防止核扩散条约 | Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons | 思想道德修养 | Ideological and moral cultivation | |
防止核扩散运动 | nonproliferation drive | 四点优势、劣势、机会、威胁分析 | SWOT analysis | |
房奴 | mortgage slave | 松散的家庭观 | loosely-bound family | |
访问控制列表 | ACL(Access Control List) | 松土功能 | tillage function | |
非处方药 | OTC(Over the Counter) | 搜查令 | search warrant | |
非传统安全问题 | non-traditional security issues | 苏格拉底 | socrates | |
非传统领域合作 | cooperation in nontraditional areas | 苏伊士运河 | Suez Canal | |
非典 | SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) | 诉苦;抱怨 | singing the blues | |
非法传销 | illegal pyramid selling | 酸雾 | acid mist | |
非法收入 | illegal earning;illicit income | 酸性爵士乐 | Acid Jazz | |
非法套汇 | illegal purchase of foreign exchange | 随机存取 | random access | |
非公有制经济 | non-public sectors of the economy | 随军记者 | war correspondent | |
非关税壁垒 | non-tariff trade barriers | 随行就市 | fluctuate in line with market conditions | |
非营利性的教育机构 | non-profit educational institutions | 胎教 | fetal education | |
非营利性组织 | NPO(Not-for-Profit Organization) | 跆拳道 | taewondo | |
非洲统一组织 | OAU (Organization of African Unity) | 太空病 | space sickness | |
费改税 | transform administrating fees into taxes | 太空舱 | capsule | |
分工 | division of labour | 太空服 | space outfit | |
分类网站 | classified website | 太空食物 | space food | |
分配货币化 | distribution of money | 太阳活动周期 | solar cycle | |
分治的政府 | divided government | 太阳能电池板 | solar panel | |
氛围流行 | ambient pop | 谈判代表 | bargaining agent | |
粉扑运动花拳绣腿 | a powder-puff sport | 坦诚相待 | in an honest partnership | |
粪水 | dung water | 探月工程 | lunar exploration program | |
风格主义湿壁画 | mannerist frescoes | 碳的隔离 | sequestration of the carbon | |
风险防范机制 | risk prevention mechanism | 碳汇 | carbon sink | |
风险投资 | venture capita/risk investment | 碳排放 | carbon emission | |
风险资本 | venture capital | 碳收集及储存 | CCS(carbon capture and storage) | |
封口费 | hush money | 碳吸收 | carbon sequestration | |
疯牛病 | BSE(Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) | 碳信用额 | carbon credit | |
凤凰男 | ugly duckling | 碳足迹 | Carbon Footprint | |
奉子成婚 | shotgun marriage/wedding | 逃税 | tax evasion | |
佛经 | Buddhist scriptures | 淘汰的产品 | knockout product | |
扶贫 | poverty alleviation/anti-poverty effort | 套票 | season ticket | |
扶贫工作 | poverty alleviation work | 特别行政区 | SAR(Special Administrative Region) | |
扶贫基金 | anti-poverty funds | 特大自然灾害 | large-scale natural disaster/devastating disaster | |
扶贫政策 | poverty relief policy | 特技 | special effects | |
服从全局、服务全局 | be subordinated to and serve the overall interests of the country | 特技替身演员 | stunt man | |
服务舱 | service module | 特刊 | special issue | |
服务贸易 | trade in services | 特洛伊木马 | Trojan horse | |
服务外包 | service outsourcing | 特命全权大使 | ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary | |
服务型政府 | service-oriented government | 特派记者 | accredited journalist | |
服装设计师 | fashion designer | 特任大使 | ambassador with special function | |
浮云 | fleeting cloud | 特色旅游 | feature tour | |
符合文艺发展内在规律 | consistent with the inherent laws of the development of arts | 特色项目 | odd event | |
福利彩票 | welfare lottery | 特色优势产业 | industries with local advantages | |
抚恤金 | injury and death benefits | 特使 | special envoy | |
俯瞰城市全景 | enjoy a bird’s-eye view of the city | 特约经销商 | exclusive distributor | |
辅助设备 | accessory apparatus | 梯田 | terraced field | |
腐败的行政管理 | corrupt administration | 提供免费讲解服务 | provide free interpretation service | |
负责型政府 | responsible government | 提供全方位的服务 | offer an all-round service | |
附加税 | VAT(value-added tax)/extra duties/surtax/super tax/tax surcharge | 提升核心竞争力 | boost core competitiveness | |
附加政治条件 | political strings attached | 提示音 | warning tone | |
附赠曲目 | bonus track | 体操 | gymnastics | |
复读生 | return and repeat students | 体罚 | corporal punishment | |
复方阿司匹林 | APC(Aspirin Phenacetin and Caffeine) | 体外受精 | IVF(In Vitro Fertilization) | |
复合型人才 | interdisciplinary talent | 体育大国 | a major sports country | |
复课 | resume classes | 体育强国 | a world sports power | |
复式班 | makeshift classes | 体制创新 | institutional innovation | |
复种 | multiple cropping | 体制与机制 | institutions and mechanisms | |
副产品 | by-product | 体制障碍 | institutional barriers | |
副业 | sideline production | 体质下降 | physical decline | |
富二代 | affluent second generation | 替身演员 | stand-in | |
富强民主文明的和谐的社会主义现代化 | a prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally developed and harmonious modern socialist country | 天然水疗中心 | natural spa | |
覆盖作物 | cover crops | 天人合一 | the unity of man/human and nature/Heaven-Man Oneness/Heaven and man are one | |
改革攻坚 | further reform in difficult areas;tackle hard issues in the reform | 天体物理学 | a strophysics | |
改革试点 | pilot reform program | 天线 | antenna | |
改良土壤 | soil improvement | 天灾人祸 | natural calamities and man-made misfortune | |
改善贫困状况 | Amelioration of poverty | 天主教 | Catholicism | |
肝胆相照荣辱与共 | treat each other with all sincerity and share weal and woe | 田径运动 | track and field/athletics | |
感情投资 | investment in human relationships | 填鸭式教学法 | cramming system; spoon-feeding pedagogy | |
岗位津贴 | post allowance | 贴小广告的人 | bill sticker | |
岗位培训 | on- the - job training | 铁饭碗 | ironclad labor protection | |
岗位责任制 | work post responsibility | 铁路运力不足 | train service shortage | |
港人治港 | the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong | 铁人三项 | triathlon | |
高保真音乐 | hi-fi music | 亭、台、楼、阁 | pavilion, stage, building and multi-storied pavilion | |
高层次人才 | high-caliber personnel | 庭院旧货出售 | yard sale | |
高度自治 | a high degree of autonomy | 停职育婴期 | Baby break | |
高端产品 | high-end product | 通货贬值升值 | currency depreciation/appreciation / | |
高端设备制造 | high-end equipment manufacturing | 通勤 | job commuting | |
高峰论坛 | summit forum | 通商口岸 | trading port | |
高峰期 | peak season | 通俗文学 | light literature | |
高级经理工商管理硕士 | EMBA(Executive Master of Business Administration) | 通用放大器 | GPA(General Purpose Amplifier) | |
高级流线型列车 | super-streamlined train | 通用分组无线业务 | GPPS(general packet radio service) | |
高技能人才 | highly skilled personal | 通知照会 | circular note | |
高架公路 | overhead road/elevated highway | 同步卫星 | geostationary satellite | |
高架轻轨 | elevated railway | 同步叙述 | simultaneous narrative | |
高考状元 | top scorer of the national college entrance examination | 同城待遇 | identical treatment | |
高品位的生活 | a life of exquisite taste | 同工同酬 | equal pay for equal work | |
高清电视 | HDTV(High-Definition Television) | 同邻国实现关系正常化 | normalization with neighbors | |
高速宽带网络不健全 | incomplete high-speed broadband network | 同盟国 | allied powers | |
高消耗高污染行业 | highly-polluting enterprises with high energy consumption | 同仁堂 | Tongrentang Chinese Medicine | |
高效照明工具 | CFL(compact fluorescent lamp) | 同学会 | alumni association | |
高雅艺术 | refined and elegant art | 铜首 | bronze head sculpture | |
高致病性 | highly pathogenic form | 统筹城乡发展 | coordinate development in rural and urban regions | |
歌剧音乐 | operatic music | 筒子楼 | tube-shaped apartment building | |
革命老区 | old revolutionary base areas | 偷税漏税 | tax evasion | |
个人崇拜 | cult of personality | 头版新闻 | front page news | |
个人护理产品 | personal care products | 头等生 | top student | |
个人理财计划 | personal financing plan | 头像 | avatar | |
个人所得税 | personal income tax | 投票箱 | ballot box | |
个体、私营经济 | self-employed and other private businesses/private economy | 投资比例 | investment ratio | |
个体工商户 | self-employed/private industrial and commercial household/the self-employed | 投资回报率 | ROI(Return on Investment) | |
个体户 | the self-employed | 透明度和问责制 | transparency and accountability | |
各界人士 | all walks of life | 突发公共安全事件应急处理机制 | mechanisms for responding to emergencies that threaten public safety | |
给力 | gelivable/cool/thrilling | 徒步旅行 | walking tour | |
跟风 | go with the trend | 途中休息停车 | comfort stop | |
跟团旅游 | package tour | 土地承包经营权 | land contract and management right | |
跟踪调查 | tracking survey | 土地出让金 | land conveyance fee | |
跟踪审计 | follow-up auditing | 土地复垦 | land reclamation | |
耕地保护制度 | system for protecting arable land | 土地沙化 | desertification of land/desert encroachment | |
耕地流失 | arable land loss | 土壤微生物 | soil micro-organisms | |
耕地设施 | farming equipment | 土壤养分平衡 | soil nutrient balancing | |
耕作技术 | farming techniques | 土特产 | local specialty | |
工龄工资 | seniority pay | 团购 | group buying | |
工伤 | work-related injuries | 团体游 | package tour | |
工伤保险 | Occupational Injury Insunmce | 团体游客 | group visitors | |
工业标准规格 | ISS(Industry Standard Specification) | 推广节水灌溉法 | popularize water-efficient irrigation methods | |
工业废水 | industrial effluents | 推广系统 | extension systems | |
工业固体废料 | industrial solid waste | 推进经济进入创新驱动内升增长的发展轨道 | put economic development onto the track of endogenous growth driven by innovation | |
工业三废 | industrial waste water/waste gases and residues | 推进事业单位改革 | push forward the reform of institutions | |
工业园区 | industrial park | 推行可持续发展战略 | pursue the strategy of sustainable development | |
工艺美术 | arts and crafts | 退耕还林 | convert cultivated land into forests | |
工艺美术师 | industrial artist | 退耕还林还草 | return farmland to forests and restore livestock pastures to grasslands | |
工作午餐. | working lunchcon. | 退休金双轨制 | dual pension scheme | |
公告板服务 | Bulletin Board Service | 臀围 | hipline | |
公共参与 | public/communal participation | 托福考试 | TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language) | |
公共服务和社会管理 | public services and administration | 脱产培训 | off-the-job training | |
公共关系部 | public relations department | 拓宽农村增收渠道 | seek new ways to increase farmer’s incomes | |
公共关系管理 | public relationship management | 外国学生咨询顾问 | foreign student advisor | |
公共英语等级考试 | PETS(Public English Test System) | 外汇储备 | foreign currency reserves | |
公共资助 | public funding | 外汇牌价 | foreign exchange quotation | |
公积金 | public accumulation fund/public reserve fund | 外汇市场 | foreign exchange market | |
公开预算 | publicize budget | 外交代表 | diplomatic representative | |
公款的拨用 | specific appropriation of public money | 外交和联邦办公室 | Foreign and Commonwealth Office | |
公路隔离带 | median strip | 外交礼仪 | diplomatic etiquette | |
公路隧道 | highway tunnel | 外交信使 | diplomatic courier | |
公民投票 | referendum/plebiscite | 外交邮袋 | diplomatic bag; diplomatic pouch | |
公民责任 | civic responsibilities | 外贸工作者 | foreign trade personnel | |
公平分配 | fair distribution | 外商独资企业 | exclusively foreign-owned company in china | |
公平贸易行为 | fair trading practice | 外商直接投资 | foreign direct investment | |
公司汇票 | house bill | 外事专员 | extra-affairs commissioner | |
公司债券 | corporate bond | 完成两年学院课程或同等程度而获得的学位 | associate degree | |
公诉方证人 | prosecution witness | 完成四年的学业 | finish a four-year curriculum | |
公务车 | state-financed vehicle | 晚餐前茶点 | low tea | |
公务接待费 | hospitality spending | 万国邮政联盟 | UPU(Universal Postal Union) | |
公务员 | civil/public servant | 万事如意 | all the best | |
公务员热 | civil servants frenzy | 万维网 | WWW(World Wide Web) | |
公用互联网 | public Internet | 万维网广播 | webcasting | |
公有制和非公有制经济 | public and non-public sectors of the economy | 网络城市 | cyber city | |
公债 | public debt | 网络环境 | online environment | |
公证 | notary service | 网络间谍活动 | cyber-espionage | |
公证处 | notary office | 网络课堂 | on line class/course | |
公租房 | public rental housing | 网络快车 | ADSL(Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line) | |
供求失衡 | supply-demand imbalance | 网络身份 | online identity | |
供氧能力 | aerobic capacity | 网络威胁 | cyber threat | |
供应链 | supply chain | 网络协议 | IP(Internet Protocol) | |
宫外孕 | ectopic pregnancy | 网络综合症 | net synthesis | |
共和党 | GOP(Grand Old Party) | 网民 | cyber citizen/netizen | |
共同安全 | shared security | 网上冲浪 | surf the Internet | |
共同但有区别的责任原则 | principle of common but differentiated responsibility | 网上购物 | online shopping | |
共同的监护权 | joint custody | 网上交易平台 | online trading platform | |
共同繁荣 | shared/common prosperity | 网上聊天 | online chatting | |
共同监护权 | joint custody | 网上通信 | online communication | |
共同利益 | shared/common interests | 网瘾 | Internet addiction /cyber addiction | |
共有权 | communal tenure | 旺季 | high/busy season | |
贡献者 | contributor | 危害性空气污染物 | HAPs(hazardous air pollutants) | |
狗仔队 | dog packs/paparazzo | 危机管理机制 | crisis management mechanism | |
购买力平价 | PPP(purchasing power parity) | 危险垃圾运输 | hazardous waste transport | |
购物狂欢节 | shopping gala | 微软 | MS(Microsoft) | |
古代雕塑 | antique sculpture | 微型企业 | micro-sized enterprises | |
股本投资 | equity investment | 为他人谋取利益 | seek profits for others | |
股票上市 | stock listing | 为我的一代 | megeneration | |
股权分置改革 | reform of listing non-tradable shares of listed companies | 违约金 | default fine | |
股市暴跌 | stock market crash | 违约赔偿金 | liquidated damages | |
股市行情 | stock market quotation | 维持低生育水平 | maintain a low birth rate | |
骨干企业 | backbone/key enterprise | 维和行动 | peace-keeping operation | |
鼓吹式新闻;偏袒性新闻报道 | advertorial | 维护社会公平正义 | safeguard social fairness and justice | |
鼓励艺术创新 | encourage artistic innovation | 维护祖国统一 | safeguard national unity | |
固定成本 | fixed cost | 伪报 | fraudulent report | |
固定电话网 | fixed-line telephone network | 伪娘 | drag queen | |
固定资产核算 | fixed-assets accounting | 尾气 | exhaust | |
固定资产重估 | reevaluation of fixed assets | 尾气净化器 | exhaust purifier | |
挂广告牌的人 | sandwich man | 委任书 | letter of appointment | |
挂靠户 | an adjunct organization | 委任证书 | certificate of appointment | |
挂钥匙儿童 | latchkey children | 卫生规范 | hygienic practices | |
怪诞小说 | mystery story | 卫生埋填 | sanitary landfills | |
关税壁垒 | customs barrier; tariff wall | 卫星导航 | satellite navigation | |
关系正常化 | normalized relations | 未婚先孕 | premarital pregnancy | |
观光台 | observation deck | 未接电话 | missed call | |
观日出 | watch the rising sun | 未来主义 | futurism | |
官方使用双语制 | officially bilingual | 温带大陆性气候 | temperate continental climate | |
官方语言机构 | OLA(Official Language Agency) | 温带气旋 | extratropical cyclone | |
官方援助 | official assistance | 温度逆增 | temperature inversion | |
管理服务部 | MSA(Management Services Agency) | 温室气体排放 | greenhouse gas emissions | |
管理机构 | management organization/body | 温室气体排放和气候变化 | greenhouse gas emission and climate change | |
管理信息系统 | MIS(Management Information Systems) | 温室效应 | greenhouse effect | |
管理学研究生入学考试 | GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test) | 文化产业 | culture industry | |
贯彻党的文艺方针 | implement the Party’s literary and artistic principals and policies | 文化多元论 | cultural pluralism | |
灌溉面积 | irrigated area | 文化旅游 | culture-oriented travel | |
灌溉农田 | irrigate croplands | 文化特质 | culture trait | |
光伏发电容量 | photovoltaic power capacity | 文盲率 | illiteracy level | |
光缆 | optic cable | 文明冲突 | The Clash of Civilization | |
光通信 | photo-communication/optical communication | 文明间的对话 | dialogue among civilizations | |
光污染 | light pollution | 文物 | cultural relics | |
光效应艺术;视幻艺术 | op art | 文学年轻女性小说 | Chic lit | |
广大人民群众 | the broad masses of the people | 蜗居 | snail house/dwelling | |
广告片 | advertising film/commercial message | 我们的命运紧紧相连我们的利益水乳交融 | Our destinies are closely linked and our interests intertwined. | |
规范税制 | standardize the tax system | 污染防治 | pollution control | |
规划许可 | planning approval | 污染防治激励措施 | anti-pollution incentive | |
规模经济 | economy of scale | 污染控制期限制度 | pollution control deadline system | |
规模经济 | scale economy; economy of scale | 污染物鉴别 | identification of pollutants | |
国防预算 | defence budget | 污染物排放 | pollutant discharge | |
国红十字会 | ARC(American Red Cross) | 污染物排放标准 | emission standard | |
国会大厦 | Capital Building | 污染指数 | pollution index | |
国会图书馆 | LC(Library of Congress) | 污水处理 | sewage treatment/disposal | |
国会演说 | parliamentary speech | 污水处理厂 | sewage treatment plant | |
国货 | homemade products | 污水处理系统 | sewage treatment system | |
国际奥林匹克委员会 | IOC (International Olympic Committee) | 无偿献血 | blood donation without payment | |
国际奥委员会 | IOC(nternational Olympic Committee) | 无党派人士代表 | non-party representative | |
国际标准化组织 | ISO(International Standardization Organization) | 无风不起浪 | there are no waves without wind/there is no smoke without fire | |
国际采购分销和配送 | international purchase, allocation and distribution | 无氟冰箱 | freon-free refrigerator | |
国际电话电报公司 | ITT(International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation) | 无公害农业 | nuisanceless agriculture | |
国际电子计算中心 | ICC(International Computing Centre) | 无公害蔬菜 | "green" vegetable; pollution-free vegetable | |
国际防盲机构 | International Agency for thePrevention of Blindness | 无火不生烟 | no smoke without fire | |
国际惯例 | common international practice | 无铅汽油 | unleaded gas | |
国际红十字会 | IRC(International Red Cross) | 无人飞船 | unmanned spacecraft | |
国际红十字委员会 | ICRC(International Committee of the Red Cross) | 无人售票 | buses with self-serving ticketing | |
国际货币基金会 | International Monetary Fund(IMF) | 无条件释放 | unconditional release | |
国际货币基金组织 | IMF(international monetary fund) | 无条件投降 | full surrender | |
国际金融危机 | world financial crisis | 无土栽培 | soilless cultivation | |
国际金融中心 | international financial center | 无为而治 | govern by non-interference | |
国际聚焦 | international spotlight | 无线电导航设备 | radio navigation device | |
国际决策机制 | international decision-making mechanism | 无线寻呼网 | radio paging network | |
国际科学组织 | ISO(International Science Organization) | 无形资产 | intangible assets | |
国际空间站 | ISS(International Space Station) | 无性繁殖 | asexual reproduction | |
国际劳工组织 | ILO(International Labor Organization) | 无学习能力的儿童 | children with learning disability | |
国际贸易纠纷 | international trade dispute | 无烟环境 | tobacco-free environment | |
国际农业发展基金会 | IFAD(the International Fund for Agricultural Development) | 无语 | no comment | |
国际排放转移 | international transfer emissions | 五好家庭 | Five-Virtues Family | |
国际评级机构 | international credit rating | 五角大楼 | the Pentagon | |
国际清算银行 | BIS(The Bank for International Settlements) | 五音不全 | tone deaf | |
国际润滑油标准和批准委员会 | ILSAC(The International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee) | 武官 | military attache | |
国际商用机器公司 | IBM(International Business Machine) | 武力威胁 | threat of force | |
国际社会 | international community | 武装干涉 | armed intervention | |
国际生态旅游协会 | International Ecotourism Society | 务实合作 | practical cooperation | |
国际事务研究中心 | CFIA(Center for International Affairs) | 物联网 | the internet of things | |
国际收支状况 | balance of payments | 物流园区 | logistic park | |
国际数据公司 | IDC(International Data Corporation) | 物种灭绝 | extinction of bio-species | |
国际舞台 | international arena | 雾霾天 | hazy days | |
国际原子能机构 | IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) | 西部大开发 | western development strategy | |
国际责任 | international responsibilities/liabilities | 西部大开发战略 | the strategy of developing the western region | |
国际政治经济新秩序 | new international political and economic oder | 西电东送 | transmission of electricity from the western to the eastern region | |
国际直拨长途电话 | IDD(International Direct Dial) | 吸收游资 | absorb idle fund | |
国际秩序和正义 | international order and justice | 希望工程 | Project Hope | |
国际仲裁 | international arbitration | 稀土 | rare earth | |
国际足球联盟 | FIFA(Federation Internationale de Football Association) | 洗钱 | money laundering | |
国家补贴节能产品 | government-subsidized energy-efficient products | 细读安全须知 | read through safety instructions | |
国家导弹防御系统 | NMD(National Missile Defense) | 下岗职工 | unemployed workers and staff;laid-off employees | |
国家地理管理局 | NGD(National Geographic Directorate) | 下基层锻炼 | temper oneself in a grassroots unit | |
国家发展规划纲要 | Outline of the National Development Program | 下拉菜单 | pull down menu | |
国家航空航天局 | NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) | 下落不明 | whereabouts is unknown | |
国家科技创新体系 | state scientific and technological innovation system | 夏季达沃斯论坛 | Summer Davos | |
国家收购粮 | grain purchased by the state | 先到先得 | first come first served | |
国家外汇储蓄 | state foreign exchange reserves | 先进的安全技术 | leading-edge security technologies | |
国家卫生研究所 | NIH(National Institutes of Health) | 先进的污水处理技术 | advanced sewage disposal technology | |
国家物价局 | SACP(State Association of Community Prices) | 闲散基金 | scattered founds | |
国家主权 | national sovereignty | 现场会议 | on-site meeting | |
国库券 | treasury bill | 现场清醒度测试现场酒精测试 | field sobriety test | |
国民待遇 | citizen treatment | 现场演出 | live performance | |
国民福利指标 | NNW(Net National Welfare) | 现代产业体系 | the modern industrial system | |
国民经济性支柱产业 | pillar industry of national economy | 现代能源产业 | the construction of the modern energy industry | |
国民净产值 | NNP(Net National Product) | 现代五项 | modern pentathlon | |
国内航空部 | CAD(Civil Aviation Department) | 现代音乐剧 | modern moive musical | |
国内配套资金 | domestic funds | 现金股利 | cash dividend | |
国内生产总值 | GDP(gross domestic products) | 现金捐款 | cash contribution | |
国情教育 | education about China’s condition | 限购 | property-purchasing limitations | |
国情咨文 | State of the Union Address | 限购令 | Sales order | |
国事访问 | state visit | 限期治理 | undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time | |
国泰航空公司 | cathay pacific | 限制人身自由 | restriction of personal liberty | |
国土安全部美国 | Homeland Security Department | 宪法修正案 | amendments to the Constitution | |
国宴 | state banquet | 乡巴佬 | country bumpkin | |
国有企业 | SOE(state-owned enterprises) | 乡长 | township head | |
国有资产流失 | loss of state-owned assets | 乡村自动电话局 | community automatic exchange | |
国有资产投资反弹压力较大 | there is a strong possibility of the resurgence in fixed asset investment | 乡镇企业 | township enterprises | |
过程控制系统 | PCS(Process Control System) | 相互依存的专利 | interdependent patents | |
过错赔偿责任 | fault liability | 相声 | cross-talk | |
过境免签 | visa-free stay | 香港廉政专员署 | ICAC(independent commission against corruption) | |
过境签证 | transit visa | 享乐主义 | hedonism | |
过于激进的发展项目 | overambitious development projects | 享受优惠价格 | enjoy service at a preferential price | |
哈勃太空望远镜 | Hubble Space Telescope | 项目经理 | project manager | |
海滨度假胜地 | a seaside resort | 橡皮人 | the jaded | |
海水淡化 | sea water desalinization | 橡皮子弹 | rubber bullet | |
海外房地产投资 | offshore (overseas) property/real estate investment | 宵禁 | curfew | |
海外优秀人才 | overseas personnel of high caliber | 消除数字鸿沟 | bridge the digital divide | |
海峡两岸关系 | cross-Straits relations | 消费价格指数 | CPI(Consumer Price Index) | |
海啸 | tidal wave(tsunami) | 消费税 | consumer price index | |
海洋经济 | the marine economy | 消费性排放 | emissions attributed to consumption | |
海洋生态系统 | marine ecosystem | 消费者叛逃 | consumer defection | |
寒武纪 | the Cambrian Age | 消费主义 | Consumerism | |
韩流 | South Korean fad | 消息灵通人士 | well-informed sources | |
航海博物馆 | maritime museum | 销售收益 | sales proceeds | |
航空港 | air harbor | 销售总经理 | GSM(General Sales Manager) | |
航空母舰 | aircraft carrier | 小产权房 | house/apartment with limited/incomplete property rights | |
航空运输协会 | ATA(Air Transport Association of America) | 小道消息 | hearsay | |
航天员 | astronaut | 小火电机组 | small thermal power plants | |
航油价格 | price of aviation fuel | 小康社会 | a well-off society/a moderately prosperous society/a competitive comfortable life | |
好莱坞大片 | Hollywood blockbuster | 小卖部 | grocery store | |
耗水量较大 | water-intensive | 小品 | witty skits | |
合理的收入分配制度 | rational incone distribution system | 小商品集散中心 | collecting and distributing center for small commodities | |
合理利用水资源 | efficient use of water | 小意思 | nothing to speak of | |
合议审判庭 | collegiate tribunal | 孝顺 | filial obedience | |
合众国际社 | UPI(United Press International) | 孝子 | dutiful son | |
和而不同 | harmony in diversity /harmony without uniformity | 肖像绘画 | portrait painting | |
和孩子一同生活的时光 | quality time | 校内诊所 | campus medical center; school clinic | |
和平方式解决问题和争端 | settle disputes and problems through peaceful means | 笑点、泪点、痛点 | bursting point | |
和平统一大业 | great cause of peaceful reunification | 笑而不语 | smilence | |
和谐共赢 | all-win harmony | 邪教 | cult | |
和谐社会 | harmonious society | 携带者 | HIV carrier | |
和谐世界 | harmonious world | 写真集 | photo album | |
和则生谐 | reconciliation leads to harmony | 写字楼 | office building | |
和衷共济、团结奋斗 | concreted and strenuous effort | 心电图检查 | EKG(Electrocardiography) | |
河道整治 | dredging waterway | 心脏复苏术 | CPR(Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) | |
河口三角湾 | river estuary | 新疆维吾尔族自治区 | Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region | |
核电在建规模 | nuclear power capacity construction | 新能源车 | new energy vehicles | |
核电站 | nuclear power station | 新能源观 | new thinking on energy development | |
核反应堆事故 | nuclear reactor accident | 新外匝道 | new off- ramp | |
核辐射 | nuclear radiation | 新文学运动 | New Literature Movement | |
核军火库 | nuclear arsenal | 新闻发布会 | press conference | |
核库存 | nuclear stockpiles | 新闻节目主持人播音室 | anchor booth | |
核扩散 | nuclear proliferation | 新闻联播 | news hook-up | |
核武器 | nuclear weapons | 新闻人物 | media individual | |
核心家庭 | nuclear family | 新闻审查 | news censorship | |
核心竞争力 | core competiveness | 新闻线索 | news peg | |
核心课程 | core curriculum | 新闻英语 | journalistic English | |
核心原则 | core principles | 新闻自由 | freedom of the press | |
贺电 | message of greeting; congratulatory message | 新兴市场经济 | emerging market economy | |
贺电贺信 | congratulatory message | 新一代信息技术 | new generation of information technology | |
黑白史诗片 | black-and-white epic | 信息产业 | IT(Information industry) | |
黑车 | unlicensed car | 信息高速公路 | information superhighway | |
黑恶势力 | Mafia-like gangs | 信息技术 | IT(Information Technology) | |
黑客攻击 | hacking attacks | 信息检索 | information retrieval | |
黑人人权运动 | Black power | 信息流 | information flow | |
黑色星期一 | Black Monday | 信息流通和参与政治的机会 | access to information and political participation | |
黑匣子 | black box | 信用便利 | credit facilities | |
黑心棉 | shoddy cotton | 信用等级 | integrity rating | |
红包 | convert payment/(neutral)red paper containing money as a gift/bribe kickback | 信用债券 | debenture | |
红色旅游区 | red tourist destinations | 兴利除害 | improvements with reduction in damage | |
红外线辐射 | infrared radiation | 刑期 | term of imprisonment | |
红州支持共和党的州 | red states | 刑事司法系统 | criminal judicial system | |
宏观调控 | macro-economic regulations; macro control | 刑讯逼供 | forced confession | |
宏观经济基本状况 | macroeconomic fundamentals | 行李检查 | luggage screening | |
洪峰 | flood crest/flood peak | 行为艺术家 | performance artist | |
呼吸道疾病临床症状 | signs of clinical respiratory illness | 行业杂志 | trade journal | |
狐狸精 | foxtrel | 行政能力测试 | administrative professional ability test | |
互不侵犯 | mutual non-aggression | 形象工程 | vanity project | |
互动式教学 | interactive teaching | 幸福指数 | happiness index | |
互访 | reciprocal visits | 性别差异 | gender gap | |
互惠贸易 | reciprocal trade | 性别平等 | gender equality | |
互利共赢的合作 | mutually beneficial cooperation | 性传播疾病 | STD(Sexual Transmitted Disease) | |
互利共赢的开放战略 | a mutually-benefit strategy of opening-up | 性倾向 | sexual orientation | |
互联网普及率 | Internet penetration | 性骚扰 | sexual harassment | |
互相承认 | mutual recognition | 兄弟般的 | fraternal | |
互相控股 | reciprocal holdings | 兄弟会姐妹会 | fraternity and sorority | |
互相宽容和尊重 | tolerate and mutual respect | 休戚与共 | share weal and woe | |
户籍登记薄 | household register | 休闲度假胜地 | recreational resort | |
户口 | household registration; registered permanent residence | 休闲性旅游 | recreational travel | |
户口薄 | resident’s booklet | 休学 | schooling suspension | |
户口调查员 | census taker/enumerator | 修订版 | a revised editing | |
护士长 | head nure | 修好访问 | fence-mending visit | |
花车巡游 | festooned vehicle parade | 虚拟大学 | virtual universities | |
花旗银行 | National city Bank of New York | 虚拟经济 | virtual economy | |
花样滑冰 | figure skating | 虚拟空间 | virtual space | |
花样游泳 | synchronized swimming | 虚拟全景游览 | virtual walkthrough | |
华尔街财阀 | Wall Street magnate | 蓄洪区 | flood control areas | |
华裔美国人 | Chinese-American | 宣传片为电影做广告的简短影片 | moive trailer | |
华语歌坛 | Mando-pop scene | 宣誓仪式 | oath-taking ceremony | |
滑盖手机 | slide phone | 宣纸 | xuan paper — high-quality rice paper good for traditional painting and calligraphy | |
化粪池 | septic tanks | 选举地图 | electoral map | |
化解国有企业历史债务 | ease the long-standing debt of SOEs | 选举权、知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权 | rights to vote and to stay informed about, participate in, express views on, and oversee government affairs | |
化学需氧量 | chemical oxygen demand | 选举团 | electoral college | |
画家同行 | artistic coterie | 选修课 | elective course | |
欢迎宴会 | welcome dinner | 学费上涨 | jacked-up tuitions | |
环保汽车 | clean car | 学分 | academic credit | |
环保专项治理 | special projects to address serious environmental problems | 学分制 | credit system | |
环境保护组织 | ECB(Environmental Conservation Board) | 学风 | style of study | |
环境冲突 | environmental warfare | 学海无涯 | boundless sea of learning | |
环境监测 | environmental monitoring | 学会评定委员会 | academic degrees evaluation committee | |
环境评估 | environment impact assessment | 学科带头人 | academic leader | |
环境审核 | environmental auditing | 学历、学位互认 | mutual recognition of academic credentials and degrees | |
环境危害 | environmental risks | 学前班 | preschool class | |
环境卫生 | environmental sanitation | 学区房 | school-nearby house | |
环境友好型社会理念深入人心. | public awareness of the need to develop an environment-friendlysociety was heightened. | 学生餐厅 | student cafeteria/canteen | |
环球嘉年华 | World carnival | 学生会 | student union | |
环太平洋地区 | Pacific Rim | 学生减负 | reduce students’ study load | |
换乘站 | transfer station/stop | 学士学位 | bachelor’s degree | |
换岗 | job reshuffle | 学术翻译 | Academic translation | |
换届选举 | election at expiration of office terms | 学术机构 | academic institution | |
换药 | change dressings | 学术英语 | EAP(English for Academic Purpose) | |
患眼疾 | have trouble in one’s eyesight | 学术自由 | academic freedom | |
荒野旅游 | wilderness tourism | 学习型社会 | learning society | |
黄标车 | yellow label car | 学习知识 | acquire knowledge | |
黄昏恋 | twilight romance/romance of the elderly | 学业 | academic performance | |
黄金时代 | Golden Age | 学业成绩 | academic achievements | |
黄金周 | golden week | 学业顾问(帮助学生学习并为其提供咨询的教师) | academic adviser | |
黄色新闻 | yellow journalism | 学以致用 | study knowledge to apply it | |
灰色经济 | grey economy | 学杂费 | miscellaneous fees | |
灰色收入 | grey income | 寻求双方都满意的解决方案 | work toward a mutually satisfactory solution | |
恢复邦交 | resume diplomatic relations | 巡航导弹 | cruise missile | |
回避 | withdrawal | 巡回大使 | roving ambassador | |
回头客 | returned customer | 巡回演出 | road show | |
回译 | Back translation | 循环经济 | recycling economy | |
汇率自由浮动的货币 | free-floating currency | 循环经济促进法 | Circular Economy Promotion Law | |
汇票 | bill of exchange | 循环经济试点 | pilot projects on circular economy | |
会计电算化 | accounting computerization | 压缩"三公"经费 | cutting spending on receptions, vehicles and overseas trips | |
会晤 | face-to-face talk | 亚非经济合作组织 | AOEC(Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation) | |
惠普公司 | HP(Hewlett-Packard) | 亚非人民团结组织 | AAPSO(Afro-Asian People’s Solidarity Organization ) | |
婚检 | premarital medical check-up | 亚裔美国新闻工作者协会 | AAJA(Asian-American Journalist Association) | |
婚礼服 | wedding dress | 亚洲教育改革促进发展中心 | ACEID(Asian Centre of Educational Innovation for Development) | |
婚前财产协定 | prenuptial agreement | 亚洲开发银行 | ADB(Asian Development Bank) | |
婚前同居 | premarriage cohabitation | 亚洲石油公司 | APC(Asian Petroleum Company) | |
婚外恋 | extramarital affair | 亚洲太平洋经济合作组织 | APEC (Asia and Pacific Economic Cooperation) |