从话题范围来看,生物类别与历史类别在综合写作中依旧占据主导地位; 从阅读与听力的整体结构来看,与TPO中的综合写作的模式也是比较贴合的;从词汇方面来讲,需要多积累一些学科单词。如果在听力中出现专有名词,或出现停顿的情况,需要注意屏幕上是否出现相应单词,不要出现遗漏。
一、 话题统计
2018/10/20 Do you think people in the past are more friendly than they are today?
2018/11/10 Competition with friends may have negative effect on friendship.
2018/1/27 Which one do you think is the most important factor for a student to success at college or university? 1. Tutors in university 2. The encouragement from family and friends 3. High-quality education from high school.
l2018/3/3 If you are going to graduate from the university and have to choose the final course, which professor will you choose? 1. The one you used to sign up for courses 2. The one you have never learned from before?
第三大类别为休闲娱乐方面,题目在本年度中题目中共占了7题,主要讨论的是人们的兴趣爱好,涉及的是休闲的方式与运动的作用等, 例如:
2018/9/16 People nowadays are busier than ever in work and school. They want to spend a small amount of time to learn new things. 1. Learn a sport that you never learn before 2. cook food 3.Making something by hand ( making clothing or jewelry )
2018/6/23 Some people prefer to play team sports, while others prefer to play individual sports. Which one do you prefer and why?
二、 新旧题比例
独立写作题目并不是一成不变或常遇常新,是存在题目的一定比例的重复的,那么积累写作题目是非常有利于写作部分的备考的。在已经收集到在45场里,旧题目所占的比例高达71%,共计32题,而新题则有13题,占了29%。 旧题目主要来源于14年到16年, 其中2016年的题目在的本年度重复率最高,共出现13次(这是以题目出现的最近的年份统计而来的)。同时也值得注意的是,17年出现的新题目也可能在之后的考试中会再次出现,今年中就有17年的两道新题出现。
三、 题目特征
1. 题目偏长,关键词多。
比如在2016年5月7日的考试中出现的写作题目为Which do you prefer with the same rate of pay, an interesting and challenging job with less vacation or a job with more vacation time but less fun? 在今年的7月8日的考试中则表述成Which one do you prefer:1) a company offering you a job with challenging and interesting project but less vacation days or 2) another company offering you a job that is not so challenging and interesting but more vacation days.
另外,题目在表述时,关键词的定语较长,从句较多,对于语法相对要弱的学生来说,分析出题目的关键信息要更难一些。例如2018年11月24日的题目Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. The group will be helped more by the person who will be willing to do what other group members want than by the person who often strongly insists that things should be done in a way that is different from what the group wants to do.
第三,问题中的关键词也不能忽视。以往的题目在在问题的表述上一般都是which do you prefer? 而在今年的题目则出现了effective这样的问法,在一定程度上限制了题目的分析。如果忽略了问题中的关键词,在论证方面则会出现偏差。如,2018年11月4日的题目,One of the most challenging problems in modern society is to have the most up-to-date skills for workplace. For solving this, government decides to give all adults over the age of 25 a training course to learn new skills. Do you think it is an effective way to spends its money?
2. 三选一题目增多。