赤贫 | dire poverty | 全息图 | hologram | |
赤字结余 | red balance | 权力下放 | shift of power to the grassroots;delegate power to the lower levels | |
充分发挥企业作为技术创新的主体作用 | give full play to the role of main parties for technologicalinnovation | 权利的和平过渡 | peaceful transfer of authority | |
冲动犯罪 | impulse crime | 权钱交易 | power-for-money deal | |
冲破不合时宜的观念束缚 | break the shackles of outdated ideas | 缺乏运动 | lack of exercise | |
抽象派艺术 | abstract art | 确认令状的发出 | acknowledge the issue of the writ | |
抽样检查 | sample survey | 裙带经济 | crony economy | |
筹款募款 | raising money | 群众路线活动 | mass line campaign | |
出场费 | performance fee | 群租客 | tenant groups | |
出口贸易 | export trade | 燃料排放量 | fossil fuel emission | |
出口信贷 | export credit | 燃油附加费 | fuel surcharge | |
出口总值 | total export value | 燃油附加税 | banker surcharge | |
出类拔萃的最棒的 | Bee ’s knees | 热点地区 | hot spot | |
出生时间和地点 | DPOB(date and place of birth) | 热点消费 | consumption in areas of high consumer interest | |
出线资格 | finals berth | 人才教育 | professional education | |
出于善意的 | done as a matter of favor | 人才培训 | personnel training | |
初创企业 | start-ups | 人才培养 | staff development | |
初级产品生产国 | primary producing country | 人才选拔 | personnel selection | |
初级商品 | primary goods | 人才战略 | human resources strategy | |
厨师特荐菜;招牌菜 | chef’s special | 人才之家 | Home for Talent | |
储备产业 | supporting industry | 人道主义干涉 | Humanitarian intervention | |
储蓄投资组合 | savings portfolio | 人道主义革命 | humanitarian mission | |
处世哲学 | philosophy of life | 人道主义援助 | humanitarian aid | |
处于最低生活保障线上的人 | minimum earner | 人格权 | right of personality | |
穿小鞋 | make life difficult for | 人工降雨 | artificial rain | |
传播文明 | transmission of civilization | 人均教育经费 | per-capita education spending | |
传媒大亨 | media tycoon | 人均可支配金额 | Per capita disposable income | |
传媒大战 | media competition | 人均能源浓度比 | per capita energy intensity ratio | |
传票 | issue a summons | 人均排放 | per capita emissions | |
传染病 | contagious disease | 人均占有量 | per capita availability | |
传染因子 | infectious agent | 人口功能区 | functional population zone | |
传染源 | source of infection | 人口红利 | demographic dividend | |
传输控制协议 | TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) | 人口老龄化 | aging population | |
传统教学方式 | traditional way of teaching | 人口零增长 | ZPG(Zero Population Growth) | |
传统中医药 | TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine) | 人口因素 | demographic factors | |
传销 | pyramid schemes; multi-level marketing | 人类基因组计划 | Human Genome Project | |
创汇型企业 | foreign exchange-earning enterprise | 人力资源 | human resources | |
创建卫生城市 | build an advanced clean city | 人力资源管理 | HRM(Human Resource Management) | |
创刊号 | inaugural issue | 人们赖以生存和发展的 | people rely on for subsistence and development | |
创新驱动发展战略 | innovation-based development strategies | 人民内部矛盾 | contradictions among the people | |
创新体系 | an innovation system | 人民生活和社会稳定 | people’s livelihood and social stability | |
创新型国家 | innovation-oriented nation | 人民团体 | mass organizations | |
创新型企业 | innovative enterprises | 人权公约 | human rights conventions | |
吹风会 | briefing | 人身攻击 | personal remark/comment | |
垂直管理 | vertical management | 人事制度改革 | reform of personnel system | |
垂直贸易 | vertical trade | 人体免疫缺损病毒 | HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus) | |
春卷 | spring roll | 人头税 | community charge | |
春运 | transport during the Spring Festival Period | 人头税 | poll tax | |
慈善事业观察员 | Charity visitor | 人造燃料 | synthetic fuel | |
磁带 | MT(Magnetic Tape) | 人造卫星 | artificial satellite | |
磁共振成象 | magnetic resonance imaging | 认股权 | stock option | |
磁悬浮列车 | maglev train/magnetically levitated train/magnetic suspension train | 任意单位 | AU(Arbitrary Unit) | |
次贷危机 | sub-prime crisis | 日本工业标准 | JIS(Japanese Industrial Standards) | |
次级房贷 | subprime mortgage | 日本共同通讯社 | Kyodo News Service | |
次区域合作 | sub-regional cooperation | 日本航空公司 | JAL(Japan Air Lines) | |
次生地质灾害 | secondary geological disaster | 日本汽车标准化组织 | JASO(Japanese Automobile Standards Organization) | |
从检票口通过 | get in through the wicket | 日本汽车工程师协会 | JASE(Japanese Society of Automobile Engineers) | |
从轻处罚情节 | mitigating circumstances | 日美同盟 | Japan-U.S. alliance | |
从人民的根本利益出发 | proceed from the fundamental interests of the people | 日益增长的物质文化需求 | growing material and cultural needs | |
从事贸易 | engage in trade | 融资渠道 | financing channels | |
从重处罚情节 | aggravating circumstances | 入户摸底调查 | door-to-door survey | |
聪明才智得到充分发挥 | bring the talent and creativity into full play | 入籍证明 | Certificate of naturalization | |
粗放集约经营 | extensive/intensive operation / | 入学须知 | information for admission | |
粗放式发展 | extensive development | 入住率 | occupancy rate | |
粗放性增长方式 | extensive mode of growth; inefficient model of growth | 软毒品;不易成瘾的毒品 | soft drug | |
粗活 | menial activity | 软环境 | soft environment | |
促进公共活动 | promote communal activity | 软件开发 | software development | |
促进共同繁荣 | promote common prosperity | 软件开发工程师 | software developer | |
促进国际关系民主化 | promote democracy in international relations | 软实力和巧实力 | soft power and smart power | |
促进国际收支平衡 | maintain a basic balance in international payments | 瑞士联合银行 | UBS(United Bank of Switzerland) | |
促进社会和谐稳定 | promote social harmony and stability | 三八红旗手 | March 8 Red Flag Bearer | |
促进艺术交流 | promote artistic exchange | 三包包修包换包赔 | three guarantees (for repair, replacement or compensation of faultyproducts) | |
催泪弹 | tear gas | 三个代表重要思想 | the important thought of Three represents | |
存款法定准备金比率 | deposit reserve ratio | 三角债 | chain debts | |
达到自给自足 | reach self-sufficiency | 三农 | agriculture,rural areas and farmers | |
答辩权 | right of reply | 三网融合 | three network convergence/TCL convergence | |
答谢宴会 | return dinner | 三一律(一个情节一个地点一个时间) | the three unities | |
打击取缔非法收入 | crack down on and ban illegal income | 三资企业 | three kinds of foreign-invested enterprise or ventures | |
打酱油 | see no evil/hear no evil/I’m just passing by | 散客 | odd customer; individual visitors | |
打破地区封锁和行业垄断 | break regional blockades and trade monopolies | 丧失全部财产 | lose one’s shirt | |
打破世界纪录 | break a world record | 森林砍伐和森林退化 | deforestation and forest degradation | |
大包干 | all-round responsibility system/lump-sum appropriations operation | 森林砍伐速度 | deforestation rate | |
大部分 | lion’s share | 森林蓄积量 | forest stock volume | |
大城市人口 | metropolitan area population | 山寨 | copycatting | |
大幅量化减排 | deep quantified emission cuts | 珊瑚白化 | coral bleaching | |
大规模杀伤性武器 | weapons of mass destruction | 闪跳族 | habitual job hopper | |
大海捞针 | look for a needle in a haystack | 伤不起 | to dedicate to bear a blow | |
大韩民国 | ROK(Republic of Korea) | 商会 | chamber of commerce | |
大麻烟叶 | Mary Jane | 商品保修期 | warranty period | |
大满贯 | grand slam | 商品房 | commercial apartment | |
大片好莱坞大片 | hit moive/Hollywood blockbuster / | 商品交易管理局美国 | CEA(Commodity Exchange Authority) | |
大企业集团 | conglomerate | 商品经济 | commodity economy | |
大容量高速率 | high-capacity and high-speed | 商务参赞 | commercial secretary | |
大西洋两岸的分歧 | transatlantic divergence | 商务专员 | commercial attache | |
大小孩 | kidult | 商业贷款 | business lending | |
大学城 | Higher Education Mega Center | 商业周期 | business cycle | |
大学生创业 | university student’s innovative undertakings | 商用通信服务 | commercial communications services | |
大学水平考试 | CLEP(College Level Examination Program) | 上岸游行观光 | shore excursion | |
大学先修课程考试(俗称测验) | Advanced Placement Test , AP | 上铺中铺或下铺 | upper, middle or lower berth | |
大众传播 | mass media | 上升段 | ascent stage | |
大众媒体 | popular media | 上市公司 | listed company | |
大众艺术 | pop arts | 上市股票 | listed shares(stock) | |
代表 | on behalf of | 上诉法院 | appeal court | |
代表团成员 | member of the delegation | 少不更事的青涩时代 | salad days | |
代表作 | tour de force | 少年司法制度 | juvenile justice system | |
代理 | agent | 社会保险账号 | SSN(Society Security Number) | |
代理检察员 | acting prosecutor | 社会保障 | social security | |
代排族 | hired queuer | 社会保障工作 | social security work | |
代用币游戏币礼品券 | token(coin)/token for games/a gift token | 社会保障私有化 | social security privatization | |
代孕 | surrogate births | 社会保障体系 | social security system | |
带薪假期 | paid holiday | 社会保障支出 | social security expenditure | |
待处理流动资产损失 | current asset losses in suspense | 社会惰性 | social weakening | |
待机模式 | standby mode | 社会工作者 | social worker | |
单边行动 | unilateral action | 社会公共需要 | social needs | |
单独二胎 | couples with one spouse being an only child are permitted to have two children | 社会监管 | social supervision | |
单双号限行规定 | an odd-and-even license plate rule | 社会健康保险 | social health insurance | |
单位犯罪 | unit crime | 社会结构 | social structure | |
单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放强度 | carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP | 社会利益格局 | interests of different social groups | |
单位国内生产总值能耗 | energy consumption per unit of GDP | 社会零售物价总指数 | general retail price index | |
单位面积产量 | yield per unit area | 社会生产力 | social productivity | |
弹道导弹 | ballistic missile | 社会事业体制 | social program system | |
弹性外交 | elastic diplomacy | 社会消费函数 | community consumption function | |
弹性预算 | discretionary budget | 社会心理承受力 | social acceptability | |
淡季 | slack season/off-season | 社会心理底线 | "psychological bottom line" of society | |
淡妆 | light make-up | 社会信用体系 | social credit system | |
蛋白质工程 | protein engineering | 社会演变 | social evolution | |
当代文艺思潮 | contemporary literary and artistic trend | 社会渣滓 | Bottom dregs | |
当地艺人 | local craftspeople | 社会主义法治国家 | social country under the rule of law | |
当作耳旁风. | turn a deaf ear to sth. | 社会主义核心价值体系 | core socialist values | |
党纲 | party program | 社会主义核心价值体系 | core socialist values | |
导弹防御 | missile defense | 社会主义荣辱观 | Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace | |
导航栏 | navigation bar | 社会主义现代化建设 | socialist modernization drive | |
到岸价格 | C.I.F(cost, insurance, and freight) | 社会主义新农村 | Socialist New Countryside | |
盗版片荒诞剧 | pirated film/theatre of the absurd / | 社会主义制度的无比优越 | incomparable superiority of the socialist | |
盗版书 | pirated book | 社会转型时期 | period of social transition | |
盗用版权 | copyright theft | 社会组织形式 | the way society is organized | |
道德沦丧的社会 | broken society | 社交媒体 | social media | |
道琼斯工业平均指数 | DJIA(Dow Jones Industrial Average) | 社区福利基金 | community chest | |
德高望重 | be of high prestige | 社区联合儿童监护站 | community coordinated child care | |
登机牌 | boarding check | 社区住院和门诊照护 | in-patient and out-patient community care | |
登记结婚 | wed in civil ceremony | 射箭 | archery | |
登陆艇 | LC(Landing Craft) | 涉外经济体制 | regulatory mechanism governing external economic relations | |
登录 | log in/on | 申办冬季奥运会 | launch a bid to host the Winter Olympic Games | |
登月舱 | lunar module | 申根护照自由区 | Schengen passport free zone | |
等绩点均值 | GPA(Grade Point Average) | 申论 | argumentative essay writing | |
等距离外交 | equidistant diplomacy | 申请签证 | apply for a visa | |
邓小平理论 | Deng XiaoPing Theory | 身体素质 | physical condition | |
低保制度 | subsistence security system | 深入和建设性的交流 | in-depth and constructive exchanges | |
低等文化低级文化 | low culture | 神舟十号 | the Shenzhou X spacecraft | |
低端产品 | low-end product | 审理案件 | hear a case | |
低焦油香烟 | low-tar cigarette | 审美疲劳 | aesthetic fatigue | |
低排放经济 | a low-emission economy | 审时度势 | seize up the situation | |
低收入家庭 | low-income family/household | 生产能力过剩 | excess production capacity | |
低水平重复建设 | low-level redundant development | 生产者物价指数 | PPI(producer price index) | |
低碳经济 | low carbon economy | 生存排放 | survival emissions | |
低血压 | low blood pressure | 生发排放物 | gaseous pollutant | |
低脂饮食 | low-fat diet | 生父鉴定试验 | paternity test | |
低致病性 | low pathogenic form | 生活成本指数 | cost of living index | |
滴灌 | drip irrigation | 生活费用的调整 | COLA(Cost of Living Adjustment) | |
底线 | bottom line | 生活费指数 | cost-of-living index | |
底线思维 | bottom-line mentality | 生活轨迹 | trajectory of one’s life | |
抵押贷款 | mortgage/secured loan | 生计农民 | subsistence farmers | |
地方保护主义 | regional protectionism | 生理学 | physiology | |
地方财政预算 | local government budget | 生命科学 | life science | |
地方化 | localization | 生命维持系统 | life support system | |
地方债全面审计 | nationwide auditing of local government liabilities | 生态保护与建设 | natural environment protection and development | |
地面沉降 | land subsidence | 生态补偿机制 | ecological damage compensation mechanism | |
地面塌陷 | ground depression | 生态补偿制度 | the system of ecological compensation | |
地球同步卫星 | geostationary/synchronous satellite | 生态旅游 | ecotourism | |
地区动荡 | regional turmoil | 生态文明 | ecological civilization | |
地王 | top bidder for a land plot | 生态移民 | eco-driven migration/ecology migration/eco-migration | |
地质灾害易发区调查评估体系 | disaster-prone areas risk assessment systems | 生物带 | life zone | |
帝王威仪的象征 | a symbol of imperial dignity | 生物工程 | biological engineering | |
第三产业 | tertiary industry/service industry | 生物控制 | biological control | |
第三世界 | Third World | 生物能源 | bio-based energy | |
第一审判庭 | first tribunal | 生物因子 | biological agents | |
第一责任人 | person of primary/chief responsibility | 生于低谷期 | Baby bust | |
点播 | request a song | 生育保险 | Maternity Insurance | |
点击量 | click rate | 生育率 | fertility rate | |
碘缺乏症 | iodine deficiency disease | 生殖周期 | breeding cycle | |
电汇 | telegraphic transfer | 声名显赫的学术水平 | an outstanding academic reputation | |
电力控制 | electric control | 圣诞老人 | Santa Claus | |
电视电影 | made-for-television moive | 圣雄甘地 | Mahatma Gandhi | |
电视实况转播 | live television coverage | 盛情接待 | cordial hospitality | |
电视选秀 | talent show | 剩余法 | on a residual basis | |
电信业务 | the telecommunication sector | 剩余劳动力 | surplus labor | |
电影摄制助理 | film production assistant | 失业保险 | Unemployment Insurance | |
电子发票 | electronic invoice | 失职渎职 | dereliction of duty; neglect of one’s duties | |
电子公告板系统 | BBS(Bulletin Board System) | 十项全能 | decathlon | |
电子讲解机 | audio guide | 石洞壁画 | cave painting | |
电子商务认证 | E-business certification | 石油输出国家组织 | OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) | |
电子政务 | e-government;e-administration | 石油消费国 | oil consuming countries | |
奠基礼 | foundation stone laying ceremony | 石油泄漏 | oil spill | |
吊桥 | drawbridge | 时尚牺牲者 | fashion victim | |
调整改组国有企业 | readjust and reorganize state-owned enterprises | 实话实说 | speak the plain truth | |
丁克家庭 | DINK(Double Income No Kids);dink family | 实际利用外资 | foreign investment in actual use | |
顶职办法 | job release scheme | 实事求是 | be practical and realistic | |
订金 | CBD(Cash Before Delivery) | 实体法 | substantive law | |
定期存款 | time deposit | 实习导游义务导游 | trainee guide/volunteer guide / | |
定期选举 | regular elections | 实现公平竞争 | level the playing field | |
东道国 | host country/nation | 实现跳跃性发展 | make a leap forward | |
东方学 | orientalism | 实行单双号通行 | on alternate days | |
东非共同体 | EAC (East African Community) | 食品污染 | food contamination | |
东海问题 | East China Sea issue | 食品药品质量监管 | oversight and supervision of food and drug quality | |
东京证券交易所 | TSE(Tokyo Stock Exchange)) | 食品药物管理局 | FDA(Food and Drug Administration) | |
东盟 | ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) | 世界博览会 | World Expo | |
东盟自由贸易区 | AFTA(Asian Free Trade Area) | 世界地质公园 | a world geological park | |
动产或不动产 | real or personal property | 世界观人生观价值观 | outlook on world/life and values | |
动画片 | animated movie | 世界和平理事会 | WPC (World Peace Council) | |
动物保护协会 | SPCA(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) | 世界经济格局大变革大调整 | major changes in the global economic landscape | |
动植物检疫 | animal and plant quarantine | 世界经济论坛达沃斯会议 | World Economic Forum | |
都市电台 | metropolitan station | 世界粮食计划署 | WFP(the World Food Program) | |
豆腐渣工程 | jerry-built projects | 世界旅游组织 | WTO(World Tourism Organization) | |
督导 | inspection and supervision | 世界贸易组织 | WTO(World Trade Organization) | |
毒品走私 | drug smuggling | 世界卫生组织 | WHO(World Health Organization) | |
渎职 | dereliction of duty | 世界野生动物基金 | WWF(World Wildlife Fund) | |
独唱音乐会 | solo concert | 世界遗产名录 | the World Heritage List | |
独家报道 | exclusive story | 世界遗产委员会 | WHC(World Heritage Committee) | |
独立展馆 | stand-alone pavilion | 世界银行 | WB(World Bank) | |
独立自主的和平外交政策 | independent foreign policy of peace | 世界知识产权组织 | WIPO(World Intellectual Property Organization) | |
独联体 | CIS(Commonwealth of Independence States) | 世界最大的排放国 | the world’s leading emitters | |
独生子女政策 | the one-child policy | 世外桃源 | Arcadia | |
度假的天堂 | a vacation wonderland | 市场化改革 | market-oriented reform | |
镀金时代 | the gilded age | 市场经济 | a market economy | |
短篇小说 | short story | 市场疲软 | sluggish market | |
短信服务 | SMS(short message service) | 市场准人的行政管理措施 | AAMA(Administrative Aspects of Market Access) | |
短租房 | short-term housing/accommodation | 市场准入 | market access/entry | |
对等资金 | matching funds | 市内电话网 | local network | |
对呼吸道疾病的监视 | surveillance for respiratory disease | 市政工程 | municipal/public works | |
对立情绪 | confrontational feelings | 事后的;溯及既往的 | by a subsequent act | |
对人民高度负责的态度 | maintain a high sense of responsibility to people | 事实上承认 | de facto recognition | |
对外开放广度和深度 | opening up in scope and depth | 视觉艺术家 | visual artist | |
对外贸易总额 | total foreign trade volume | 视力受损 | visual impairment | |
对外直接投资 | FDI(Foreign Direct Investment) | 视频点播 | video on demand | |
对药物具有敏感性 | susceptible to drugs | 视频艺术 | video art | |
对遇难者亲属表示慰问 | express condolences to the families of the killed | 试点计划 | pilot programme | |
对照食物 | control diet | 试点项目 | pilot project | |
多边出口控制协调委员会 | CCMEC(Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls) | 试读 | conditional admission | |
多边贸易谈判 | MTN(Multilateral Trade Negotiations ) | 试婚 | trial marriage | |
多边组织的发展 | growth of multilateral organizations | 试验太空船 | experimental spacecraft | |
多发病 | frequently occuring disease | 试运行 | trial operation | |
多功能卡 | multipurpose card | 室内运动 | indoor sports | |
多级火箭 | multistage rocket | 室外运动 | outdoor sports | |
多科大学 | polyversity/multiversity | 收购价 | purchasing price | |
多人多天太空飞行 | multi-manned and multi-day space flight | 收盘价 | closing price | |
多任务小卫星 | small multi-mission stellite(SMMS) | 收容调查 | shelter and investigation | |
多数规则 | plurality rule | 收视率 | audience rating | |
多种经济成分 | diverse sectors of the economy | 手部卫生 | hand hygiene | |
多种所有制经济 | an economy with diverse forms of ownership | 手稿 | manuscript | |
厄尔尼诺现象 | El Nino | 手机充值卡 | pre-paid phone card | |
恶搞 | parody joke | 守法公民 | law-abiding citizen | |
恶性循环 | vicious circle | 首次公开募股 | IPO(Initial Public Offerings) | |
恶意诋毁 | malicious slander | 首例患者索引患者 | index case | |
恶意营销 | smear campaign | 首日封 | first-day cover | |
恩格尔系数 | Engel coefficient | 首席财务主管 | CFO(Chief Finance Officer) | |
儿童津贴 | child benefit | 首席记者 | front row seat | |
二次污染物 | secondary pollutant | 首席技术官 | CTO(Chief Technology Officer) | |
二手房 | pre-owned house; second-hand house | 首席运营官 | COO(Chief Operating Officer) | |
二维码 | QR(quick response) code | 首席执行官 | CEO(Chief Executive Officer) | |
二氧化硫 | sulfur dioxide | 首演;首映 | (screen) debut/premiere | |
二氧化碳排放 | carbon dioxide emissions | 首要分子 | ringleader | |
发表回复 | post a reply | 寿桃 | birthday peaches | |
发动机排量 | engine capacity | 受旱区域 | droughts plaguing parts | |
发光二极管 | LED(Light-emitting Diode) | 售后服务 | after-sale service | |
发光二极管显示器 | LED(light-emitting diode display) | 售票厅 | ticket booth | |
发射控制 | LG(Launch Control) | 授予学位 | award/confer degree | |
发射台 | launch pad | 熟女 | mature woman | |
发型原始股 | IPO(Initial Public Offerings) | 薯类作物 | tuber crops | |
发扬国粹 | carry forward the quintessence of Chinese culture | 数码摄像 | DV(Digital Video) | |
发展才是硬道理 | development as a task of overriding importance driven by consumption, investment ,import and export | 数字鸿沟 | digital divide | |
法典 | legal code | 数字信息鸿沟 | digital gap/divide | |
法定监护人 | legal guardian | 刷新 | refresh | |
法律承认 | de jure recognition | 耍小聪明 | too clever by half | |
法律顾问 | legal adviser | 栓塞和脓血症 | embolism and sepsis | |
法律和秩序 | law and order | 双边会谈 | bilateral negotiation | |
法律漏洞 | legal loophole | 双边口译 | Bilateral interpreting | |
法律追究 | be brought to justice | 双层公共汽车 | double-deck bus | |
法律尊严 | legal sanctity | 双城记 | The Tale of Two Cities | |
法轮功 | the Falungong cult | 双休日 | two-day weekend | |
法新社 | AFP(Agence France Presse) | 双眼皮 | double eyelid | |
法学院入学考试 | LSAT(Law School Admission Test) | 双赢 | win-win/double win | |
法制观念 | legal awareness | 水产品 | aquatic product | |
法治政府 | law-based government | 水产养殖系统 | agriculture farming system | |
法治政府和服务型政府 | a law-based and service-oriented government | 水产业 | aquatic product industry;fishery | |
翻唱 | cover version | 水电装机容量 | installed hydro power capacity | |
繁文缛节 | red tape | 水力发电 | hydroelectric power generation | |
反对党 | opposition party | 水利工程 | water resources projects/water conservancy projects | |
反对增加学费运动 | anti-tuition hike campaign | 水球 | water polo | |
反腐倡廉 | anti-corruption bid | 水土流失 | water loss and soil erosion | |
反垄断法 | anti-monopoly law | 水土流失和侵蚀 | mud slides and erosion | |
反倾销措施 | anti-dumping measures | 水源的疾病 | waterborne disease | |
反倾销税 | countervailing duty | 水资源保护区 | water resource conservation zone | |
反水货市场联盟 | AGMA(Anti Gray Market Alliance) | 税后利润 | after-tax profit | |
反贪法规 | anti-corruption legislation | 税前利润 | profit before tax | |
反应迟钝 | lack of alertness | 税务代理人 | tax agent | |
返程票 | round-trip tickets | 税务抵免 | tax credit | |
返回舱 | reentry module | 睡眠不足 | sleep debt | |
泛太平洋伙伴关系 | TPP(trans-pacific partnership) | 司法程序 | legal proceedings | |
贩卖人口 | traffic in persons | 司法公正 | judicial justice | |
方便的付款方式 | a convenient method of payment | 司法惯例 | judicial practice | |
防尘口罩 | anti-dust masks | 司法权 | judicial power | |
防护林 | shelter belts | 司法仲裁 | judicial arbitration | |
防空识别区 | air defense identification zone | 私奔 | elope | |
防灾减灾 | disaster prevention and reduction | 私密反对票 | Black ball | |
防灾减灾能力 | the capacity to guard against disasters and mitigate their damages | 私有财产的继承权 | right to inherit private property |