本站小编 免费考研网/2019-03-21
y the purchaser.This broad principle needs,however,to be qualified in a number
of respects:
(1)Liabilities in relation to properties may run with the land and accordingly
automatically bind the purchaser.
(2)Certain obligations to the emplyees of a business which is sold as a going
concern pass under the Transfer of Undertaking (Protection of Employment)Regul
ations 1981.
(3)Partly completed goods,the manufacture of which is completed by the purchas
er,will give rise to a liability on the purchaser if they prove to be defectiv
e envn though the defect arises from work done by the vendor.
(4)From a practical point of view,it is often necessary for the purchaser to p
erform warranty obligations of the vendor in relation to goods sold slightly b
efore the transfer of the business.
Despite these exceptions,the general rules is that the purchaser does not take
over any liabilities of the business for which it does not wish to be respons
ible.This significantly affects the scope of the wanrranties which the purchas
er will seek and,broadly,the warranties on share sales dealing with liabilitie
s ,and in particular those concerning taxation, will be unnecessary.Neverthele
ss,not all liabilities are irrelevant in determining whether the purchaser has
acquired what it thought it was buying :
(1)The purchaser will wish to be sure that accounts of the vendor correctly r
eflect the profitability of the business and that liabilities reducing the pr
ofits are fully taken into account.
(2)Disputes with suppliers and customers could adversely affect the goodwill o
f the business.
(3)Employees who are dissatisfied because they have outstanding claims of whic
h the purchaser is not aware could cause problems for the purchaser of such si
gnificance that it could find itself effectively forced to meet the liabilitie
s even though it has no legal responsibility.
1、( )当录像机的价格上升时,录像带的需求量会减少,这是因为录像机和录像带之间
2、( )厂商增加一单位产量时所增加的可变成本等于边际成本。
3、( )在均衡的国民收入水平上,非计划存货投资和计划存货都必须等于零。
4、( )在开放经济中,一国只能通过实施货币政策而不是通过实施财政政策实现充分就
5、( )长期性商品倾销往往有赖于规模经济或政府出口补贴的支持。
6、( )国际贸易额是世界各国进口额与出口额的总和。
7、( )蒙代尔-弗莱明模型认为,在浮动汇率制、货币自由流动和货币自主权之间存在
8、( )金融服务附录规定,审慎监管措施受服务贸易总协定其他条款的限制。
三、单选 (每题1分,共7分)
A、成本降低了 B、生产要素的价格按相同比例下降了
C、成本减少了 D、生产要素的价格按不同比例下降了
A、产品增值 B、最终产品 C、原材料 D、中间产品
A、歧视性政府采购政策 B、进口押金制
C、进出口国家垄断 D、特许经营
A、构成了单证不符,银行不会接受 B、不够成单证不符,银行必须接受
C、除非信用证另有规定,银行可以接受 D、除非信用证另有规定,银行将不接受
A、功能中心 B、基金中心 C、名义中心 D、收放中心
A、经营机构少 B、币种与金额所受限制不同
C、能否放弃合约的自主权不同 D、期限不同
四、多项选择 (每题2分,共6分)
A、对外贸易总政策 B、产业政策
C、商业政策 D、进出口商品政策 E、国别地区政策
A、借款 B、份额 C、债券转让 D、利润收入 E、捐赠收入
五、名词解释 (每题3分,共15分)
六、简述 (每题6分,共18分)
七、论述 (每题10分,共20分)
八、案例分析 (第一题10分,第二题8分,共18分)
1、 出口商A与进口商B达成一笔机电产品的买卖合同,合同中规定由A商向B商提供两种型
2、 假设某经济的消费函数为C=100+0.8Y(其中Y为个人可支配收入),投资I=100,政
1.The True, Peaceful Face of Islam
There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, and Islam is the world’s fastest-
growing religion. If the evil carnage we witnessed on Sept. 11 were typical of
the faith, and Islam truly inspired and justified such violence, its growth a
nd the increasing presence of Muslims in both Europe and the U.S. would be a t
errifying prospect. Fortunately, this is not the case.
The very word Islam, which means “surrender”, is related to the Arabic salam
, or peace. When the Prophet Muhammad brought the inspired scripture known as
Koran to the Arabs in the early 7th century A. D., a major part of his mission
was devoted precisely to bringing an end to the kind of mass slaughter we wit
nessed in New York City and Washington. Pre-Islamic Arabia was caught up in a
vicious cycle of warfare, in which tribe fought tribe in a pattern of vendetta
and counter-vendetta. Muhammad himself survived several assassination attempt
s, and the early Muslin community narrowly escaped extermination by the powerf
ul city of Mecca. The Prophet had to fight a deadly war in order to survive, b
ut as soon as he felt his people were probably safe, he devoted his attention
to building up a peaceful coalition of tribes and achieved victory by an ingen
ious and inspiring campaign of non-violence. When he died in 632, he had almos
t single-handedly brought peace to war-torn Arabia.
Because the Koran was revealed in the context of an all-out war, several passa
ges deal with the conduct of armed struggle. Warfare was a desperate business
on the Arabian Peninsula. A chieftain was not expected to spare survivors afte
r a battle, and some of the Koran injunctions seem to share this spirit. Musli
ms are ordered by God to “slay [enemies] wherever you find them!”. Extremist
s such as Osama bin laden like to quote such verses but do so selectively. The
y do not include the exhortation to peace, which in almost every case follow t
hese more ferocious passages:” Thus, if they let you be, and do not make war
on you, and offer you peace, God does not allow you to harm them.
Islam is not addicted to war, and jihad is not one of its “pillars”, or esse
ntial practices. The primary meaning of the word jihad is not ”holy war” but
“struggle”. It refers to the different effort that is needed to put God’s
will into practice at every level-personal and social as well as political. A
very important and much quoted tradition has Muhammad telling his companions a
s they go home after a battle. “We are returning from the lesser jihad [the b
attle] to the greater jihad,” the far more urgent and momentous task of extir
pating wrongdoing from one’s own society and one’s own heart.
---Time, October 1st 2001.
2.Women at work
Throughout American history, the proportion of women who work to provide for t
hemselves or their families has always very high, What has changed---and has c
hanged dramatically---is how many women earn a wage. After the rise of industr
ial capitalism in the nineteenth century, men increasingly sold their labor on
the market. Most American women, however, continued to work without pay insid
e the home or on the family farm. This has changed. Most Americans now regard
the rigidly enforced isolation of women from the labor force as out of step wi
th contemporary business and culture. For over a century, at any given time mo
re than 80 percent of men have earned a wage or salary. One hundred years ago,
only about 20 percent women earned a wage or salary. Today, over 70percent do
. Historians will report that the entrance of large numbers of women into the
labor force was the most profound shift in the demographic composition of U.S.
workers in the twentieth century. Indeed, it could be argued soundly that it was the century’s preeminent sociocultural change as well. Wag
e-earning women in the industrial democracies today have greater earning power
than women have ever had in the history of the West.
Many see the World War II ear, with its tight labor market and Rosie the Rivet
er” campaigns as the watershed period for women’s first beginning to work fo
r wages in large numbers. Such exclusive attention to the temporary upsurge ca
use by the war, though, risks ignoring how there has been a trend toward incre
asing labor force participation throughout the development of the American mar
ket economy.
There can be little doubt that, on balance, a woman’s expectation to earn a w
age has been liberating . The labor power of today’s women allows personal an
d professional choices to be made that were unavailable in the past. Some worr
y, however, that the economic agency that women have gained by entering the la
bor force is culturally hollow, At very least, the grand social transformation
that many feminists hoped would follow after large number of hours outside th
e home still earn less on average than their male coworkers and are often excl
uded from positions of authority, yet continue to bear disproportionate respon
sibility for completing household chores.
---America by the Numbers
3.The Knowledge Economy
Economists continue to search for the foundations of economic growth. Traditio
nal “production functions” focus on labor, capital, materials and energy; kn
owledge and technology are external influences on production. Now analytical a
pproaches are being developed so that knowledge can be included more directly
in production functions. Investments in knowledge can increase the productive
capacity of the other factors of production as well as transform them into new
products and processes. And since these knowledge investments are characteriz
ed by increasing (rather than decreasing) returns, they are the key to long-te
rm economic growth.
The most visible sign of the knowledge-based economy is the emergence of the “
information society”. Information technology has speeded up the codification
of knowledge, transforming it into a market commodity: large chunks of knowled
ge can be codified and transmitted over computer and communications networks.
The use of personal computers has more than doubled in the last decade. These
computers can be linked nationally and internationally. Through computer netwo
rks, knowledge is more accessible to a wider group of people and cheaper to ac
Knowledge itself is becoming a more marketable product, and its spread is tran
sforming other goods and services and creating new markets. The spiraling numb
er of information services available on the Internet, raging from job searches
to medical advice, is one example. The transformation of several disciplines—
measurements, navigation, chemistry, music, surgery, telecommunications—by la
ser technology is another. And as the stock of knowledge accessible to the wor
ld economy swells, it is driving economic growth. The increase in knowledge ac
cessibility and lower barriers to entry are also enhancing the role of the ent
---The Knowledge Economy
4.Capacity to Be a Principal
Nor every person or entity may be a principal. To be a principal, one must hav
e the capacity to execute a contract. Minors, incompetents, and other natural
persons with limited contractual capacity may be restricted in their ability t
o be a principal or even prohibited entirely from becoming a principal. Adult
persons of limited mental capacities or adults who are temporarily incapacitat
ed (for example, while intoxicated) are not permitted to appoint agents freely
. Under modern legal theory, minors have contractual capacity for necessities
and thus may be principals and appoint agents for any item deemed to be necess
ary (food, shelter, and so on). This complicated by the fact that there is no
uniform definition of what falls within the term “necessary”. Consequently,
the practical result is that very few people are willing to contract with mino
rs for anything, and even fewer people will deal with the agent of minor.
A corporation has contractual capacity and can be a principal. The corporation
’s ability to appoint an agent is limited to the scope of activities authoriz
ed in its articles of incorporation. This caused some problems in the past bec
ause lawyers used to draft the articles of incorporation to encompass only tho
se activities contemplated by the incorporations (for example, to operate a ra
ilroad). However, since modern legal practice is to create a corporation with
the ability to conduct any business the law allows, there are few limitations
on a corporation’s capacity to act as a principal.
Partnerships can usually act as principals, although there are two legal theor
ies to explain how. Where the law does not treat a partnership as a legal enti
ty, the partnership itself is not technically capable of being a principal. In
these jurisdictions, because the partnership lacks contractual capability, th
e individual partners are deemed to be the principal and the partnership’s ag
ent is really the agent of the partners. In the jurisdictions where a partners
hip is a legal entity, this fiction need not be observed, and the partnership
can act directly as a principal through its agents.
---McGill’s Legal Aspects of Life Insurance
5.Financial Derivatives
In the past two decades, we have witnessed the revolutionary period in the tra
ding of financial derivatives or contingent claims in financial markets around
world. A derivative security may be defined as a security whose value depends
on the values of other more basic underlying variables, which may be the pric
es of traded securities, prices of commodities or stock indices. The two most
common derivative securities are futures and options. A forward contract ( cal
led a futures contract if traded on exchange ) is an agreement between two par
ties to buy or sell an asset at a certain time in the future for a predetermin
ed price while an option gives the holder the right ( but not the obligation )
to buy or sell an asset by a certain date for a predetermined price.
Options are classified either as a call option or a put option. A call ( or pu
t ) is a contract which gives the holder the right to buy ( or sell ) a prescr
ibed asset, known as the underlying asset, by a certain date ( expiration date
) for a predetermined price ( commonly called the exercise price or the strik
e price ). Since the holder is given the right, but not the obligation, to buy
or sell the asset, he will make the decision depending on whether the deal is
favorable to him or not. The option is said to be exercised on the expiration
date, then the option is called a European option, while the exercise is allo
wed at any time prior to the expiration date, then it is called an American op
tion ( these term have nothing to do with their continental origins ). The sim
ple call and put options with no special features are commonly called plain va
nilla options. Also, we have options coined with names like Asian option, look
back option, barrier option etc.
The other party to the holder of the option in the contract is called the writ
一、矿业贸易与投资研究中心简介江西理工大学是我国有色金属工业和钢铁工业重要的人才培养和科研基地,被誉为有色冶金人才摇篮。江西理工大学矿业贸易与投资研究中心成立于2011年6月,旨在建立矿业贸易、矿业投资、矿产资源国家安全科学研究基地、人才培养基地和对外交流基地。近三年,研 ...考研调剂信息 本站小编 FreeKaoyan 2019-03-20对外经济贸易大学2019年国际贸易学单独考试招生简章
一、报考条件1.拥护中国共产党的领导,愿为社会主义现代化建设服务,品德良好,遵纪守法;2.考生的学历、经历必须符合下列条件之一:(1)取得国家承认的大学本科学历后连续工作4年或4年以上(2015年9月1日前毕业),业务优秀,已发表过研究论文(技术报告)或已经成为业务骨干,经考生所在单位同意和两名具有 ...招生简章 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-042019国际贸易经济合作研究院硕士研究生招生简章
2019年国际贸易经济合作研究院考研招生简章什么时候公布?根据历年招生简章发布时间推算,预计国际贸易经济合作研究院2019年硕士研究生招生简章八九月公布。届时,中国考研网将在第一时间更新本页面,请收藏本页,及时关注!为方便同学们更好的备战2019考研,大家可进入国际贸易经济合作研究院研究生院,对国际 ...招生简章 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-042019年国际贸易经济合作研究院硕士研究生招生专业目录
2019年国际贸易经济合作研究院考研招生专业目录什么时候公布?根据历年招生简章发布时间推算,预计国际贸易经济合作研究院2019年硕士研究生招生专业目录八九月公布。届时,中国考研网将在第一时间更新本页面,请收藏本页,及时关注!为方便同学们更好的备战2019考研,大家可进入国际贸易经济合作研究院研究生院 ...专业目录 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-042019年广东外语外贸大学020206国际贸易学考研专业目录
据广东外语外贸大学研究生院消息,2019年广东外语外贸大学020206国际贸易学考研专业目录已发布,详情如下 ...专业目录 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-042019年考研非统考专业介绍:国际贸易学
一、专业介绍国际贸易学专业要求学习和研究马克思主义经济理论和国际贸易的基本理论,涉外部门的实际业务以及国家在对外贸易方面的方针、政策,熟练地掌握一门外国语。专业课、基础课有政治经济学、西方经济学、宏观经济学,微观经济学、国际贸易、国际贸易实务、世界市场行情、国际金融、国际商法、国际市场营销、外贸英文 ...考研报考信息 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-03对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师:王林生
对外经贸国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师王林生介绍如下:王林生,教授 1930年生于上海,中共党员,19481959年在清华大学经济系学习,毕业后进入中国人民大学研究生班学习,毕业后任教于北京外贸学院。现为对外经济贸易大学国际贸易专业博士生导师,学术委员会和学位委员会副主任。先后讲授了 ...导师信息 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-03对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师:裴建锁
对外经贸国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师裴建锁介绍如下:裴建锁副教授,博士生导师电邮:jpei(AT)uibe.edu.cn电话:010-64493912办公:博学楼1110工作经历2010/9至今 对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院,助理教授、副教授2015/4-2015/7 日本名古屋大学(Nag ...导师信息 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-03对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师:孙玉琴
对外经贸国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师孙玉琴介绍如下:孙玉琴 教授,女,1965年10月生。经济学博士,对外经济贸易大学教授,博士生导师。美国科罗拉多大学访问学者。主要讲授课程:本科生层次:《国际经济学》,《微观经济学》,《宏观经济学》,《中国对外贸易史》等;硕士研究生层次:《经济史》,《中国对外 ...导师信息 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-03对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师:荆然
对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师荆然介绍如下:荆然联系方式通信地址:北京市朝阳区对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院 100029办公室:求真楼419 电话:010-64493787 电子邮件:ran.jing1@gmail.com (优先); ran.jing@uibe.edu.cn工 ...导师信息 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-03对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师:林桂军
对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师林桂军介绍如下:林桂军,男,汉族,1959年6月生,北京市人。1982年7月加入中国共产党。经济学博士,教授,博士生导师,享受国务院特殊津贴专家。1978年入北京对外贸易学院(现对外经济贸易大学)攻读五年制国际贸易专业本科,1982年提前留校,在国际贸 ...导师信息 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-03对外经贸大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师:白树强
对外经贸大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师白树强介绍如下:白树强,经济学博士,对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院教授,博士生导师。1982年毕业于原北京对外贸易学院海关管理系,并留校任教。1984-1986年在美国休斯顿大学商学院攻读MBA;1987-1990年在对外经济贸易大学攻读国际贸易专业硕士 ...导师信息 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-03对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师:崔凡
对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师崔凡介绍如下:崔凡uibecuifan@163.com对外经济贸易大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系教授、博士生导师。中国世界贸易组织研究会常务理事、副秘书长、研究部主任。商务部经贸政策咨询委员会全球价值链专家组专家。北京大成Dentons律师事务所高级顾问。 ...导师信息 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-03对外经贸大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师:殷晓鹏
对外经贸大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师殷晓鹏介绍如下:殷晓鹏,2001年毕业于加拿大麦吉尔(McGill)大学,获经济学博士学位。曾先后在加拿大康科迪亚(Concordia)大学,温莎(Windsor)大学任教。2007年秋季起到对外经贸大学国际经贸学院任教。现任对外经贸大学国际经贸学院国际贸 ...导师信息 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-03对外经贸大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师:黄晓玲
对外经贸大学国际经贸学院国际贸易系研究生导师黄晓玲介绍如下:黄晓玲,女,经济学博士,对外经济贸易大学教授、博士生导师,联合国贸发会议咨询专家,中国国际贸易学会理论研究会委员, AIB (Academy of International Business) 会员。1991年-1992年为加拿大卡尔顿大 ...导师信息 本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-03