
本站小编 免费考研网/2019-03-27

8.as good as / as well as
It is as goos as done.这就和做好了一样。
It is broad as well as long.那既长且宽。
as good as 有两个含义:
(1)amounting to ; not falling short of;等于;同样; 几如;; 不欠缺
He was as good as his word.他不爽约。
(2)virtually; essentially; in every essential respect实际上;其实;实在;在各要点上
He is as good as dead already.宛如死人;行尸走肉;名存实亡
as well as 有四个含义:
(1)no less than; equally with等于;不下于;亦;一样好
I have understanding as well as you.
(2)both....and..;one equally with the other“与”、“两者皆”
Work in moderation is healthy as well as agreeable to the human constitution.适度劳动对身体给予快感,又有益卫生。
(3)与not only....but also有连带关系
He has experience as well as knowledge.= He has not only knowledge but also experience.

(4)可以代替better than
As well (= better) be hanged for a sheep as ( = than) for a lamb.窃钩如窃国,与其盗小羊。

9.As it is
其含义为:as it stands; to state the matter as it really stands; as a matter of fact; in reality.相当于:实际上;就实际情况而言;根据(现在)情况看;就现在这个样子等等。它用来指事物的单数;即指前面的单数名词。如果指事物的复数,则用“As they are”。如果用来指人时,则为as I am / you are / she/ he is/ we are / they are.as it is 的过去式为as it was。其位置可以放在句首,句末或句子中间。
As it is, we can not help him.
As it was, we could not help him.
Let's keep it as it is.
You mustn't go to the ball as you are.你不能这样去参加舞会。
有时it可以省略为“as is ”,意即:照现在的样子,常指“不再修理或改进”等情况。
He has an old radio as is.他有一台没有修理过的旧收音机。
I‘ll sell it to you as is, but don't complain if it doesn't work.
A.虚拟语气句式+but +as it is / was,该结构意为:其实;事实上
I thought things would get better, but as it is, they are getting worse and worse.
The rice could have been got in yesterdy if the weather had been fine, but as it was, it had to be left in the fields.
B.过去分词+as it is,表示强调前面的过去分词
Written as it is in an interesting way, this book is enjoyable to young and old alike.
Published as it was at such a time, his work attrached much attention.
C.现在分词+ as it does(did)。意为:因为这样,(实际)所以.........
Living as he does in Shanghai, he knows the place extremely well.
Reading as he did many times, he could recite it fluently.

A. as it stands 根据目前情况来看
As it stands, it is certain that our country can realize the four modernization ahead of schedule.
B. such as it is不怎么样,质量不过如此
The room, such as it is, is very bright.
C. as it were =as if it were so.属虚拟语气,用于插入语。不可以与as it is 混淆
He is , as it were, a living dictionary.
Comrade Lei Feng still lives, as it were , in our heart.
10.have + the + 抽象名词 +不定式
I had the fortune to succeed.我很幸运获得了成功。
have = possess原来指肉体和精神上的特征,现作为一种天赋而具有的。
She had the cheek ( = impudence) to say such a thing. = She was so impudent as to say such a thing.她厚颜无耻地说出这样的话。
How can you have the heart ( = hard-heartness) to drown such darling little kittens?

11.名词+of +a +名词
It was a great moutain of a wave.波浪如山高。
That fool of a Tom did it. 这是汤姆那个笨蛋做的。
That old cripple of a Henn.那个年老的残废者亨。
It would make the deuce of a scandal.这会弄得声名狼藉的。
a devil of a man = a devish man
a rascal of a fellow = a rascally fellow

12. in +人
They have an enemy in him.他才是他们的敌人。
分析:in = in the person of (在那人身上),表示一个人身上具有的性质、资格、能力等。原来是由于形状(与形状有关的in,如:in a circle; in print; in a heap; in couples; in human shape; in ruins等)所转来的,而有“即....是也”、“就是”的含义。这种in多出现在find, see, behold, lose等动词后面。
He had something of the hero in him.
China lost a great artist in (the death of ) Chi Paishi.

13.short of / be short of / nothing short of
short=except,是副词的用法。在前面可以使用的动词有:come, fall, run等,表示“不足”、“缺乏”的意思,其中“of”做“from”解释。至于be short of 与nothing short of 中的“short of”则为形容词。be short of 表示“不足”或“离开”;nothing short of表示“完全”。
1)Short of theft, I will do anything I can for you.
2)We are short of hands at present.
3)His conduct was nothing short of madness.他的行为简直发了狂。

14.anything but / nothing but / all but
在英文中anything but=never;意即“除此之外,别的都是”,是表示强调的否定;
nothing but=only; 意即“除此之外,别的都不是”;
all but=almost; nearly

15.much more / much less
He likes a child, much more a baby.他喜欢小孩,更加喜欢婴孩。
He doesn't like a child, much less a baby.他步喜欢小孩,更加不喜欢婴孩。
much more 用于肯定句之后,表示程度增加;表示更多,much可以改为still
much less用于否定句之后,表示程度减少;表示更少,可译为“何况”、“还论”

He earns more money than he can spend.

17.more than + 动词,译为“深为, 十二分的”
This more than satisfied me.这使我十二分的满意。
More is meant than meets the ear.有言外之意。
What we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits.

During the week he saw less of her than usual.在那一个星期内,他比平常要少见到她。
Proof-reading is not interesting, still less so when it is one's own work.
Proof-reading is uninteresting, still more so when it is one's own work.
His lecture left me less than satisfactory.他的演讲怎么也不能使我满意。
He observed with interest the errors of her face and figure, the thin underlip, too heavily penciled eyebrows, and her legs less than slim although not actually skinny.
19.the + 比较级+理由
I like him all the better for his faults.因为他有缺点,所以我更加喜欢他。
连接“理由”部分的可以为:for, because, on account of , owing to 等,前面部分常常出现的结构为:all(much)the + 比较级。该结构中的the = to that degree.

20.what he is / what he has
We honour him for what he is , not for what he has.
what he is =his character
what he has = his property
It is not a question how much a man knows, but use what he can make of what he knows; not a question of what he has acquired, and how he has been trained, but of what he is, and what he can do.

21.what + 名词 / what + little + 名词
He gave me what money he had about him.他把他身上所有的钱都给了我。
I gave him what little mony I had.我竭尽绵薄之力将仅有的钱都给了他。
what + 名词 含有“all the ....that”或“that....which”含义。译为“所有的。。。。”,what做关系代名词。
what + little(few等一类词) + 名词 含有“虽少但全部”或“所仅有的”
She saved what little money she could out of her slim salary to help her brother go to school.
22.what with........and what with / what by ...... and what by
What with illness and what with losses, he is almost ruined.半因为生病,半因为亏损,他几乎整个儿毁了。
What by brikes and what by extortions, he made money.
what with........and what with表示“原因”
what by ...... and what by表示“手段”
What with overwork and under-nourishment he fell ill.

23.if any
1)He despises honour, if any one does.世界上真有人轻视荣誉的话,他便是一个。
2)He has little, if any, money.他即令有钱,也是极少的。
if any , if ever 意思是“果真有,即令有的话”,相当于if there is (are) any at all.。它通常是伴随有little, few, seldom等准否定词。与此相近的用法还有if anything,意思是“if at all”或“if there is any difference”,可以译为“倘若有异同,如果稍有区别的话”。还有“if a day”意思是“at least”。
There is little , if any , hope.希望甚微。
It occurs seldom, if ever( = seldom or never).真有其事,也不常发生。
If anything, he is a little better today.如有什么不同,他比昨天好了一点。
The greatness has little, if anything, to do with rank or power.真正的伟大是和权力与地位毫无关系的。


1、shine: 照耀,指光稳定发射;

2、glitter: 闪光,指光不稳定发射;

3、glare: 耀眼,表示光的强度最大;

1、break: 一般用语,经打击或施加压力而破碎;


3、crush: 指从外面用力向内或从上向下压而致碎;

4、demolish: 破坏,铲平或削平(如土壤,建筑物,城堡等);

5、destroy: 在肉体上、精神上或道义上彻底摧毁,使之无法复原;


7、smash: 指由于突如其来的一阵暴力带一声响而彻底粉碎。

1、去世,与世长辞:to pass away;

2、寿终: to close (end) one's day;

3、咽气,断气: to breathe one's last;

4、归西: to go west;

5、了解尘缘: to pay the debt of nature;

6、命归黄泉: to depart to the world of shadows;

7、见阎王: to give up the gost;

8、翘辫子: to kick the bucket;

9、蹬腿: to kick up one's heels;

10、不吃饭: to lay down one's knife and fork.

1、she is having baby;

2、she is expecting;

3、she is in a family way;

4、she is in a deliacate condition;

5、she is in an interesting condition;

6、she is knitting little booties.


1、a broken man: 一个绝望的人;

2、a broken soldier: 一个残废的军人;

3、broken money: 零花钱;

4、a broken promise: 背弃的诺言;

5、broken English: 蹩脚的英语;

6、a broken spirit: 消沉的意志;

7、a broken heart: 破碎的心。


1、he killed the man.杀;

2、he killed the dog,宰;

3、he killed time down at the park,消磨;

4、he killed his chance of success,断送;

5、he killed the motion when it came from the committee,否决;

6、he killed himself by overwork,致死;

7、he killed the spirit of the group,抹杀;

8、he killed three bottles of whiskey in a week,喝光;

9、kill the peace,扼杀;

10、kill the friendship,终止;

11、kill a marriage,解除。








1、hollow,表示“空洞的,虚的,不实的,下陷的‘,可以和tree, voice, sound, cheeks等连用;

2、vacant,表示”没人占用的,出缺的“,常和position, room, house, seat等连用;

3、empty,表示”空的,一无所有的“,可以和house, room, cup, box, stomatch, head, words等连用.



The exact mechanism of Yutin, or vitamin P as is sometimes called, on the capillary wall is not understood.

Normal temperature in man is 98.6F or 37C(遗憾的时表温度上标我不会)。

Hurry up, or you will be late.

5、”or so “左右;"or more"以上;"or rather"甚至


1、全身麻醉 general anesthesia
2、普查,集体检查 general check-up
3、一般健康情况 general health condition
4、综合性医院 general hospital
5、总路线 genegral line
6、大纲 general outline
7、弥漫性腹膜炎 general peritonitis
8、普通医师 general practitioner
9、总查(病)房 general purpose
10、秘书长 general secretary


1、set a date: 决定日期
2、set an example:树立榜样
3、set fruit:结果子
4、set a fire: 点火
5、set a severed limb:断肢再接
6、set sail:开航,起航
7、set the camera lens:调整(相机)镜头
8、set a pen to paper::动笔,下笔
9、set a new task:提出新任务
10、set down all items:记下所有项目
11、set oneself to learn from:决心向。。。学习


1、heavy applause:热烈的鼓掌
2、heavy gait:沉重的步态
3、heavy chemicals大量生产的化学药品
4、heavy sea 波涛汹涌的海面
5、heavy sleep:熟睡
6、heavy smoker:烟瘾大的人
7、heavy current:强电流
8、heavy eater:食量大的人
9、heavy task:繁重的任务
10、heavy food:油腻而难消化的食物
11、heavy traffic:拥挤的交通
12、heavy weather:恶劣的天气
13、heavy road:泥泞的路
14、heavy rain:大雨
15、heavy clouds:厚云
16、heavy crops:丰收
17、heavy frost:浓霜
18、heavy wine:烈酒
19、heavy news:悲痛的消息
20、heavy heart:忧愁的心
21、heavy fire:猛烈的炮火
22、heavy bread:没有发酵好的面包
23、heavy wire:粗线
24、heavy load:重载
25、heavy storm:暴风雨
26、heavy reader:沉闷冗长的读物

例:colour intensity intensity of light

strength of cement(水泥标号) engine strength
working strength


base line 基线 base plate 底座
cotton base 产棉区 data base 数据库
paint base 底漆 raw material base 原料基地

basic Bessemer steel 底吹碱性转炉钢
basic hole 基孔 basic industry 基础工业
basic material 碱性材料

econimic basis 经济基础
hole basis 基孔制
scientific basis 科学根据

foundation bolt 地脚螺栓
material foundation of society社会物质基础
reinforced concrete foundation钢筋混凝土基础
The rumour has no foundation这传闻毫无根据


aircraft construction飞机构造
welded construction焊接结构
This machine is simple in construction这种机器构造简单
body construction车身(机身、弹体)构造
capital construction基本建设
physical construction机械构造
prefabricated construction预制构造
ships of similiar construction结构类似的船

age structure年龄构成
atomic structure原子结构
steel stucture钢结构
shell stucture薄层结构
brick stucture砖建筑物
geological stucture地质构造
market stucture市场结构
microscopic stucture显微组织
The human body is a wonderful stucture人体是个奇妙的构造物
the stucture of a plant一种植物的构造


1、费用:service charge服务费;
2、责任:in charge of 负责;
3、装料:furnace charge炉料;
4、电荷:induced charge感应电荷;
5、装药:shaped charge锥孔炸药


agriculture develpopment
social development
industrial develpopment
development in foreign affairs

water-power development
oil-field development
development of natural resouerces
interllectual development

advanced development远景产品研制,样机试制
under development
engineering development
operatinal development产品改进性研制
exploratory development探索性研制

ore development
lateral development水平开拓

series development级数展开
development of function函数的展开

chemical development化学显影
over development显影过度
time development定时显影

The shade meaning of "power":

The sixth power of two is sixty-four.
力:horse power
功率:rated power额定功率
电力:power network
电源:power switch
功率:power export
能:chemical power
本领:catalytic power催化本领


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  • 2019年同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试题库【历年真题(视频讲解)+章节题库+模拟试题】
    目录封面内容简介视频讲解教师简介目录第一部分 章节题库 第一章 口语交际  ◇完成对话  ◇完成访谈或问答 第二章 词 汇  ◇选择替换  ◇选择填空 第三章 阅读理解A节(多项选择)  ◇教育文化类  ◇科普科技类  ◇商业经济类  ◇家庭情感类  ◇生态环境类  ◇医疗健康类  ◇艺术文学类   ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-03-14
  • 全国大学生英语竞赛必背词汇8000
    目录封面内容简介目录一般要求词汇 WordList 1 WordList 2 WordList 3 WordList 4 WordList 5 WordList 6 WordList 7 WordList 8 WordList 9 WordList 10 WordList 11 WordList 1 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-03-14
  • 各院校2016年考博英语真题作文题目汇总
    各院校2016年考博英语作文题目汇总 以下内容是学生分享版,如果有不一样的请修改补充 学校 作文题目 1. 中山大学 1. 二胎政策 2.人类最大的威胁就是自己 2. 上海交通大学 无手机恐惧症 3. 南京师范大学 竞争与合作 4. 清华大学 日本挑衅和钓鱼岛问题 5. 华中科技大学 to give in maybe mea ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-03-13
  • 我的考研路:广东外语外贸大学翻硕英语笔译经验分享
      个人介绍 先说一下po主的成绩初试398,排名第四,这个成绩也是出乎我意料的。因为本人一向比较没自信,查成绩也是隔了好久才鼓起勇气查的,幸亏结果还不错。但复试成绩不高,所以总排名应该不会很靠前。 选择考研,是因为大学前三年实在是太颓废了,觉得自己三年没学到什么东西,也不知道能干什么工作,所 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-02-17
  • 2020考研英语基础复习阶段怎样增加词汇量
      英语的词汇学习有很多:联想法,词根词缀法,谐音法,象形法等林林总总不下数十种,到底如何才能记住单词,又如何让英语在真正意义上有所提高? 广大同学在复习英语的过程中应该强化自己的能力,掌握适合自己的学习方法,记忆法有很多,大家要选择最适合自己的方法,才能做到真正意义上的提高。  背单词,可能是每个同 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-02-17