一、Phrases translation: (60 points)1. EC2. Combined transport3. Optical fiber communication?4. Confucianism5. Force majeure6. Individually-owned enterp ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04一、词语翻译:英译汉(每题1分,总共15分)1、reciprocity in trade2、Ramadan3、infortainment ?4、aircraft carrier5、non-performing loan6、cost performance7、state fund allotment8 ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04一、 词语翻译:英译汉(每题1分,总共15分)1、 universal suf&age2、 totalitarianism3、 equity capital ?4、 multi-polarization5、 for-profit company6、 initial public offering7、 ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04一、 词语翻译:英译汉(每题1分,总共15分)1. European monetary integration2. fuel economic growth3. ?junk bond ?4. caller ID telephone5. parkinsonism6. solar cell plate7 ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words,abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in th ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words,abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in th ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words,abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in th ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in t ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Phrase Translation1. reciprocal banquet2. pop concert3. black tea ?4. Red-hot news5. sanitary ware6. talk show7. Illegal assembly8. WHO9. Business ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I . Translate the following two passages into English (75 points):1. 唐小姐妩媚端正的圆脸,有两个浅酒涡。天生着一般女人耍花钱费时、调脂和粉来仿造的好脸 色,新鲜得使人见了忘掉口渴而又觉嘴馋,仿佛是好水果。她眼睛并不顶大,可是灵活温 ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Translate the following phrases into English or Chinese. (2X20=40)1. ideological difference2. foreign exchange reserve3. marginal civilization ?4. ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I.?Translate the following phrases into english or chinese.1.racial segregation2.Regional disparity3.Farewell ceremony ?4.CPI5.Gracious invitation6.Ex ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Translate the following phrases into English or Chinese. (2X20=40)1. the National People’s Congress2. Fortune Forum3. public benefit advertisement ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04?I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. (30’)1. preferential policy2. mar ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. (30’)1. C. I. F.2. NNP3. UNESCO?4. ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. (30’)1. LTD:有限公司(Company limited)2 ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Translate the following terms into Chinese: (15ps)1. MLA:(美国)现代语言协会2. Gild the lily:多此一举、画蛇添足3. Milieu therapy:[临床医学]环境疗法?4. Put on the new man:[宗教 ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Translate the following terms into Chinese: (15ps)1. Yogi:?瑜珈修行者;?瑜伽士2. SPCA:?动物保护协会(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)3. sleep debt ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Translate the following terms into Chinese: (15ps)1. Diesel oil:柴油2. border fence:?边境铁丝网;?边界栅栏;边境隔离墙3. odd number:?奇数;?单数 ?4. lyrical poem:?抒情诗5. c ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Translate the following terms into Chinese: (15ps)1) deoxyribonucleic acid:脱氧核糖核酸2) force majeure:不可抗力3) carbon dioxide:二氧化碳 ?4) magic realism:魔幻现实 ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04Section 1: EnglishChinese Translation (50points)Stroll through the farmers’ market and you will heara plethora of languages and see a rainbow offaces. ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉)(50 points)HIGUERA DE LA SERENA, Spain — It didn’t take long for Manuel García Murillo, a bricklayer who t ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04Part 1:English-Chinese TranslationPassage 1For more than a decade, archaeologists and historians have been studying the contents of a ninth-century Ar ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04?Part 1:English-Chinese TranslationPassage 1The archivists requested a donkey, but what they got from the mayor’s office were four wary black sheep, w ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviartions or terminology into their target language respectively. ?(30′)RCEP:?区域全面经济伙伴关系(Regional C ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviartions or terminology into their target language respectively. ?(30′)1. EQ:情商(Emotional Quotient ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviartions or termino!ogy into their target language respectively. ?(30)1. CPU:?中央处理器(Central Proces ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviartions or terminology into their target language respectively. ?(30)1.EU:?欧盟(European Union)2. F ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04Part 1:English-Chinese TranslationPassage 1WATERLOO, Belgium — The region around this Belgian city is busily preparing to commemorate the 200th annive ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04Part 1:English-Chinese TranslationPassage 1Marlene Castro knew the tall blonde woman only as Laurene, her mentor. They met every few weeks in a rough ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04Part 1:English-Chinese TranslationNARSAQ, Greenland — As icebergs in the Kayak Harbor pop and hiss while melting away, this remote Arctic town and its ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04Part 1:English-Chinese TranslationIt sounds so promising. A network of dedicated cycle routes running through a city with air pumps to fix flat tires, ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. (30 points)1. ABS: 获取与共享(access an ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. (30 points)1. EQ:?情商(Emotional Quo ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. (30 points)1. DNA: 脱氧核糖核酸(deoxyrib ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviartions or terminology into their target language respectively. ?(30′)CBD:中央商务区(Central Business ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. (30’)1. UNESCO:?联合国教科文组织(United Na ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. ?(30)1. UNEP:?联合国环境规划署(United Nati ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Translate the following two passages into English (75 points):1. 我们将高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,继续处理好保持经济平稳较快发展、调整经济结构、管理通胀预期的关 ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Translate the following two passages into English (75 points):1. 不论你的生活如何卑贱,你要面对它生活,不要躲避它,更别用恶言咒骂它。它不像你那样坏。你最富有的时候,倒是看似最穷。爱找缺点的人就是到天堂里也能找到缺点。你要爱你的生 ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04—、词语翻译 (30分)1.全面建成小康社会:?On building moderately prosperous society2.安倍晋三:?Shinzo Abe3.翘尾因素:?tail-raising factor; carry-over effects?(用于股市或物价上。指上年后期价格的涨 ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04—、词语翻译30分1.不入虎穴,焉得虎子:?Nothing venture, nothing have [get; gain; win].2.她生来才貌双全:She is??born?with both beauty and talent.3.服装纺织业:?Clothing and Textile ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Put the Following Terms into Chinese.APEC: 亚太经济合作组织 (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)CAT: 计算机辅助翻译(Computer Aided Translation)NATO: 北大西洋公约组织(North ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target languages respectively.? (30)1. Overseas remittance: 海外汇款 ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. ?Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. ?(30′)1.IMO:国际海事组织(International ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Phrase Translation1.API:空气污染指数(Air pollution Index);应用程序编程接口(Application Programming Interface)2.CBD:中央商务区(Central Business District);交货前付款?(cash b ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Phrase TranslationCBD:中央商务区(Central Business District);交货前付款(cash before delivery)API:空气污染指数(Air pollution Index);应用程序编程接口(Application Programming ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. ?Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. ?(30)1. ADB:?亚洲开发银行(Asian Develop ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target languages respectively. ?(30’)1. CPI:?居民消费价格指数(Consumer P ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04I.Directions: Translate the following words and expressions into the respective target language. (30′)1. IOC:?国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committe ...
翻译硕士 本站小编 翻译硕士(MTI)真题网 2017-06-04