混合所有制 | diversified /mixed ownership | 亚洲艺术节 | the Asia Arts Festival | |
混合所有制经济 | the economic sector of mixed ownership | 延长专利期限 | extension of the term of patent | |
活产 | live birth | 严打斗争 | strike-hard operation/campaign to crack down crimes | |
活动艺术 | kinetic art | 严肃追究责任 | strengthen administrative accountability | |
活期存款利率 | demand deposit interest rate | 言论和信仰的自由 | freedoms of expression and worship | |
活性炭 | activiated carbon | 研究生奖学金 | fellowship | |
火车票实名制 | real-name /ID-based ticket booking system | 演技派表演 | method acting | |
火力发电 | thermal power generation | 演艺业 | show business | |
火山爆发 | volcano eruption | 演职人员 | cast member | |
火星探测器 | Mars exploration rover | 厌食 | loss of appetite | |
货币操纵国 | currency manipulator | 唁电 | message of condolence | |
货币供应量 | money supply | 验收试验 | acceptance test | |
货币回笼 | withdrawl of currency from circulation | 堰塞湖 | quake/barrier/dammed lake | |
货币留成制度 | currency retention scheme | 央企 | centrally-administered state-owned companies | |
货币升值 | currency appreciation | 养老保险 | Pension Insurance | |
货币一体化 | monetary integration | 养老保障制度 | old-age security system | |
货到付款 | COD(Cash on Delivery) | 养路费 | road toll/road preset maintaince fee | |
货物处理 | disposition of merchandise | 腰围 | waist circumference | |
货物贸易 | trade in goods | 摇摆选民 | swing voter | |
货物吞吐量 | cargo handing capacity | 摇钱树 | cash cow | |
货运港船上交货 | free on board FOB | 药物生物技术 | pharmaceutical biotechnology | |
机场建设费 | departure tax | 野生动物园 | safari/wildlife park | |
机电产品 | mechanical and electrical products | 业务范围 | line of business | |
机顶盒 | STB(Set Top Box) | 业务中心地区 | CBD(Central Business District) | |
机动车行驶证 | road worthiness certificate | 业余歌手演唱会 | talent show | |
机房 | computer lab | 液晶显示屏 | LCD(liquid crystal display) | |
机构照顾 | institutional care | 一次能源 | primary energy | |
机会成本 | opportunity cost | 一次污染物 | primary pollutant | |
机考 | CAT(computer adaptive test) | 一次性社会 | throwaway society | |
机器翻译 | MT(machine translation) | 一等秘书 | first secretary | |
机组机务人员 | air craft crew/air crew | 一级谋杀案 | first-degree murder | |
鸡蛋羹 | steamed egg custard | 一揽子计划 | multi-point plan | |
积累收益 | accumulated earnings | 一票通用制度 | universal ticket system | |
积累知识 | accumulate knowledge | 一生的荣耀 | the honor of a lifetime | |
积压产品 | overstocked commodities | 一体化进程 | integration process | |
积压航班 | flight backlog | 一条龙服务 | all-in-one package | |
基本读写能力 | basic literacy | 一夜情 | one night stand | |
基层监督 | grassroots supervision | 一种集编辑、排版和打印一体的汉字处理系统 | WPS(Word Processing System) | |
基层民主 | Community-level democracy | 医疗保抢 | Health Care Insurance | |
基层社区 | grassroots community | 医学隔离 | medical quarantine | |
基础教育 | basic/elementary education | 医学院入学考试 | MCAT(Medical College Admission Test) | |
基础设施建设 | construction of infrastructure facilities | 依法行政、公正严明的法治政府 | a government that respects legal system and rules strictly and impartially | |
基因改造生物 | GMO(Genetically Modified Organism) | 依法行政意识 | consideration to carrying out their official duties in accordance with the law | |
基因库 | gene pool | 依法治国 | run the country according to law | |
基因重组 | gene recombination | 依职权而自然获得 | by virtue of holding an office | |
基因转移 | gene transfer | 仪仗队 | honor guard | |
基准利率 | benchmark interest rate | 移动梦网 | Monternet | |
绩效工资 | merit pay | 移动数据通讯中的短消息业务 | SMS(Short Message Service) | |
绩优股 | blue chip | 移动通信网 | mobile communication network | |
激光通信 | laser communication | 遗传疾病 | hereditary disease | |
激进组织 | radical group | 遗传密码 | genetic code | |
吉尼斯世界纪录大全 | Guinness Book of World Records | 遗传图 | genetic map | |
吉祥物 | mascot | 已接电话 | received call | |
即时聊天工具 | instant messaging service | 以……名义 | in the name of; in one’s name | |
即兴消费 | immediate consumption | 以人为本 | put people first | |
极端贫困 | extreme poverty | 蚁族 | antizen | |
急救治疗 | emergency medical care | 蚁族 | city ant/antizen | |
集束炸弹 | cluster bomb | 义务教育 | compulsory education | |
集装运输 | container shipping | 艺高胆大 | superb skill engenders bravery | |
计划单列市 | city specifically designated in the state plan | 艺术总监 | art director | |
计划经济 | planned economy | 音乐电视 | music TV(MTV) | |
计算机辅助设计 | CAD(Computer Aided Design) | 音乐节 | musical festival | |
计算机化考试 | CBT(Computer Based Test) | 音乐剧 | musical comedy | |
纪念封 | commemorative envelope | 音像市场 | audio-video tape market | |
纪念刊 | memorial volume | 音效 | sound track | |
技术出口限制 | restrictions on export of technologies | 银河系 | Milky Way/galaxy | |
技术合作活动 | technological cooperation activities | 银行控股公司 | BHC(Bank Holding Company) | |
技术依托 | technical backstopping | 引渡和遣返犯罪嫌疑人 | extradition and repatriation of criminal suspect | |
技术有偿转让 | transfer of technology with compensation | 引进人才 | bring in needed personnel | |
季风气候 | monsoon climate | 隐婚族 | pseudo-singles | |
季节性波动 | seasonal variation | 隐私保护意识 | awareness of privacy protection | |
既得利益集团 | vested interest groups | 隐私泄露 | privacy leaks | |
寄存行李 | locker service | 印花税 | stamp duty/tax | |
加工的食物 | artificial agents | 应对气候变化国家方案 | National Climate Change Program | |
加快信息化进程 | accelerate the informationization process | 应急供氧装置 | emergency oxygen apparatus | |
加强磋商与合作 | strengthen consultations and cooperation | 应急机制 | contingency mechanism | |
加强和改善宏观调控 | improve macro control | 应用翻译研究 | Applied translation studies | |
加强科技支撑 | increase input for science and technology | 英国动物保护协会 | SPCA(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) | |
加沙地带 | Gaza strip | 英国橄榄球联合会 | R.U(Rugby Union) | |
加速老化试验 | accelerated ageing test | 英国广播公司 | BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation) | |
加速滞后 | acceleration lag | 英国国民健康保险制度 | NHS(National Health Service) | |
加薪 | salary raise | 英国上议院的大法官 | Lord Chancellor | |
家长会 | parent-teacher conference | 英语水平测试 | EPT(English Proficiency Test) | |
家长教师联谊会 | PTA(Parent-Teacher Association) | 英语作为一门外语 | EFL(English as a Foreign Language) | |
家庭暴力 | domestic violence | 英中了解协会 | SACU(Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding) | |
家庭出身 | family background | 婴儿潮 | Baby boom | |
家庭废水 | household waste water | 盈利能力 | earning capacity | |
家庭妇男 | house-husband | 营养不良的人 | undernourished people | |
家庭联产承包责任制 | household contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output | 影评家 | film critic | |
家用电器 | household electrical appliances | 硬钱软钱 | hard money/soft money | |
家族企业 | family firm | 佣金 | commission/brokerage | |
嘉宾 | distinguished guest/honored guest | 永久停火协议 | a permanent ceasefire | |
戛纳电影节 | Cannes Film Festival | 优抚安置 | provide special assistance to entitled groups | |
价格弹性 | price elasticity | 优化经济结构 | optimize the economic structure | |
价格听证会 | public price hearings | 优惠贷款 | concessionary loans | |
价值主张 | value proposition | 优惠条件 | confessional/favorable terms | |
假唱 | lip syncing | 优先股 | preferred stock | |
假冒伪劣商品 | counterfeit and substandard products | 幽灵资产 | ghost estate | |
假球 | soccer fraud | 邮件诈骗 | mail fraud | |
假文凭 | fake diplomas | 邮政运输 | postal freight | |
假新闻骗人的新闻 | apocryphal story | 游街示众 | shame parade/public shaming | |
假账丑闻 | auditing scandals | 游客 | visitor | |
尖端技术 | state-of-the-art technology | 游客常去的景点 | scenic spots often visited by tourists | |
坚持互助互利 | persist in mutual assistance and mutual benefit | 游客服务中心 | tourist service center/visitor center | |
坚持基本纲领 | uphold the basic program | 游览车缆车 | sightseeing buses/cable car | |
兼并重组 | mergers and reorganizations | 游轮;游览航行 | pleasure cruiser | |
监护权 | custodial care of child | 友好访问 | goodwill visit | |
监控局势 | monitor the situation | 友好往来 | friendly exchanges | |
监视居住 | home surveillance | 有关居民阶级构成的统计资料 | status statistics | |
减负 | alleviate burdens | 有线电视 | CATV(Cable Television) | |
减免农业税 | reduce and exempt the agricultural tax | 有效签证 | valid visa | |
减排标准 | emission reduction target | 有效载荷能力 | payload capability | |
减轻农民负担 | lighten the burden on the peasants | 有形流动资产 | current tangible assets | |
减轻污染 | pollution abatement | 有针对性的工作方案 | well-targeted plans | |
减员 | downsizing/cut payroll | 有着积极、建设性、全面的关系 | have a positive,constructive and comprehensive relationship | |
减员增效 | downsizing for efficiency/cut payroll to improve efficiency | 舆论声势 | media blitz | |
剪彩 | cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony | 与时俱进 | advance with times | |
剪票 | clip/punch the ticket | 与受感染家禽直接接触 | direct contact with infected poultry | |
检测、预防和控制措施 | surveillance, prevention and control | 雨育农业的可持续集约化 | sustainable intensification of rained agriculture | |
检票员 | ticket inspector | 语音提示 | voice prompt | |
检阅仪仗队 | review the guard of honour | 语音学 | phonetics | |
简单多数原则 | plurality rule | 育龄妇女 | woman of child-bearing age | |
简易过渡房 | makeshift shelter | 预备稿 | advance copy | |
暗箱操作 | under-the-table deals | 预定轨道 | pre-selected orbit | |
建立外交关系 | establish diplomatic relations | 预防措施 | cautionary measure | |
建立友好城市关系 | establish sister city ties with | 预付定金 | down payment | |
建设高标准农田 | develop farm plots that meet high standards | 预期寿命 | life expectancy | |
建设生态文明 | build a conservation culture | 预算外资金 | extra budgetary funds | |
建议零售价 | suggested retail price | 域名服务器 | DNS(Domain Name Server) | |
建筑面积 | floor space | 域名解析系统 | DNS(Domain Name System) | |
健康检查 | health check | 员工帮助计划 | EAP(Employee Assistance Programs) | |
健康危害 | health risks | 原设备制造商 | OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer) | |
健身房 | fitness/gym center | 原始社会 | primitive society | |
渐进尾声 | draw to a close | 原子动力发电公司 | APC(Atomic Power Company) | |
鉴别能力倾向考试 | DAT(different aptitude test) | 圆满成功 | a complete success | |
将军肚 | bear belly | 圆明园 | the Old Summer Palace | |
僵尸粉 | zombie fans | 远道而来 | come from a distant land | |
讲诚信反欺诈 | honor credibility and no cheating | 约束理论 | TOC(Theory Of Constraints) | |
降低创业门槛 | lower the threshold for business startups | 月球车 | lunar rover | |
降低能耗 | reduce consumption of resources | 月球探测器 | lunar probe | |
降低资源消耗率 | slow down the rate of resource degradation | 越境污染 | frontier pollution | |
交互信息网络 | interactive information network | 越野车 | SUV(Sports Utility Vehicle) | |
交换留学生 | an exchange student | 云计算 | Cloud Computing | |
交货前付款 | CBD(Cash Before Delivery) | 孕产妇大出血 | material haemorrhagic | |
交响音乐会 | symphony concert | 孕产妇死亡率 | MMR(maternal mortality rate) | |
胶囊公寓 | capsule apartment | 运动型多用途汽车 | SUV(Sports Utility Vehicle) | |
焦土政策 | scorched-Earth plan | 运动饮料 | sports drink | |
教学相长 | men learn while they teach | 运水车 | water tanker | |
教育费用 | cost of education | 杂交育种 | crossbreeding | |
教育公平 | equal access to education | 灾害防御能力 | disaster preparedness | |
教育规划纲要 | national education plan | 灾害救助制度 | the natural disaster relief system | |
教育和人俩资源管理局 | EMB(Education and Manpower Bureau) | 灾后重建 | post-disaster reconstruction | |
教育乱收费 | unauthorized collection of fees by educational institutions/arbitrary educational charges | 宰杀家畜 | slaughter animals | |
教育体制 | education bureaucracy | 载人飞船 | manned spacecraft | |
教育投入 | input in education | 载人航天计划 | manned space program | |
接近峰值性能 | TPP(Toward Peak Performance) | 载人航天任务 | manned space mission | |
接口盖 | access flag | 再就业下岗人员 | re-employment of laid-off workers | |
接受了新文化的工人 | acculturated worker | 在人烟稀少的大草原 | in the scarcely settled grasslands | |
揭老底 | reveal a deep secret about/of someone | 在线股票交易 | online share trading | |
节能产品惠民工程 | project to promote energy-efficient products for the benefit of the people | 在押候审 | suspects held pending trial | |
节日病 | holiday excess | 在野党 | party out of office | |
节约能源法 | Energy Conservation Law | 在栈道上行走 | walkon the plank path | |
节约型社会 | resource-conserving society | 在职培训;岗位培训 | on-the-job training | |
节约用地制度 | system for economizing on the use of land | 在职研究生 | working graduate | |
拮据预算 | tight /austere budget | 暂住证 | temporary residence permit | |
洁治 | clean governance | 赞成安乐死合法化运动 | pro-euthanasia campaign | |
结党营私 | form cliques for private gain | 造型艺术 | plastic arts | |
结构性减税 | structural tax reductions | 增长与稳定公约欧盟) | SGP(Stability and Growth Pact) | |
结关 | customs clearance | 增加经济社会发展的后劲 | strengthen the basis for further /sustaining economic and social development | |
结婚纪念日 | wedding anniversary | 增加碳浓度 | raise carbon concentration | |
结婚进行曲 | wedding march | 增强道德观念 | enhance one’s moral awareness | |
结交新朋 | establish new contacts | 增强宏观调控的预见性针对性和实效性 | make the macro control more proactive, targeted andeffective | |
结算凭证 | voucher of clearing | 增强忧患意识 | enhance the sense of urgency | |
结业资格 | exit qualification | 增收节支 | increase revenue and cut government expenditures | |
竭诚 | do one’s best; spare no efforts | 增值税 | VAT(Value Added Tax) | |
解放和发展生产力 | release and develop productive forces | 摘要翻译 | Abstract translation | |
解放思想 | emancipate people’s minds | 宅男宅女 | indoors man/woman | |
解散国会 | dissolution of parliament | 债务限额 | debt limit | |
解释权 | right to interpret | 展览会 | Expo | |
借贷资本 | loan capital | 占优势 | get the upper hand | |
借读生 | transient student | 战略撤退 | strategic withdrawal | |
金币 | yellow boy | 战略发展空间 | strategic space for development | |
金牌演员 | ace actor | 战略经济对话 | strategic and economic dialogue | |
金钱政治 | money-oriented politics | 战略武器限制公约 | SALT(Strategic Arms Limitation Treat) | |
金秋 | golden autumn | 战略性新兴产业 | emerging industries of strategic importance/strategic emerging industries | |
金融寡头 | financial magnates | 战略一致性 | strategic alignment | |
金融管理 | financial management | 战略与经济对话 | strategic and economic dialogue | |
金融机构 | financial institutions | 战争升级 | escalation of war | |
金融监管 | financial oversight and management | 站点管理员 | site manager | |
金融债券 | financial bonds | 招待会 | reception | |
金砖五国 | 5BRICS(Brazil、Russia、India、China、South Africa) | 招聘会 | job fair | |
仅供参考 | FYR(for your reference);FRI(for your information) | 招聘栏 | wanted column | |
紧急供氧装置 | emergency oxygen apparatus | 招生广告 | advertisement for student recruitment | |
紧急粮食援助 | emergency food assistance | 召回公文 | letter of recall | |
紧迫感 | sense of urgency | 照片修正程序 | picture-enhancing apps | |
紧缩措施 | austerity measures | 肇事逃逸 | hit-and-run | |
近期和中期减排目标 | near-term and mid-term reduction targets | 真人秀 | reality show | |
近水楼台先得月 | a waterfront pavilion gets the moonlight first/a baker’s wife may bite of a bun | 振动 | vibrate | |
进出口总额 | total volume of imports and exports | 镇馆之宝 | Collection Highlights | |
进境检测维修货物和配件检测 | goods entered for testing and maintenance and the components and parts thereof | 震级 | earthquake magnitude | |
禁闭 | solitary confinement | 征地拆迁 | land expropriation, housing demolition and resident relocation | |
禁止令 | prohibitory injunction | 征求公众意见 | seek opinions from the public | |
禁止拍照 | cameras are forbidden | 证券投资 | portfolio investment | |
京都议定书 | Kyoto Protocol | 证人证言 | testimony of witness | |
京华烟云 | Peking Moment | 政策保险 | policy insurance | |
经济刺激方案 | economic stimulus bill | 政策性亏损 | policy mandated looses | |
经济繁荣和社会进步 | economic prosperity and social progress | 政党政府 | party government | |
经济封锁 | economic blockade | 政府采购 | government procurement | |
经济复苏 | economic resurgence | 政府促进就业的责任 | responsibility of the government for stimulating employment | |
经济合作和发展组织 | OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) | 政府工作报告 | report on the work of the government | |
经济滑坡 | economic downtown | 政府和国际研究中心 | CGIS(Center for Government and International Studies) | |
经济技术开发区 | ETDZ(Economic and Technological Development Zone) | 政府机构改革 | reform of government institutions | |
经济平稳较快发展 | steady and rapid economic development | 政府间气候变化专门委员会 | IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) | |
经济起飞 | an economic takeoff | 政府模式 | model of government | |
经济实力 | economic strength | 政局动荡 | turbulence political scene | |
经济适用房 | affordable housing | 政企分开 | separate functions of the government form those of enterprises | |
经济手段 | economic measure | 政务透明 | administrative transparency | |
经济特区 | SEZ(special economic zone) | 政治独立 | political independence | |
经济萎缩 | an economic depression(slump, recession) | 政治经济一体化 | political and economic integration | |
经济效益 | economic efficiency | 政治色彩 | political complexion | |
经济兴旺 | an economic boom | 政治体制改革 | political system reform | |
经济一体化 | economic integration | 政治姿态 | political posturing | |
经济增长的环境资源代价过大 | the price paid for economic growth in terms of resourcesconsumption and environmental pressure is too high | 支持率 | favorability rate | |
经济增长点 | economic growth point | 支柱产业 | pillar industry | |
经济指标 | economic indicators | 知情权 | right of access | |
经济总量 | economic aggregate | 知识产权 | intellectual property right | |
经济作物 | cash crops | 知识产权侵权 | intellectual property infringement | |
经贸摩擦 | economic and trade frictions | 知识的价值 | value of knowledge | |
经验法 | rules-of-thumb techniques | 执法部门 | law enforcement authority | |
经营效率 | efficiency in operation | 执法人员 | law enforcement personnel | |
精确新闻学 | accurate journalism | 执行机构 | executive branch | |
精神和神经疾病 | mental and neurological conditions | 执行力和公信力 | executive ability and greater public trust | |
精神健康 | mental health | 执政党 | party in office/ruling party | |
精神满足感 | emotional gratification | 直飞航线 | non-stop flight /direct flight | |
精神升华 | spiritual enhancement | 直辖市 | municipality | |
精神食粮 | nourishment for the minds | 职场冷暴力 | occupational tacit violence | |
精神障碍 | mental disorder | 职前培训 | preprofessional training | |
景区的观光手册 | a brochure of scenic spot | 职权 | functions and powers | |
景区设置的轮椅通道 | access to wheelchairs in the tourist site | 职业英语 | EOP(English for Occupation) | |
警方卧底线人 | police undercover informant | 职业罪犯 | career criminal | |
竞选伙伴 | running rate | 植被覆盖 | vegetation cover | |
竞选诺言 | election promises | 指定日门票 | designated day tickets | |
静物画 | still lift | 指二战后的第一代婴儿潮中出生的人 | new-collars | |
酒后驾车 | drunk driving | 指令舱 | command module | |
旧区改造 | reconstruction of old area | 制片协调员 | production coordinator | |
救济行动 | relief operations | 制止通货膨胀措施 | anti-inflation measures | |
救灾物资 | disaster relief materials; relief supply | 治标治本 | tackle problems at root and at surface | |
就业问题 | employment problem | 治病媒介 | the causative agent | |
就业指导 | employment guidance | 致命武器 | lethal arms | |
就职演说 | inauguration address | 智力缺陷反应迟钝 | mental retardation/deficiency | |
居民(公民)管辖权 | resident(citizen) jurisdiction | 智能、绿色、低碳城市 | smart, green and low-carbon city | |
居委会 | neighborhood committee | 智能手机的高质内置相机 | smartphones’ high-quality built-in cameras | |
局势趋向缓和 | ease tensions | 智能学校 | smart school | |
局域网 | local area network | 智商 | IQ(intelligence quotient) | |
具有实效的合作 | pragmatic cooperation | 中标 | win the bid/tender | |
决定性一票 | casting vote | 中等生 | average student | |
决议草案 | draft resolution | 中等职业教育 | secondary vocational education | |
军备竞赛 | arms race | 中低收入城市居民 | middle and low-income urban residents | |
军备扩张 | military expansion | 中共中央委员会 | CPC Central Committee | |
军控 | arms control | 中古英语 | Middle English | |
军事集团 | military blocs | 中国保监会 | CIRC(China Insurance Regulatory Commission) | |
军事委员会 | CMA(Committee of Military Affairs) | 中国的和平崛起的神话 | myth of China’s peaceful rise | |
军事训练 | MT(Military Training) | 中国翻译专业资格考试 | CATTI(China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters) | |
军事演习 | war game | 中国高铁 | CRH(China Railway High-Speed) | |
君主立宪 | constitutional monarchy | 中国共产党 | CPC(Communist Party of China) | |
开办登记 | registration of establishment | 中国共产党全国代表大会 | the National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC) | |
开笔礼 | first writing ceremony | 中国国际技术交流中心 | CICETE(China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchange) | |
开放兼容 | open and receptive | 中国国际旅行社 | CITS(China International Travel Service) | |
开放型经济 | an open economy | 中国国家药品管理局 | SPCA(State Pharmaceutical Administration of China) | |
开卷考试 | open-book examination | 中国海关总署 | CGAC(Custom General Administration of China) | |
开垦荒地 | reclaim wasteland | 中国海监 | CMS(China Marine Surveillance) | |
开某人玩笑 | pull one’s leg | 中国环境标志产品认证委员会 | CCEL(China Certification Committee for Environment LabelingProduction) | |
开幕词 | opening remarks | 中国经济和世界经济日益紧密结合 | China’s economy is increasingly tied to the world’s economy | |
开瓶费 | corkage fee | 中国康复医学会 | CARM(Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine) | |
开小灶 | give extra help | 中国民航 | CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China); CIAA(Civil Aviation Authority of China) | |
抗病虫旱性 | disease-/pest-/drought-resistant | 中国人民大学 | RUC(Renmin University Of China) | |
抗风险能力 | risk resistance capacity | 中国人民解放军 | PLA(People’s Liberation Army) | |
抗洪救灾 | fight floods and provide relief | 中国人民银行 | PBOC(People’s Bank of China) | |
抗生素残留 | residues of antibiotics | 中国人民政治协商会议 | CPPCC(Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference) | |
抗议票 | protest vote | 中国商务部 | MOFCOM(The Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China) | |
抗灾救灾工作 | efforts to combat disasters and provide relief | 中国特色社会主义理论体系 | theoretical system of Chinese socialism | |
抗震鉴定 | anti-earthquake evaluation | 中国外汇管理局 | CFECA(China Foreign Exchange Control Administration) | |
考勤 | check roll | 中国学生学者联谊会 | CSSA(Chinese Students and Scholars Association) | |
考试作弊 | cheating in exams | 中国银监会 | CBRC(China Banking Regulatory Commission) | |
苛扣工资 | dock wages | 中国银行 | BOC(Bank of China) | |
科幻片 | science fiction film | 中国银行管理委员会 | CBRC(The China Banking Regulatory Commission) | |
科技含量 | scientific and technological content | 中国证券业协会 | SAC(the Securities Association of China) | |
科教兴国战略 | the strategy of invigorating China through the development of science and education | 中华民族的无疆大爱 | boundless love of the Chinese nation | |
科教兴农 | invigorate agriculture by relying on science and education | 中华医学会 | CMA(China Medical Association) | |
科学发展观 | scientific outlook on development | 中继局电话网 | trunk network | |
科学技术教育与培训& | S&T education and training | 中美三个联合公报 | The Three Sino-U.S. Joint communiques | |
科学技术进步 | scientific and technological progress | 中式英语 | Chinglish | |
科学研究协作委员会 | CRC(Coordinating Research Council) | 中外合资企业 | Sino-foreign joint ventures | |
科研成果实现了产业化 | A large number of research results have been applied in industrial production | 中外合作企业 | cooperative business | |
可持续发展 | sustainable development | 中小企业 | SME(Small Medium Enterprise); small- and medium-sized enterprises | |
可持续发展战略 | the strategy of sustainable development | 中小学危房改造 | the renovation of dilapidated primary and secondary school buildings | |
可持续观光 | sustainable tourism | 中学毕业证书 | General Certificate of Secondary Education | |
可持续食品安全政策 | sustainable food security policies | 中央芭蕾舞歌舞团 | Central Ballet Troupe | |
可持续水产养殖 | sustainable aquaculture | 中央处理器 | CPU(Central Processing Unit) | |
可视图文 | visual pictures and literature | 中央纪检委员会 | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection | |
可收回成本债务损失 | recoverable cost/debt/loss | 中央军事委员会 | CMC(Central Military Commission) | |
可再生能源法 | Renewable Energy Law | 中央军委 | CMC(Central Military Commission) | |
可再生资源 | renewable resources | 中央商务区 | CBD(Central Business District) | |
克隆技术 | cloning technology | 中央信息区 | CID(Central Information District) | |
客车站 | bus station | 终端服务器 | terminal server | |
客串 | guest star | 终身成就奖 | Honorary Oscar | |
客串演出 | a cameo appearance | 种族分划 | racial divisions | |
客队 | visiting team | 仲裁条约 | a treaty of arbitration | |
客房预约 | room reservation | 众包 | crowdsourcing | |
客户身份识别卡 | SIM(subscriber identity module) | 众议院 | House of Representatives | |
客流高峰期 | peak time for passenger transport | 重大新闻事件 | media event | |
客运总经纪人 | GPA(General Procurement Agent) | 重点流域水污染防治 | control water pollution in key watersheds | |
课代表 | course leader | 重点学科 | key disciplines | |
空巢孤独综合征 | empty-nest syndrome | 重复建设项目 | overlapping/redundant project | |
空巢家庭 | empty-nest/childless family | 重伤害 | aggravated assault | |
空间对接 | space docking | 重视教育 | place considerable value on education | |
空间环境探测系统 | space environment detector system | 重新执政 | return to power | |
空间物理探测 | space physics exploration | 周刊 | weekly publication | |
空难哀悼日 | the day of mourning for the air crash victims | 洲际弹道导弹 | intercontinental ballistic missiles | |
空气清除 | air stripping | 主打曲目 | title track | |
空气污染指数 | air pollution index | 主导运营商 | incumbent operator | |
空气质量检测 | air quality monitoring | 主流文化 | mainstream culture | |
空着的卧铺未卖出) | vacant berth | 主权观念 | notion of sovereignty | |
孔雀女 | peacock woman | 主权信用评级 | sovereign credit rating | |
恐怖片 | horror film | 主权债务危机 | sovereign debt crisis | |
恐怖袭击 | terrorist attack | 主题公园 | a theme park | |
恐归族 | home-fear group | 主题馆 | theme pavilion | |
控制器 | control unit | 主体功能区战略 | main functional regions | |
控制与报告中心 | CRC(Control and Reporting Center) | 主着陆场 | main landing field/primary landing site | |
控制杂草 | weed control | 住房公基金 | Housing Provident Funds | |
枯竭河流 | dried-up rivers | 住房制度改革 | reform of housing system | |
垮掉的一代 | the beaten generation | 住房资源分配 | housing resources distribution | |
跨国并购 | cross-border takeover | 住院时间 | duration of hospital stays | |
跨国公司 | transnational corporation | 助教 | teaching assistant | |
跨境贸易人民币结算试点 | the trials of settling cross-border trade accounts in RMB | 助理金 | assistantship | |
跨太平洋伙伴关系协议 | TPP(Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement) | 助学金 | student aid | |
快闪族 | flash mob | 助学制度 | subsidy system | |
宽带网 | broad-band network | 注册管理会计师 | CMA(Certified Management Accountant) | |
宽屏幕 | panoramic screen | 注册会计师 | CPA(Certified Public Accountant) | |
宽容的文化 | culture of tolerance | 注册会计师协会会员 | ACCA(Association of Charted Certified Accountants) | |
矿物燃料 | fossil fuel | 注册资本 | registered capital | |
傀儡 | cat’s paw | 注定要完蛋的人没有价值的人或事 | dead duck | |
傀儡政权 | puppet regime | 注入强劲的动力 | give a strong impetus to | |
扩大内需 | expand domestic demand | 专机 | charter flight | |
扩大内需战略 | the policy of boosting domestic demand | 专利持有人 | holder of patent | |
扩大自主权 | enlarge the right of self-management | 专利侵权诉讼 | action for infringement of patent | |
扩内需、保增长调结构、上水平抓改革、增活力重民生、促和谐 | boost domestic demand tosustain economic grow, adjust the structure to raise the level of economy development, pressahead with reform to make the economy more vigorous, give top priority to ensure people’swell-being and promote social harmony | 专利申请权 | claim of patent application | |
垃圾文化 | Junk culture | 专利说明书 | specification of patent | |
垃圾邮件 | junk email | 专门用途英语考试 | ESP(English for Special Purpose) | |
垃圾债券 | junk bond | 专题片 | television special | |
拉黑 | defriend | 专项教育补助基金 | aid-to-education grant money | |
拉尼娜现象 | La Nina | 专用权 | sole right of use | |
蜡笔画 | pastel drawing | 专用线路 | private circuit | |
拦截搜身 | stop and frisk | 转变职能 | transform government functions | |
蓝州支持民族党的州 | blue states | 转发 | forward | |
浪子回头金不换 | it’s never too late to change | 转轨经济 | economies in transition/transition economy | |
劳动力转移就业 | find work in nonagricultural sectors | 转基因生物 | GMO(Genetically Modified Organism) | |
劳动密集型产业 | labour-intensive industry | 转让和使用技术 | transfer and use of technologies | |
老妻少夫式婚姻 | December-May marriage | 转手贸易 | switch trade | |
乐器数字接口 | MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) | 转型外交 | transformational diplomacy | |
雷人 | wacky/shocking/weird | 赚钱的副业 | a profitable sideline | |
累计赤字 | accumulated deficit | 准确、简洁、明鲜 | ABC(accuracy, brevity and clarity) | |
累计碳排放预算 | a cumulative emission budget | 准生证 | birth permit | |
棱镜计划 | Prism | 桌游 | board role-playing games | |
冷门 | an unexpected winner | 着陆架 | landing pad | |
冷战思维 | Cold War mentality | 着陆区 | landing area | |
离岸价格 | free on board | 咨询详细信息请联系游客服务中心 | contact the visitor center for more information | |
离任期间 | during one’s absence | 资本还原法 | on the basis of capitalization | |
离职补偿 | severance package | 资本市场 | capital market | |
礼仪 | etiquette | 资本所有权 | equity ownership | |
里氏震级 | magnitude in the Richter Scale | 资产负债表 | balance sheet | |
历史剧 | historical drama | 资产折旧幅度 | assets depreciation range | |
历史唯物主义 | historical materialism | 资金链 | capital chain | |
历史文物 | historical relics | 资深专栏作家 | veteran columnist | |
立体电影 | stereoscopic film | 资源产品定价和市场 | resource products pricing and market | |
立体派 | Cubism | 资源节约、环境友好型城市 | resource-efficient and environmentally friendly city | |
立体气候 | three-D climate | 资源节约型社会 | resource-effective society | |
利用职务便利 | take advantage of one’s position | 资源配置 | allocate resources | |
连带责任 | joint and several liability | 资源型产品价格改革 | the pricing reform of resource products | |
连锁反应 | ripple effect/chain effect/butterfly effect | 资源优化配置 | the most optimum distribution of resources | |
联邦税款在内 | FTI(Federal Tax Included) | 自动测量系统集成 | AMIS(Automatic Measure Integrated System) | |
联合公报 | a joint communique | 自动程序 | APC(Automatic Program Control) | |
联合国安理会 | UNSC(United Nations Security Council) | 自动柜员机 | ATM(Automatic Teller machine) | |
联合国大会 | UNGA(United Nations General Assembly) | 自动寄存箱 | automatic deposit box | |
联合国儿童基金会 | UNICEF(UN International Children’s Emergency Fund) | 自动天体导航 | ACN(Automatic Celestial Navigation) | |
联合国工业发展组织 | UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) | 自觉排队日 | Queuing-up Day | |
联合国环境规划署 | UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme) | 自拍 | self-portrait/selfie | |
联合国环境署 | UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme) | 自然风景 | natural landscape(scenery) | |
联合国环境与发展大会环发大会 | UNCED(United Nation Conference on Environment and Development) | 自然垄断 | natural monopoly | |
联合国教科文组织 | UNESCO(United Nations Educational,Scientifican Cultural Organization) | 自然选择 | natural selection | |
联合国紧急部队 | UNEF(United Nations Emergency Force) | 自然灾害的综合防范和抵御能力 | comprehensive ability to head off and deal with natural disasters | |
联合国经济合作行动计划署 | UNAPEC(United Nations Action Program for Economic Cooperation) | 自然灾害多发地区 | places prone to natural disasters | |
联合国开发计划署 | UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) | 自然灾害风险评估 | natural disaster risk evaluation | |
联合国粮食与农业组织 | FAQ(the UN Food and Agriculture Organization) | 自然灾难应急响应 | the natural disaster emergency response system | |
联合国旅游组织 | WTO(World Tourism Organization) | 自燃性 | Naturalness | |
联合国气候变化框架公约 | UNFCCC(The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) | 自杀性爆炸袭击 | suicide bombing | |
联合国人居奖 | UN Habitat Award | 自信、自立、自强 | strive to be confident, independent and self-improving | |
联合国维和活动 | UN’s peacekeeping activities | 自由度 | DOF(Degree of Freedom) | |
联合国宪章 | UNC(United Nations Chapter) | 自由兑换 | free convertibility | |
联合国志愿人员 | UNV(United Nations Volunteers) | 自由贸易协定 | FTA(Free Trade Agreement) | |
联合国资本开发基金会 | UNCDF(United Nations Capital Development Fund) | 自主创新 | Independent innovation | |
联合政府 | coalition government | 自主创新能力 | capacity for independent innovation | |
联络处 | liaison office | 自主知识产权 | IPR(Intellectual Property Rights) | |
廉政准则 | code of ethics | 自助餐 | buffet dinner | |
廉租房 | low-rent housing | 综合国力 | comprehensive/overall national strength | |
恋恋不舍 | feel reluctant to part (with sb) | 综合运输体系建设 | the building of comprehensive transport system | |
良种补贴 | subsidies for superior crop varieties | 总领事馆 | consulate-general | |
粮农组织 | FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization) | 总体规划 | overall plan | |
粮食安全 | food security | 总体污染物控制 | total emission control | |
粮食危机早起反应 | early reaction to food crises | 总统当选人 | President-elect | |
两岸关系 | cross-straits relations | 总统选举 | presidential election | |
两岸经济合作架构协议 | ECFA(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement) | 总有机碳 | TOC(Total Organic Carbon) | |
两餐半人 | meal skipper | 走班族 | walking commuter | |
两弹一星 | atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and artificial satellite | 走出去引进来 | going/bringing in global/abroad strategy | |
两党财政委员会 | bipartisan fiscal commission | 走读生 | nonresident student | |
两限房 | house of two limits;house with limited price and habitable area | 走可持续发展道路实现人与自然相和谐已成为各方共同追求的目标 | sustainable development andharmony between man and nature has become the common goal of all parties | |
谅解备忘录 | MOU(Memorandum of Understanding) | 走马观花之行 | a cursory trip | |
量刑不当 | sentence disparity | 租用滑雪用具 | rent ski equipment | |
林业重点生态工程建设 | key ecological forestry projects | 足本词典 | unabridged dictionary | |
临客 | temporary train | 组织委员会 | organizing committee | |
临时政府 | provisional government | 最大的效率 | the best possible results | |
零耕或少耕 | zero or minimum tillage | 最低生活保障 | subsistence allowance | |
零关税待遇 | zero tariff treatment | 最低生活保障线 | minimum subsistence level | |
零和博弈 | zero-sum game | 最低注册资本 | the minimum registered capital | |
零基预算制度 | a zero-base budgeting system | 最高级会谈;首脑会议 | summit talks | |
零帕族 | stress-free/stress-proof type | 最高价 | price ceilings | |
领土争端 | territorial dispute | 最高限价 | ceiling price | |
令人震撼的效果 | electrifying effect | 最高行政长官 | first executive office | |
另类说唱 | alternative rap | 最后 | in closing | |
流动负债 | current liability | 最惠国待遇原则 | MFNS(Most-Favored-Nation Treatment) | |
流动负债比率 | current debt ratio | 最佳艺术指导 | best art direction | |
流动人口 | floating population | 最新票务信息 | up-to-date ticket information | |
流动资产负债表 | current account balance sheet | 最新消息 | latest news/hot news; red-hot news;red-hot news | |
流动资金占有率 | current fund employment rate | 最新引入景区的游乐项目 | newly introduced entertainment in the tourist site | |
流离失所者 | displaced person | 最有价值球员 | MVP=the most valuable player | |
流亡政府 | exiled regime(government-in-exile) | 尊师重教 | respect teachers and value education | |
流行歌曲排行榜 | hit parade | 尊重学生人格 | respect the dignity of students | |
流行性脑膜炎球菌病 | epidemic meningococcal diseases | 作物和家畜的生产率 | crop and livestock productivity | |
留守女士留守男士 | grass widow/widower | 作物秸秆 | crop residues | |
六至十年级学生就业教育 | Career exploration | 作物轮种 | crop rotation | |
龙头产品 | flagship product | 作物歉收 | crop failures | |
龙头老大 | leading enterprise; flagship of the industry | 作战能力 | combat capability | |
龙头企业 | pioneering enterprises | 坐过山车 | ride the roller coaster | |
隆重欢迎 | red-carpet welcome | 做大经济蛋糕 | make the economic pie bigger | |
隆重举行 | observe the grand opening of | 做到速度与结构质量效益的有机统一 | ensure that growth rate is in line with the structure, quality and performance of the economy | |
楼面价 | floor area price | 做假账 | falsified accounts | |
漏报 | incomplete report/omission of facts | |||
漏油 | oil leak/spill | |||
露脐装 | midriff | |||
陆地和海洋生态系统 | terrestrial and marine ecosystems | |||
陆路交通枢纽和物流中心 | a hub of land traffic and logistics | |||
录取分数线 | minimum enrollment score/lowest mark for admission | |||
路透社 | Reuters | |||
旅行背包 | pack-sack | |||
旅游爱好者 | a travel buff | |||
旅游巴士包租、游览服务 | charter bus and coach services and tour | |||
旅游标识语 | tourism logo | |||
旅游车 | tourist coach(bus) | |||
旅游城市 | tourist city | |||
旅游淡季 | slack season for tourism | |||
旅游定点商店餐厅 | officially designated shop/restaurant | |||
旅游经济师 | tourism economists | |||
旅游景点 | tourist attractions; attraction for tourism | |||
旅游收入 | tourism receipts | |||
旅游陷阱 | tourist trap | |||
绿色经济 | green economy | |||
绿色投资 | green investment | |||
掠夺性开发 | predatory exploitation | |||
略备薄酒 | prepare a humble dinner | |||
伦敦东区 | East End | |||
伦敦国际金融期货和期权交易所 | LIFFE(London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange) | |||
论语 | The Analects of Confucius | |||
裸婚 | simplistic marriage/bare-handed marriage |