
本站小编 免费考研网/2019-10-28

●owe to:将……归功于;由于;欠(钱)

【真】High achievers owe their success mostly to nurture:成就卓越者将他们的成绩主要归功于后天努力。

●on the contrary:恰恰相反;正相反

●play a role in:在……起作用;扮演

【真】to play a key role in body growth:在长身体方面发挥关键性作用

●parallel to/with:类似的;与……作比较;并列

【真】state policies that ran parallel to the existing federal ones:与现有联邦政策相似的国家政策

●prior to:在……以前;先于

【真】in the 10 years prior to 1990:1980年到1990年

●reluctant to:勉强的;不情愿

【真】be reluctant to tackle such problems:不愿处理这样的问题

●show up:(使)清晰;(使)变得明显;(使)显现出来

【真】Divorced persons may remarry, but a gender prejudice shows up:离婚的人也许再婚,但性别偏见由此显示。

●suffer from:(因疾病或处于其他不利境地而)受折磨;遭受

【真】be suffer from the government’s negligence:受到政府的忽视

●take measures:采取措施

【真】to take gradual measures in reform:逐步采取改革措施

●take place:(尤指在控制或组织下)发生;进行;举行

●with regard to:关于;至于

●adhere to:遵守,遵循(规定或协议);支持,拥护,持有(观点或信仰);黏附;附着

【真】to adhere to the rule:遵循准则

●apply to:适用于;运用;致力于;涂抹

【真】to apply to the federal judiciary:适用于联邦司法系统

【真】to apply these skills to everyday life situations:将这些技能运用到日常生活中

●anything but:单单不;根本不;一点也不

●apart from:除了……外(别无);除……外(尚有);此外

【真】apart from certain values of industriousness and thrift:除了勤劳和节俭等特定的价值观外

●as far as:只要;远到……;直到……为止

【真】We’ve pretty much gone as far as we can go:我们已经达到了我们所能达到的极限。

●at length:终于;最终;充分地;详尽地

【真】to write in detail and at length about the events they covered:详尽地记述他们所报道的事件

●bring about:引起;导致

【真】to bring about a change in the overall structure of the food and drink market:改变食品饮料市场的整体结构

●be concerned with:参与;干预;关心

【真】be concerned with questions of moral behavior:关心道德行为问题

●be dominant over:支配;主导;控制

【真】be dominant over immigration issues:控制移民问题

●be immune to:(对疾病)免疫,有免疫力;不受影响

●be inclined to:倾向于;想要

【真】be inclined to cover disasters and deaths:想要掩盖灾难和死亡

●be obliged to:不得不;必须;感激;感谢

【真】be obliged to offer behavioural ads:必须要提供行为广告

●be obsessed with:痴迷于……

【真】be obsessed with online shopping at certain Web sites:沉迷于在某些网站进行网购

●be puzzled by:对……迷惑;困惑

●be resistant to:反对;抵制;抗拒;有抵抗力;不受……损害

【真】be resistant to assimilation:抵制同化

●be susceptible to:易受……影响;易为……左右;易受(伤);易患(病);体质过敏

【真】be particularly susceptible to developing depression and anxiety disorders:尤其容易患抑郁症和焦虑症

●by accident:偶然;意外例to ran into an old friend by accident:偶然遇见一位老朋友

●by means of:用;以;通过……

【真】by means of careful searching:通过仔细的搜寻

●by nature:生性;按其固有的性质;就其本质例be very generous by nature:生性慷慨大方

●come across:偶然发现;偶然遇见;使产生……印象;给人以……的印象

【真】be careful not to come across as disappointed in their child:小心不要给人留下他们对孩子很失望的印象

●cope with:(成功地)处理,应付;忍受(不愉快的局面)

【真】to devise cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty:


●draw on:凭借;利用;(时光)渐渐过去

【真】to draw on your implicit knowledge of English grammar:凭借你固有的英语语法知识

●evolve from:逐步发展;演化

【真】to evolve from an uncertain source:来源不明

●exert influence on:施加影响

【真】to exert a great influence on American culture:对美国文化产生很大的影响

●for fear of/that:害怕;惟恐;生怕;以免例for fear of missing the train:以免误了火车

●for long:长久

●give up:放弃;戒除;投降;认输;辞去(工作);把……让给;自首

●go through:经受(尤指苦难或艰难时期);翻阅;整理;通读;彻查;例行做;(法律、协议等)被通过;(决定)被批准

【真】to go through the paper many times:多次通读论文

●impinge on:影响;妨碍

【真】to end up with impinging on health:结果对健康造成影响

●in face of:面临;迎着

【真】in face of the present situation:面对当前的形势

●in trouble:处于不幸中;有麻烦

【真】to get in trouble for one’s actions:因某人的行为而陷入麻烦中

●oppose to:反对

●on the basis of:以……为基础;根据

【真】on the basis of inadequate information:基于不够充分的信息

●on the whole:总的来说,整体上讲……

●put forward:提出(计划、建议);推荐

【真】to put forward his own theory of biological and cultural evolution:在生物和文化进化论方面提出他自己的理论

●peculiar to:独有的;独具的;独特的

例things peculiar to this island:关于这个岛独特的事情

●shut down:(使)(工厂、公司等)关闭,歇业,停业;停止

【真】the brain shuts down half of that capacity:大脑停止运用其中一半的能力

●sign on:办理失业登记(以领取失业救济金);签约;雇用

●split up:(使)分手;(使)离婚;(使)分道扬镳;拆分

【真】by splitting up the subject matter into smaller units:通过将主题拆分为更小的单元

●subscribe to:同意,赞成;订阅(杂志或报纸);注册;报名;定期捐助

【真】to subscribe to the journal:订阅杂志

●sum up:简而言之;概括地说;作总结

●would rather:宁愿,宁可

●accuse of:指责;指控

【真】to accuse sb. of fabricating the data:指责某人捏造数据

●act on:对……起作用(有功效);奉行;按照……而行动

【真】to act on their own in rule-setting:他们自行制定规则

●aim for:力求;以……为目标

【真】to aim for efficient management:以高效管理为目标

●approve of:赞成,赞同

●accessible to:易接近的;能进去的;易使用的;易得到的

【真】be easily accessible to the general public:容易为大众所获得

●accountable to:对……负责;应作解释

【真】be accountable to the code of conduct:对行为准则负责

●as a means of:作为……的方式

【真】to use the first draft as a means of thinking about what you want to say:用初稿来思考你想表达的东西

●at large:逍遥法外;自由;一般说来;总的;普遍地;详尽地,充分地

●at odds with:(与……)不和;(与……)有矛盾;(与……)意见不一致

【真】be at odds with the feverish world:与狂热世界很不一致

●at risk:处境危险;有风险的;在危险中

【真】to put the reputation of the target company at risk:将目标公司的声誉置于危险之中(危及目标公司的声誉)

●at stake:处于危险境地;处于成败关头

【真】the future of this company is at stake:公司的未来危在旦夕

●at times:有时;多次

●blame on:把责任推给……;归咎于

【真】to blame on some psychological conditions:归咎于一些心理状态

●be applicable to:适用于;适当;可实施

【真】a lesson from the latter is applicable to the former:从后者中得到的教训适用于前者

●be biased against:有偏见

【真】be biased against classical liberal ideas:对传统自由思想有偏见

●be busy with:忙于

【真】be busy with word puzzles:忙于字谜游戏

●be cautious about:对……谨慎

【真】be cautious about intellectual investigation:谨慎对待知识研究

●be confronted with:面对

【真】be confronted with delicate situations:面对棘手的情况

●be considered as:被认为是;被看作

【真】be considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution:作为制度实施的指导性因素

●be generous to:对……慷慨

【真】an urge to be generous to the claimants:对申请人慷慨的强烈欲望

●be satisfied with:对……满意;满足于;称心

【真】be less likely to be satisfied with their life:不太可能对他们的生活感到满意

●be second to:仅次于……

【真】be second to intelligence:仅次于智慧

●be unprepared for:对……无准备;没有预料;措手不及;不乐意;不情愿

【真】be unprepared for self-rule and democracy:没做好自治和民主的准备

●by chance:偶然地;意外地

●by way of:作为……;采用……方法;通过;经由;取道

例be traveling to London by way of France:经法国去伦敦

●cast doubt on:质疑;对……产生怀疑

【真】History has never cast doubt on them:历史从未怀疑过他们。

●check on:上班;查对;核实

【真】to check on the availability of jobs at the jobcentre:检查就业中心职位的空缺情况

●cling to:坚持;保持;死死抱住(信念或希望)

【真】used to cling to their posts:过去往往坚守岗位

●comply with:服从;遵守

【真】to comply with DNT (Do Not Track) requests:遵从“禁止追踪”的请求

●conform to:遵守;符合;达到;依照

【真】to conform to official safety standards:符合官方安全标准

●cannot but:不得不;不能不;必然

●die out:逐渐消亡;灭绝;(火)逐渐熄灭;(风等)逐渐停止

例Certain kinds of whales will soon die out:某些种类的鲸不久将会灭绝。

●do harm to:对……有害;损害,伤害

例to do harm to the wheat:对小麦有害

●draw a conclusion from:由……得出结论

【真】to draw a conclusion from the text:从文中得出的结论

●discontent with:不满

【真】be discontent with animal research:对动物研究不满

●equipped with:装备;配备

【真】to play with dolls equipped with personality chips:与装有个性芯片的玩具娃娃玩耍

●fall asleep:入睡;睡着

●filter out:过滤掉

【真】to filter out what is unique from what is shared:从共性中过滤出独特性

●fold ... into:(烹饪时)把……调入;折叠成

【真】to fold or cut paper into different shapes:把纸折成或剪成不同的形状

●feel disappointed at:感到失望

【真】to feel disappointed at the realities of modern society:对于当前的社会现状很失望

●get over:从(不快或疾病中)恢复过来;战胜(问题、困难);使明白

【真】to get over their outdated anti-colonial prejudices with respect to foreign investment:克服他们对国外投资所持的过时的反殖民偏见

●give in:投降;认输;让步;屈服

【真】to give in to difficulty:向困难屈服

●go against:违背;违反;对……不利

【真】to go against the trend:违背趋势

●insist on:坚持;坚决认为(或主张、要求)

【真】to insist on the demand for a pay raise:坚持要求涨薪

●ignorance about:无知;愚昧

【真】be ignorance about medical science:对医学一无所知

●in and out:进进出出;一来一往

●in a word:总之;一句话

●in brief:简单地说;简而言之

●in consequence:结果;因此

●indifferent to:不感兴趣;不关心;冷漠

【真】be indifferent to her interest:对她的兴趣漠不关心

●in line with:跟……一致;符合

●in vain:白费地;徒劳无益地

●jump on:毫不犹豫地批评;严词责备

【真】to jump on sb. about sth.:因某事责备某人

●keep down:使(数目、大小、数量等)保持在低水平;控制……增长;压制;镇压;不使(食物或饮料)吐出

【真】Energy conservation can keep down the oil prices:节约能源可以控制油价增长。

●keep ... from doing:阻止(或防止、阻碍)……做;忍住(或克制)不做

【真】to keep lawyers from holding law-firm shares:防止律师持有律师事务所的股份

●lead up to:(一系列事件)导致;紧挨在……之前;(把谈话)引向(某个话题)

●lose faith in:不再信任,失去信心

●make fun of:嘲弄;取笑;开玩笑

【真】to make fun of the disorganized people:取笑没有条理的人

●make no difference:没有影响;没有差别

【真】It makes no difference how you write:你怎么写都没有影响。

●once for all:只此一次;一劳永逸

●on the/an average:按平均值;平均而言

●prefer to:较喜欢,宁愿;提升某人为

【真】to prefer grapes to cucumbers:相比黄瓜,更喜欢葡萄

●rest on:依赖;以……为基础;靠;倚;(目光)停留,凝视

【真】to rest on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media:基于对新闻媒体的既定惯例和特殊责任的了解

●run against:碰及,碰撞; 同……竞选

【真】to run against the current political system:触及现有的政治体系

●reliance on:依赖

●scrape through:勉强通过

●show sympathy for:同情;支持

【真】to show sympathy for your listeners:同情你的听众

●shut out:把……关在门外;使……不能进入;摒弃(念头、情感等)

【真】to shut out the feverish fashion world:不进入极度狂躁的流行世界

●slow down:(使)放慢;(使)减速;(使)放松

●stay away from:不去;远离

【真】to stay away from commercial advertisers:远离商业广告

●step out of:离开;退出

【真】to step out of full time employment:离开全职工作

●stress the importance of:强调……的重要性

【真】to stress the importance of professional training:强调专业训练的重要性

●take pride in:自豪;以……为傲

●thirst for:渴望

●trade with:与……进行贸易(交换)

●trifle with:玩弄;视同儿戏;心不在焉地做

●take efforts:花费力气;努力

●take one’s stand:表明立场

●take the lead:占主要地位;领先;带头

●up in arms:竭力反对;武装反抗;武装起义

【真】be up in arms over a proposal:竭力反对一项提议

●ward off:避开,躲开;防止(危险、疾病等),避免

【真】to ward off evil influences:避免邪恶的影响

●wipe out:擦除;摧毁;使灭绝

【真】can soon wipe out world poverty:能在不久后消除世界贫穷


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    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-25
  • (2019)恋练有词:考研英语词汇识记与应用大全3
    词频 ★★★☆☆ vast [vɑst] adj.巨大的;大量的;辽阔的;巨额的 【形近词】 vastly [vɑs(t)li] adv.极大地;广大地;深远地 【例】[adv] 极大地 [2010年阅读 Text 4] It was banks that were on the wrong planet, with accounts that vastly overvalued assets. 【译】是银行脱离实 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-25
  • (2019)恋练有词:考研英语词汇识记与应用大全2
    词频 ★★★★☆ wonder [wnd(r)] v.诧异;奇怪;纳闷;想知道 【例】[v] 想知道 [2009年完型] Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. 【译】有关动物智力的研究总会让我想知道人类究竟有多聪明。 wonder n.惊奇;惊异;奇迹;奇事 【 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-25
  • (2019)恋练有词:考研英语词汇识记与应用大全1
    目录 CONTENTS Preface 1 前言 Preface 2 前言 Chapter 1 高频词汇 Unit 01 Unit 01 测一测 Unit 02 Unit 02 测一测 Unit 03 Unit 03 测一测 Unit 04 Unit 04 测一测 Unit 05 Unit 05 测一测 Unit 06 Unit 06 测一测 Unit 07 Unit 07 测一测 Unit 08 Unit 08 测 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-25
  • 新东方500个考过20次以上的考研英语词汇整大盘点
    考研英语背单词要贯穿始终,单词是会背了忘,忘了还得继续背,新东方在线建议考生要把单词分类记忆,高频重点单词要加深巩固,次要的单词注重理解。新东方在线下面你分享500个考过20次以上的考研英语词汇,大家看看自己掌握的如何了: 500个考过20次以上的考研英语词汇整理(一) ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-10-28
  • 2019考研英语词汇背诵应更注重熟词僻意
    最近在上考研词汇课的时候问小伙伴们学英语什么最难,多数小伙伴都说单词最难,因为单词意思太多了,根本记不住,背了还老忘,还有一些小伙伴说,其实背单词还不算最难的,难的是有好多单词明明背了它的含义,可是到了具体的文章里发现又不认识了,一看翻译,发现根本不是自己背的那个意思,实在是太崩溃了,这就是我们常说 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-05-22