
本站小编 免费考研网/2019-01-01




  题目:return policy for books

  1. What are the two speakers mainly discussing?

  (A) Dropping a class late

  (B) Selecting the right book for one of the student's classes.

  (C) The school's return policy for books

  (D) The increase of textbook price

  2. Why is the man unfamiliar with the bookstore's policy?

  (A) He didn't have time to read the return policy.

  (B) He was not aware that the policy had changed.

  (C) He did not think he would need to know that information

  (D) He assumed the policy was the same as his local bookstore.

  3. Why does the man say this:

  (A) He is surprised that he has wrong information about the return policy.

  (B) He is under the impression that the return period is two weeks.

  (C) He is unhappy that the school changed their return policy to just one week.

  (D) He believes that the current policy allots insufficient time for returns.

  4. What does the woman imply about the previous book return policy?

  (A) It was more flexible than the policy used right now.

  (B) It was not as good as the current one.

  (C) It needed the approval of the distributors.

  (D) It did not accept any returns from students.

  5. How much money will the man be able to receive for his book?

  (A) He will receive 50% of the tag price.

  (B) He will get less than 25% of its original cost.

  (C) The distributor will pay $25 less than the price that he paid.

  (D) He will not receive any money because the school won't use the book next semester.




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