
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-08-16


  移动通信转售业务 mobile communication resale business

  The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China's top industry regulator, granted licenses to 15 companies on Monday to run virtual telecom network services.


  移动通信转售业务(mobile communication resale business)就是俗称的虚拟运营商(virtual network operator),是指从拥有移动通信网络(mobile communication network)的基础电信运营商那里购买通信服务,重新包装成自有品牌并销售给用户的电信服务(rebrand and sell telecom services)。目前市场上以170,171开头的手机号就是虚拟运营商号码。

  2013年5月,工信部为鼓励引导民间资本(private capital)进入电信领域,发布移动通信业务转售方案。从2013年底首批牌照发放以来,共有42家企业分5批获得虚拟运营商试点牌照(pilot operation licenses)。

  As of December 2017, China boasts more than 60 million virtual network service subscribers, accounting for 4.1 percent of the country's total mobile users, data from the ministry showed. The industry has already attracted direct private investment worth 3.2 billion yuan ($500 million), and has helped to create nearly 60,000 jobs.


  According to the official website of the ministry, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, Xiaomi Corp and JD are among the 15 companies that have got the licenses from the government.They are the first batch of players that have inked cooperation agreements with China Unicom.


  文创产品 cultural and creative product


  The store sells tapes, handbags, mobile phone shells and other items with various themes such as the Rosetta stone, Egyptian mummy, Japanese art The Great Wave off Kanagawa and the Isle of Lewis chess pieces.



  The store first launched 20 items, 15 of which have been temporarily sold out. The store attracted over 30,000 followers on the first day, according to 36Kr, a Chinese technology news provider, with the number having grown sharply to 131,000 as of July 23.



  The Palace Museum, known as the largest museum in China, now has one Taobao store and one Tmall store with a total of around 3.66 million followers. The two stores have over 500 products for sale, several of which registered monthly sales volume of more than 10,000.


  By the end of 2016, the Palace Museum has created 9170 cultural products and the revenue coming from sales of such products in 2016 surpassed 1 billion yuan (147.3 million US dollars).




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