 4.30pm.
  (3)Day after day: 每天
Schooling could be very boring, as the students do the same things day after day.
  (4)Day in day out: 一天又一天
Henry wears the same old jeans day in day out. Isn't he going to buy some new clothes ?
  (5)For a rainy day: 为困难的日子作准备
When a person gets older, he will realise the importance of saving for a rainy day.
  (6)In this day and age: 在现在这时代
In this day and age, no one can expect to get something out of nothing.
  (7)Have an off day: 不大成功或顺利的一天
Tom did not do well in yesterday's test.He considered him unlucky euough to have an off day.
  (8)The order of the day: 一般的惯例
In a petroleum station here, payment by credit card is the order of the day.
  (9)The other day: 几天前
I bumped into an old friend the other day.
  (10)To this day: (指日期)准确地
It is 40 years to this day that I left university.
  (11)Have seen better days: 曾经历过好日子
Palmer was departmental head in that university before he came here. He has seen better days.
  (12)Some day: 将来
Everyone hopes to be great some day.
  (13)One's days are numbered: 末日将临:
Under computerisation, unskilled workers become redundant. Their days in a company are numbered.
  (14)Carry the day: 胜利的一天
Our team lost at first, but later, it carried the day with two goals to one.
  (15)Someone's day: 幸运的一天
Jim was promoted. Furthermore, he was given a performance bonus yesterday. It was his day.
  (16)Take a day off: 休息一天
Janet was unwell and took a day off.
  (17)Have a night out: 夜间出去消遣
It's time to have a change. We must have a night out at the weekend.
  (18)A night owl: 迟迟不睡者
The moment Jack entered the university, he was a night owl.
  (19)At the dead of night: 深夜
Our managerial officers attended the emergency meeting at the dead ofnight.
  (20) Save the day: 使情况变佳.
Frank saved the day by kicking in a goal during the last five minutes of the match.
  (21)Every dog has its day: 凡人都有得意日
I have seen ordinary people suddenly become important. This is a case of every dog has its day.
  (22)What is done by night appears by day: 若要人不知,除非己莫为"Crime does not pay. Criminals will be found out. That's why we say : What is done by night appears by day.
《联合早报》"Not" 的巧用
大家都知道, 说话和写文章是有很大的不同的, 说话讲求的是能够清楚地表达自己的意思, 因此在用字上要力求简单扼要, 但重点部份要强调出来. 你能够清楚地掌握这个重点吗? 现在来考考你, 如果有人问你, "Did you break this plate?" 你要强调这不是我干的, 你会怎么说? 你会不会说, "No, I didn't." 但是要注意喔! "No, I didn't" 只是说, "我没有作" 这跟 "不是我干的" 有很大的差别喔.. 那正确的说法应该是怎样? 让我们来看看 "Not" 的用法.
1. Not me. 不是我.
嘿... 没想到这么简单吧! 这种看似简单, 文法也不对的句子, 却是老美天天挂在嘴边的话. 这句话简单明了, 而且把重点 "不是我" 给强调出来. 这是非常好的一个句子. 另外, 老美也很喜欢讲 "Wasn't me." 这跟 "Not me." 都是一样的意思, 同样强调这不是我干的.
还有像以前大家很流行机车联谊, 结果很不幸你的钥匙被恐龙给抽中了, 你就可以望天长叹说, "Oh, not me." (怎么会是我呢?) 或是你也可以说, "Why me?"
2. Not today. 不要今天啦.
这种用法常常用在二个人相约时间的时候. 例如有人找你去看电影, "Do you want to go to see the movie?" 你就可以说, "Oh, not today" 这表示出你还是蛮想去的, 只不过今天不行. 另外 "Not at this moment." 或是 "Not now." 也蛮常用的.
3. Not a word. 保持安静.
"Not a word" 跟 "Be quiet." 一样都是要别人安静下来的意思. 例如你跟朋友去看电影, 结果电影都开演了, 你的朋友还在叽叽喳喳讲个不停, 这时候你就可以跟他说, "Shhhhhhh. Not a word." 或是 "Be quiet." 要是你真的已经很烦了,就说 "Shut up!"
4. Not so fast. 不要那么快啦.
有些男女朋友第一次约会就牵牵手, 如果你是女生, 觉得这样子实在是太快了, 你就可以说, "Hey, not so fast." 同样的, 有些男生去陪女朋友就像例行公事一样, 随便敷衍个二句就想走人, 这时女生就可以说, "Not so fast."


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