艾滋病毒携带者 | HIV carrier | 麻省理工学院 | MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) | |
爱国民主人士 | patriotic democratic personages | 马尔堡出血热 | Marburg haemorrhagic fever | |
爱国情操 | patriotic sentiment | 马拉松赛跑 | Marathon (race) | |
爱国统一战线 | Patriotic united front | 马术 | equestrian | |
爱国卫生运动 | patriotic sanitation campaign | 码分多址 | CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access) | |
爱国者导弹 | patriotic missile | 慢镜头 | slow motion | |
爱国主义教育 | education in patriotism | 漫游 | roaming service | |
爱好和平的国家 | a peace-loving country | 盲目投资 | haphazard investment | |
爱滋病 | AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) | 毛重或总重 | gross weight | |
安家费 | settling-in allowance | 贸易保护主义 | trade protectionism | |
安居工程 | Comfortable/Affordable Housing Project | 贸易伙伴 | trade partner | |
安全保障计划 | safety-net program | 贸易顺差逆差 | trade surplus/deficit | |
安全第一,游客至上 | safety first, passengers supreme | 贸易议定书 | trade protocol | |
安全与稳定的基础 | bedrock of security and stability | 贸易争端 | trade dispute | |
安置受灾群众 | resettlement of affected residents | 贸易自由化 | trade liberalization | |
按劳分配 | distribution according to one’s performance | 媒体炒作 | the media hype | |
案件受理费 | court acceptance fee | 媒体丑闻 | media gate | |
案例分析 | case study/case analysis | 媒体顾问;宣传顾问 | media advisor | |
案情陈述书 | statement of case | 媒体民意测验 | media polling | |
案由 | cause of action | 媒体战争 | media war | |
案值 | total value involved in the case | 美国宝洁公司 | P&G(Procter & Gamble) | |
暗恋 | unrequited love | 美国材料与试验协会 | ASTM(American Society for Testing Material) | |
暗箱操作 | black case work/covert deals | 美国参议院 | the US Senate | |
熬夜 | sleeping late | 美国齿轮制造商协会 | AGMA(American Gear Manufacturers Association) | |
奥斯卡金像奖 | Academy award | 美国船舶制造商协会 | NMMA(National Marine Manufacturers Association) | |
奥委会 | Olympic Committee | 美国大学教授协会 | AAUP(American Association of University Professors) | |
澳大利亚广播公司 | ABC(Australian Broadcasting Corporation) | 美国动力会议 | APC(American Power Conference) | |
澳门特别行政区基本法 | Basic Law of Macao Special Administrative Region | 美国公共广播电视公司 | PBS(Public Broadcasting Service) | |
八卦 | gossip | 美国广播公司 | ABC(American Broadcasting Company) | |
八国峰会 | G8 summit | 美国国会两院 | concurrent resolution | |
八荣八耻 | the "eight honor and eight shame" outlook/the socialist outlook on honor and shame | 美国国际集团 | AIG(American International Group) | |
巴菲特规则 | Buffett Rule | 美国国家航空和航天管理局 | NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) | |
巴厘路线图 | the Bali Road Map | 美国航天太空总署 | NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) | |
吧台 | bar counter | 美国机车保养员协会 | LMOA(Lake Monticello Owners’ Association) | |
把安全关 | take measures to ensure safety | 美国联邦调查局 | FBI(Federal Bureau of Investigation) | |
把龙当作吉祥物 | take dragon as the mascot | 美国联邦贮备委员会 | US Federal Reserve Board | |
把握大局 | see the whole picture | 美国纳斯达克指数 | NASDAQ(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation) | |
霸权主义 | hegemonism | 美国农业部 | USDA(US Department of Agriculture) | |
霸王条款 | inequality/imparity clause | 美国偶像 | American Idol | |
白炽灯 | incandescent lamp | 美国期货商品委员会 | CFTC(Commodity Futures Trading Commission) | |
百老汇 | Broadway | 美国汽车工程师学会 | SAE(Society of Automotive Engineers) | |
百慕大魔鬼三角 | Bermuda Triangle | 美国汽车制造商协会 | AAMA(American Automobile Manufacturers Association) | |
百年纪念 | centennial | 美国情报)泄密者 | whistler blower | |
百威啤酒 | Budweiser | 美国润滑脂协会 | NLGI(National Lubricating Grease Institute) | |
百闻不如一见 | seeing is believing | 美国石油炼制协会 | NPRA(National Petrochemical And Refiners Association) | |
摆架子 | put on airs | 美国石油学会 | API(American Petroleum Institute) | |
摆谱 | show off | 美国食品安全检验局 | FSIS(Food Safety and Inspection Service) | |
摆脱贫困 | shake off poverty | 美国税务局 | IRS(Internal Revenue Service) | |
拜把子兄弟哥们 | sworn brothers/buddies/very close friends | 美国硕士研究生入学资格考试 | GRE(Graduate Record Examination) | |
拜金主义 | money worship | 美国退休者协会 | AARP(American Association of Retired People) | |
拜年 | pay a new year’s visit | 美国为攻读企管硕士学生而设的入学考试 | (MBA) AGMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) | |
拜占庭(古罗马城市今称伊斯坦布尔) | Byzantium | 美国医学会杂志 | JAMA(The Journal of the American Medical Association) | |
颁奖仪式 | prize-awarding ceremony | 美国医药协会 | AMA(American Medical Association) | |
颁奖音乐 | award ceremony music | 美国有线电视新闻网络 | CNN(Cable News Network) | |
斑马线人行横道 | pedestrian crossing/cross walk/cross zone /zebra crossing | 美国证券交易委员会 | US Securities and Exchange Commission | |
板寸 | crew cut | 美国驻华大使 | American Ambassador to China | |
版权法 | copyright law | 美国总领事 | USCG(United States Consul General) | |
版税收入 | royalty income | 美联社 | AP(Associated Press) | |
办案人员 | personnel handling a case | 美中战略与经济对话 | U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue | |
办公室恋情 | office romance | 蒙特利尔议定书 | Montreal protocal | |
办年货 | do new year’s shopping | 迷茫的一代 | the lost generation | |
办丧事 | conduct funeral | 米袋子省长负责制和菜篮子市长负责制 | the system of provincial governors taking responsibility for the' rice bag' program and city mayors taking responsibility for the' vegetable basket 'program | |
半边天 | half the sky | 密集的增长模式 | the intensive mode of growth | |
半成品 | semi-finished products | 密码提示 | password hint | |
半封建社会 | semi-feudal society | 蜜月 | honeymoon | |
半拉子工程 | never-to-be finished project | 免费义务教育 | free compulsory education | |
半托 | day care(for kids) | 免考 | exemption from examination | |
半文盲 | functionally illiterate | 免申办签证旅行 | visa-free travel | |
伴飞卫星 | accompanying satellite | 免税区 | tax-free zone | |
伴舞演员 | backup dancer | 免责条款 | escape clause | |
傍大款 | find a sugar daddy | 面子工程 | vanity/image project | |
包车 | chartered bus | 秒杀 | seckill | |
包二奶 | have a mistress | 民调支持率 | riding high in opinion polls | |
包干到户 | work contracted out to households | 民生 | people’s wellbeing | |
包工包料 | contract for labor and material | 民事权利剥夺 | deprived of private rights | |
包工头 | labor contractor | 民事权利与责任 | civil right and liability | |
包容性增长 | inclusive growth | 民事权利争议 | dispute concerning private rights | |
保持发展后劲 | bring about a sustainable development | 民选政府 | elective government | |
保持高层次接触 | maintain high-level contact | 民意测验 | opinion poll | |
保持高度警惕 | keep up extreme vigilance | 民用航空 | civil aviation | |
保持国有股 | keep the state-held shares | 民众之声公众舆论 | vox pop | |
保持健康 | keep/stay/healthy/fit | 民主监督 | democratic supervision | |
保持双边贸易的平衡 | balance the two-way trade | 民主权利 | democratic rights | |
保护耕地 | protect arable land | 民主协商 | democratic consultation | |
保护和弘扬民族文化艺术 | protect and promote the national culture and arts | 民主运动 | pro-democracy movement | |
保护生物多样性 | biodiversity conservation | 民族地区 | regions inhabited by ethnic groups | |
保护性关税 | protective tariff | 民族感情 | national sentiments | |
保护珍稀动物和植物 | protect rare animals and plants | 民族特性和价值观 | national identity and values | |
保监会 | China Insurance Regulatory Commission | 民族团结 | ethnic unity | |
保健品 | health supplements | 民族振兴 | the revitalization of a nation | |
保健食品 | health food | 明文规定 | stated in explicit terms | |
保税仓库 | bonded warehouse | 明月当空 | with a bright moon ; moonlit | |
保税区 | bonded/free trade area | 命令行 | command line | |
保送高校 | be recommended for admission to top universities | 摩城之音 | the Motown sound | |
保险公司 | insurance company | 摩天轮 | Ferris wheel | |
保险索赔 | insurance claim | 莫尔斯电码 | Morse code | |
保险箱服务 | safe deposit box services | 母校 | Alma Mater | |
保修期 | warranty period | 目标责任书 | target responsibility document/description | |
保研 | postgraduate recommendation | 目的口岸 | port of destination | |
保障房供给不足 | insufficient affordable housing | 内联企业 | inland associated enterprises | |
保障和改善民生 | ensure the wellbeing of the people and improve their lives | 内陆国家 | landlocked country | |
保障年度收入 | guaranteed annual income | 内政 | interior administration | |
保质期 | shelf life | 内政部长 | interior minister | |
报酬渐减 | diminishing return | 纳米 | nanometer | |
报复性关税 | retaliatory tariff | 纳米技术 | nanotechnology | |
报关单 | customs declaration | 耐药性 | drug resistance | |
报价单 | price quote | 男女平等 | gender equality | |
报喜不报忧 | report only the good not the bad | 男女同校 | coeducation | |
报销 | reimburse | 南非发展共同体 | SADC(Southern African Development Community) | |
暴发户 | nouveau riche | 南水北调 | South-to-North water diversion | |
暴力和自杀 | violence and suicide | 南水北调工程东线 | eastern route of the South-to North Water Diversion Project | |
北大西洋公约组织 | NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) | 难降解有机污染物 | persistent organic pollutants | |
北京四合院 | Beijing’s courtyard house/Beijing’s four-section rectangular compound | 脑残体火星文 | leetspeak | |
北美自由贸易协定 | NAFTA(North America Free Trade Agreement) | 能源利用率 | rate of energy utilization | |
背黑锅 | be the scapegoat /bear the blame | 年报年刊年鉴 | annual/annals | |
背投屏幕 | rear projection screen | 年度国家预算 | annual state budget | |
被告席 | defendant’s penal | 年级名次 | class rank | |
被隔离 | under quarantine | 年久失修的道路 | crumbling roads | |
被解除隔离 | be released from quarantine | 年均增长率 | annual average growth rate | |
被迫出赛 | sideline | 年气温幅度 | annual temperature | |
被迫辞职 | walk the plank | 年终报告 | year-end report | |
被指控接受贿赂 | be accused of accepting bribes | 牛津英语词典 | OED(Oxford English Dictionary) | |
被逐出校门 | track out of schools | 扭转收入差距扩大的趋势 | reverse the widening inconel gap | |
本命年 | the year of one’s animal sign | 纽波特民间艺术节 | the Newport Folk Festival | |
本着……精神 | in the spirit of | 纽约证券交易所 | NYSE(New York Stock Exchange) | |
逼供 | forced confession | 农产品 | agricultural commodities | |
比赛地点 | spots/competition venue | 农村富余劳动力 | surplus rural labor | |
必修课 | compulsory course | 农村合作医疗制度 | system of rural cooperative medical care | |
毕婚族 | marry-upon-graduation | 农副产品 | agricultural and sideline products | |
毕业旅行 | after-graduation trip | 农户和社区 | rural households and communities | |
毕业设计 | graduation project | 农机具补贴 | subsidy for agricultural machinery and tools | |
毕业献辞 | valedictory address/speech | 农民工 | migrant worker | |
闭关政策 | closed-door policy | 农药残留 | pesticide residue | |
闭卷考试 | closed-book exam | 农药残留物 | pesticide residue | |
闭门羹 | give a cold shoulder | 农业工厂化 | factory farms | |
避暑胜地 | summer resort | 农业企业的专家 | an agribusiness specialist | |
避险基金 | hedge fund | 农业税 | agricultural tax | |
边际收入 | marginal revenue | 农业特产税 | taxes on special agricultural products | |
边际效益 | marginal benefit | 农业现代化 | rural modernization | |
边界争议区 | disputed border region | 农资综合补贴 | general subsidies for agricultural production supplies | |
边缘科学 | boundary science | 挪用公款 | embezzle public funds | |
编剧 | scriptwriter | 欧盟 | European Union(EU) | |
便利店 | convenience store | 欧盟轮值主席国 | rotating EU presidency | |
便衣警察 | plainclothes policemen | 欧亚大陆桥 | Eurasia Land Bridge | |
便宜的航空公司 | budget airlines | 欧元债务危机 | The Euro debt crisis | |
变性人 | transgender | 欧洲安全与合作组织 | OSCE(Organization Security and Cooperation in Europe) | |
标本兼治 | address both the symptoms and the root causes of the problem | 欧洲共同体欧共体 | European Community | |
标的物 | subject matter | 欧洲国家的一种面向国际学位制度 | IMP(International Master Program) | |
标准普尔指数 | Standard & Poor’s Index | 欧洲货币联盟 | EMU(European Monetary Union) | |
飙车 | drag racing | 欧洲经济共同体 | EEC (European Economic Communities) | |
表面反照率 | surface albedo | 欧洲经济合作委员会 | CEEC(Committee of Europe Economic Coorperation) | |
表面文章 | lip service | 欧洲经济合作协定 | CEECO(Convention of European Econimc Cooperation) | |
表情 | emotions | 欧洲联盟 | EU (European Union) | |
表演项目 | demonstration event | 欧洲汽车制造商协会 | ACEA(European Automobile Manufacturers Association) | |
表演艺术 | visual and performing arts | 欧洲协调委员会 | CEC(The Co-ordinating European Council) | |
别跟自己过不去 | don’t be hard on yourself | 欧洲央行 | ECB(European Central Bank) | |
冰雪节 | Snow Festival | 欧洲药品管理局 | EMA(European Medicines Agency) | |
兵马俑 | terracotta warriors/clay figures of soldiers and horses | 欧洲议会 | European Parliament | |
兵马俑博物馆 | the Terra-Cotta Warrior Museum | 欧洲中央银行 | ECB(European Central Bank) | |
并购 | merger and acquisition (M&A) | 欧洲中央银行央行 | ECB(European Central Bank) | |
病虫害防治 | pest and disease control | 欧洲自由贸易联盟 | EFTA(European Free Trade Association) | |
病从口入 | illness enters via the mouth | 欧猪五国 | PIIGS(Portugal、Italy、Ireland、Greece and Spain) | |
病毒、细菌或真菌 | viruses, bacteria or fungi | 排除官僚障碍 | clear away the red tape | |
病毒感染的实验室确认 | laboratory confirmation of infection | 排放贸易计划 | ETS(Emission Trading Scheme) | |
病毒性疾病 | viral disease | 排放许可证 | emission permits | |
病例 | medical/clinical records; case history | 庞氏骗局 | Ponzi scheme | |
菠菜电影(即有教育意义、令人深思的电影) | spinach cinema | 咆哮体 | roaring genre | |
播客 | video blog on the Internet | 泡网吧 | hit the Internet bar/cafe | |
播种面积 | sown area | 陪同口译 | liaison interpretation | |
博鳌亚洲论坛 | The Boao Forum for Asia | 配对游戏 | Bingo part or game | |
博采众长 | draw on others’ successful experience | 配角 | supporting role | |
博士后 | post-doctoral | 配套工程 | auxiliary/supporting project | |
博士后研究员 | postdoctoral fellow | 配套资金 | supporting funds | |
博弈论 | game theory | 配音 | dubbing | |
补偿贸易 | compensation trade | 喷灌 | sprinkler irrigation | |
补充协议 | supplementary agreement | 蓬勃发展势头 | robust growth momentum | |
补贴粮食 | subsidize food | 碰撞出许多思想的火花 | spark new ideas | |
补退选阶段 | add-and-drop | 批发底价 | bottom wholesale price | |
不安全性行为 | unsafe sex | 披头士 | Beatles | |
不安全饮用水和环境卫生 | unsafe water and sanitation | 骗税 | tax fraud | |
不成则败 | make or break | 票贩子黄牛党 | ticket scalper | |
不打不成交 | no discord no concord/no agreement without disagreement | 票房 | box office | |
不到长城非好汉 | He who has not scaled the Great Wall is not a true man | 票房大战 | box office battle | |
不断酸化的海洋 | growing acidification of the oceans | 票房毒药 | box office flop | |
不干涉 | non-intervention | 票房冠军 | top-grossing moive | |
不记名投票 | secret ballot | 票房号召力 | box office appeal | |
不结盟运动 | non-aligned movement | 票房价值 | box office value | |
不可抗力 | force majeure | 票据贴现 | bank discount | |
不可推卸的责任 | unshakable responsibilities | 拼车 | carpooling | |
不扩散核武器条约 | Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty | 贫富差距 | disparity in wealth distribution | |
不立案决定书 | written decision of no case-filing | 贫富加剧 | widening income gaps | |
不良贷款 | non-performing loan/bad loan | 贫困人口 | impoverished people | |
不良资产救助计划 | TARP(Troubled Asset Relief Plan) | 贫困线 | poverty line | |
不明飞行物 | UFO(Unidentified Flying Objects) | 贫老救济 | Aged poor relief | |
不拿原则换人情 | refrain from seeking personal favors at expense of principle | 频谱管理 | spectrum management | |
不惜一切代价 | spare no effort /go all out | 品牌定位 | brand positioning | |
不信任票 | vote of non-confidence | 平等权利修正案 | ERA(Equal Rights Amendment) | |
不锈钢 | stainless steel | 平房改造工程 | renovation project of shanty dwellings | |
不折腾 | avoid self-inflicted setbacks/don’t get sidetracked | 平均分数 | GPA(Grade-Point Average) | |
不正之风 | bad/harmful practice | 平均时间 | MT(Mean Time) | |
布雷顿森林体系 | Bretton Woods System | 平民 | civilian | |
步行街 | pedestrian-only street; vehicle-free promenade | 平日门票 | standard day tickets | |
财产保全申请书 | application for attachment; application for property preservation | 评估小组 | assessment team | |
财产股利 | property dividend | 屏保 | screen saver | |
财产侵犯 | property violation | 屏幕保护 | screen saver | |
财产让与权 | benefit of cession | 瓶颈 | bottleneck restrictions | |
财产申报 | asset declaration | 瓶颈制约 | bottleneck restrictions | |
财富全球论坛 | Fortune Global Forum | 破发 | stock sinks below the IPO price | |
财税体制 | fiscal and taxation system | 剖腹产 | Caesarean section | |
财务作假案;假账 | accounting fraud | 铺设铁轨或路面 | lay down tracks or pavement | |
财政保守主义 | fiscal conservation | 普遍服务 | universal service | |
财政收入 | fiscal revenue | 普遍优惠制 | generalized system of preference | |
财政资助(泛指向学生提供的各种资金、贷款、非全日工作等) | financial aid | 普通股 | common stock | |
采购经理人指数 | PMI(Purchase Management Index) | 普通开业医生 | GP(general practitioner) | |
采矿工业 | mining industry | 普通照会 | verbal note | |
彩铃 | polyphonic ring tone | 七项全能 | heptathlon | |
彩屏 | color screen | 歧视性条款 | discrimination practice | |
菜篮子工程 | the Vegetable Basket Project | 旗帜鲜明地反对民族分裂 | take a clear-cut stand against attempts to split the nation | |
参股收益;股本盈利 | equity earnings | 旗帜鲜明反对各种形式的保护主义 | take a clear-cut stand against all forms of protectionism | |
参议院席位 | Senate seats | 企业标识 | corporate identity | |
参政党 | parties participating in the management of State affairs | 企业到用户的电子商务模式 | B2C(Business to Customer) | |
参政议政 | political participation | 企业法 | enterprise law | |
餐饮业 | catering trade | 企业孵化器 | a business incubator | |
餐桌礼仪 | dinner etiquette | 企业联合馆 | cooperate joint pavilion | |
仓储式超市 | stockroom-style/warehouse-type supermarket | 企业社会责任 | Corporate Social Responsibility | |
藏书票 | ex-libris | 企业退休人员 | enterprise retirees | |
操作方法 | working technique; method of operation | 企业文化 | corporate culture | |
草根工业 | grassroots industry | 起步价 | flag fall | |
测谎试验 | lie detector tests | 气候变化没有国界 | climate change has no national boarders | |
测验民意的投票;大选前的意向性投票 | straw poll | 气候友好技术 | climate-friendly technologies | |
插播广告 | commercial interruption/commercial break | 气体能源转化探索研究小组 | TARGET(Team to Advance Research for Gas Energy Transformation) | |
查点考勤 | take attendance | 气温引爆点 | temperature "tipping points" | |
茶话会 | tea party | 气象部门 | meteorological department | |
产粮大省 | granary province | 弃权票 | vote abstention | |
产能过剩行业 | industries with excess capacity | 汽车尾气 | car exhaust | |
产品科技含量 | technological element of a product | 汽车制造商共同市场委员会 | CCMC(Car Makers Common Market Committee) | |
产品数据管理 | PDM(Product Data Management) | 汽化器空气温度 | CAT(Carburetor Air Temperature) | |
产权单位 | owner of property rights | 千年虫 | millennium bug | |
产权登记 | registration of property right | 千禧一代 | the Millennials | |
产权多元化 | ownership diversification | 签发签证 | issue a visa | |
产权制度改革 | reform of property rights system | 签名 | signature | |
产权资本转让 | equity capital transaction | 前台 | front/reception desk | |
产销直接挂钩 | directly link production with marketing | 潜规则 | casting couch | |
产业的升级换代 | upgrading of industries | 潜在恐怖袭击 | possible terrorist attacks | |
产业核心竞争力 | the core competitiveness of industries | 枪手 | ghost examinee | |
产业化扶贫 | reduce poverty through industrial development | 强硬政策 | tough policy | |
产业结构调整 | industrial restructuring | 强制措施 | enforcement measure | |
产业转移 | industrial transfer | 强制执行 | compulsory execution | |
长篇连续剧 | long-running television moive | 抢占经济科技制高点 | capture the economic, scientific and technological high ground | |
长期低息贷款 | long-term, low-interst loan | 敲门告知 | knock and notice | |
长时间起立鼓掌 | standing ovation | 怯场 | stage fright | |
长治久安 | lasting political stability; long-term stability | 亲笔签名 | Autograph | |
肠胃病 | gastro-intestinal trouble | 亲切的问候 | cordial greetings | |
常见问题 | FAQ(frequently asked questions) | 勤工助学 | work-study program | |
常务委员 | member of a standing committee | 青花瓷 | blue and white porcelain | |
抄袭剽窃 | plagiarize/plagiarism , | 青年奥林匹克运动会 | YOG(Youth Olympic Games) | |
超级爱玩的人 | party animal | 青少年犯罪 | juvenile delinquency | |
超前消费 | excessive consumption | 清仓销售 | clearance sale | |
超生人口 | extra births | 清产核资 | asset and capital verification | |
超水平发挥 | outdo oneself | 清偿国债 | extinguishment of national debt | |
超文本传输协议 | HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) | 清关 | customs liquidation | |
超现实主义 | surrealism | 清洁发展机制 | clean development mechanism | |
超音波钢轨探伤器 | ultrasonic rail detector | 清洁能源 | clean energy | |
朝鲜半岛核问题 | Korean Peninsula nuclear issue | 情报机构 | intelligence agencies | |
朝鲜半岛无核化 | denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula | 情报人员 | intelligence officers | |
朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 | DPRK(Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) | 情调音乐 | mood music | |
朝阳产业夕阳产业 | sunrise/sunset industry | 情商 | EQ(Emotional Quotient) | |
潮汐日 | tidal day | 区域合作 | regional cooperation | |
炒股 | speculate in the stock market | 区域协调发展 | balanced development between regions | |
炒作 | hype | 区域协调互动发展机制 | a mechanism for promoting balance and interactive development among regions | |
车辆购置及运行费 | the purchase and operating cost of motor vehicles | 渠道输水能力 | water carrying capacity of a canal | |
车牌号 | plate number | 全方位的外交政策 | all-dimensional foreign policy | |
车牌摇号 | license-plate lottery | 全国各族人民 | people of all ethnic groups | |
撤销立案 | revoke a case placed on file | 全国人大代表 | deputy to the National People’s Congress | |
撤销专利 | revocation of a patent | 全国人民代表大会 | NPC(the National People’s Congress) | |
成本、保险费加运费 | CIF(Cost,Insurance and Freight) | 全国人民代表大会主席团 | NPC Presidium | |
成本收益分析 | cost and benefit analysis | 全国外语翻译证书 | NAETI(National Accreditation Examinations for Translators and Interpreters) | |
成绩单 | transcript | 全国一级文物保护单位 | class A heritage site under state protection | |
成绩全优生 | straight A student | 全国有色人种协进会 | NAACP(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) | |
成人礼 | coming-of-age ceremony | 全国政协委员 | member of the national committee of the CPPCC | |
承诺派军 | commit troops to | 全科执业医师 | general practitioner | |
城管 | urban management officers | 全美篮球协会 | NBA(National Basketball Association) | |
城际高铁 | intercity high-speed rail | 全面的经济计划 | all-inclusive economic plan | |
城际快速铁路 | inter-city express railway | 全面深化改革 | comprehensively deepen reforms | |
城区建快速交通线 | IRT(interborough rapid transmit) | 全面投产 | run at full capacity | |
城市补丁 | run-down neighborhoods | 全面选举 | blanket ballot | |
城市带 | urban belt | 全面质量管理 | TQC(Total quality control) | |
城市低收入者 | low-income city dwellers | 全民健身和竞技体育 | public fitness programs and competitive sports | |
城市垃圾 | urban refuse | 全能冠军 | all-round champion | |
城乡差距 | rural-urban divide | 全球500强企业 | The global top 500 enterprises | |
城乡低保 | urban and rural recipients of subsistence allowances | 全球定位系统 | GPS(Global Position System) | |
城乡公共就业服务体系 | urban and rural systems for providing public employment services | 全球经济治理和区域合作 | Global economic governance and regional cooperation | |
城乡社会救助体系 | urban and rural emergency aid system | 全球警报 | global alert | |
城镇登记失业率 | registered unemployment rate in cities and towns | 全球排放分配方法 | apportionment approaches for global emissions | |
城镇社会保障体系 | urban social security system | 全球信息化论坛 | Global City Informatisation Forum | |
城镇职工基本养老保险制度 | basic old age insurance system for urban workers | 全球移动通信系统 | GSM(global system for mobile communications) | |
城镇住房制度改革 | reform of the urban housing system | 全球油气生产能力 | global oil and gas capacity | |
惩罚性关税 | punitive tariffs | 全日制教育 | full-time education | |
橙色预警 | orange alert | 全套发射设备 | LG(Lanch Complex) | |
持中立态度的国家 | fence-sitting nations | 全体教师 | teaching faculty |