
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-08-21

I. Translation the following words and phrases into Chinese (共15分,每小题1.5分)

Silk Road on the Sea:海上丝绸之路

Book of Changes:易经

carbon dioxide emission:二氧化碳排放

UN Commission on Environment and Development:联合国环境与发展委员会

catering culture:饮食文化

gross enrollment rate:毛入学率

the National Development and Reform Commission:国家发展和改革委员会

It takes time to educate a person. 十年树木,百年树人

A new broom sweeps clean.新官上任三把火

UNCTAD 联合国贸易和发展会议

II. Translation the following words and phrases into Engl ish

1. 顾问委员会:consultative committee

2. 西部大开发:The development of the western region in China;Go-West Campaign; Western Development

3. 达成全面共识: reach a full consensus

4. 黄河流域:the Yellow River basin;Yellow River Delta

5. 天下兴亡,匹夫有责。The rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone .
Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society.An ordinary person is duty-bound to the rise and fall of the world.

6. 日新月异:change rapidly; constantly changing

7. 贸易保护主义:trade protectionism

8. 友好城市:sister-city

9. 民以食为天,食以味为先。It is of great importance of eating for  people and wether the food is delicious or not depends on taste.  /Food is the paramount necessity of people, taste is the priority of eating.

10. 经验理念:Experience concept

III. Translation the following passages into Chinese (共 60 分,共 2段)(答在试卷上的内容无效):

Passage One

The question whether international law is really law cannot be dismissed as a purely verbal question. If cabinet ministers and diplomats shared the popular skepticism about international law, then international law would be broken far more often than it is. Even if they regarded international law as a form of morality rather than law, respect for it would still be weakened; it is significant that those who regard international law as a form of morality usually speak of it as “mere morality”. Although experienced diplomats do not often share the popular skepticism about international law, there is a danger that the popular attitude may affect inexperienced officials and pressure groups within a state, and that the state may, as a result, be pushed into breaking international law.



Passage Two

Until quite recently, it was possible to send only one wavelength (or color) of light along each fiber. A lot of effort is concentrated on maximizing the amount of information that can be transmitted using this single wavelength.  But dense-wavelength-division-multiplexing (or DWDM) makes it possible to transmit a large number of wavelengths on a single fiber, effectively sending a ?rainbow‘, where there was only one color before. If we compare this with a crowded highway leading into a big city, for example, it‘s almost as though by installing just two boxes, one at each end of the highway, and adding a small amount of additional equipment along the route, we suddenly expand the highway to multiple levels, allowing the vehicles to choose from a large number of identical highways.


直到最近人们仅仅能够沿着每根光纤传输一个波长(或一种颜色)的光。研究的精力主要集中在如何使这个单一波长所传输的信息量达到最大化。但是DWDM 技术却能够在一根光纤上传输大量的波长,可以有效地传送一个―彩虹‖,而在以前只能传送一种颜色。假如我们把光纤比作通向一座城市的拥挤的高速公路,那么就如同我们在高速公路的两端各一个盒子,然后沿着高速公路再加一些额外的设备,于是忽然间高速公路就好像加多了几层, 使得车辆可以在许多相同的道路中做出选择。

IV. Translation the following passages into English (共 60分,每段30分)(答在试卷上的内容无效):

Passage One

没有秋虫的地方 叶圣陶 阶前看不见一茎绿草,窗外望不见一只蝴蝶,谁说是鹁鸽箱里的生活,鹁鸽未必这样枯燥无味呢。秋天来了,记忆就轻轻提示道,“凄凄切切的秋虫又要响起来了。”可是一点影响也没有,邻舍儿啼人闹弦歌杂作的深夜,街上轮震石响邪许并起的清晨,无论你靠着枕头听,凭着窗沿听,甚至贴着墙角听,总听不到一丝秋虫的声息。并不是被那些欢乐的劳困的宏大的清亮的声音淹没了,以致听不出来,乃是这里根本没有秋虫。啊,不容留秋虫的地方!秋虫所不屑居留的地方!


Not a single blade of green grass beyond the doorsteps, nor a single butterfly outside the window. It is a place even more dry and dull than a pigeon house. The advent of autumn has vaguely reminded me of the season’s insects once again chirping plaintively. However, so far none of it is heard. All I hear late at night is the din from the houses in the neighborhood—crying of babies, hubbub of grown-ups and confused noise of music and song. All I hear in the morning is the rumble of the vehicles on the stone pavements and the simultaneous yo-ho of laborers on the streets. You hear no insects chirping however hard you try, by leaning your head on the pillow, over the window or even against the wall. Not because, drowned by the overwhelming din of merry-making or suffering, it has thus become inaudible, but because this place is utterly devoid of autumn insects. O, a place leaving no room for autumn insects! Or rather a place where the insects themselves disdain to stay!

Passage Two

60 年来,《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则已成为指导国际关系的基本准则。联合国也走过了一条不平凡的发展道路,不断面临严峻考验,不断迎来风雨过后的彩虹,为维护世界和平、促进共同发展发挥了不可替代的重要作用。



During the past 60 years, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter have evolved into the basic norms governing international relations. The United Nations, for its part, has also traversed an extraordinary path, withstood severe tests, and overcome hardships with flying colors. Indeed, the world body has played an irreplaceable role in maintaining peace and promoting common development of the world.

Multi-polarization and economic globalization are moving forward steadily as two major trends in today’s world, presenting before us unprecedented opportunities as well as formidable threats and challenges of a global nature. Embracing multi-lateralism, taking collective actions and strengthening the role of the United Nations have become the common aspiration and pursuit of the international community. This is the objective law of the development of history and an irresistible trend of our times.


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