2019年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part2答案(10)
本站小编 老烤鸭/2019-06-02
Well, I thought this conduct was horrible. You know, it’s highly possible that hundreds of graduates would be misled by this fake page. I wish the authority who is responsible for this bookelet could be more strict in selecting the advertisers to be shown on this important booklet.
Part 3 追加问题
What kinds of professions are related to giving information to others?
What is the difference between giving information by phone and by email?
How can people check whether a piece of information is correct or not?
Do people trust the information online?
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a time that you give advice to others 描述给别人建议的一次经历
Describe a time that you give advice to others
You should say:
who you gave advice to
what the advice was
why you gave advice
how you felt about the advice
A time that I gave advice to others was helping my younger sister, Wang Jie, to choose her major in college.
一次我给别人建议的经历是帮助我的妹妹Wang Jie选择大学专业。
Wang was the daughter of my mother’s colleague and was an up-and-coming third-year senior high school student. I remember that was a day right after the Spring Festival in 2014. We were visiting our relatives and friends as usual and met with each other in a social event.
I didn’t mean to give advice to her, but it was her mother who was chatting with my mother about her daughter’s difficulties in preparing the Gaokao, which is the college entrance exam in China. Wang felt quite unsure about her future concentration in college. It was not difficult for her to get into a top 10 university in China, but the thing was that she just had no clue regarding choosing a promising major. She told me that the public administration was considered to be a top priority in her parents’ eyes as they wanted her to become a public servant. She actually had neither an interest in it nor in others, which made things even harder.
Well, I was actually not an authority in terms of choosing a major even though I was then a junior majoring in Human Resources. But, I did have some insightful understanding of this struggle. You know, this article is from Laokaoya website, no matter what advice you take, you are the only person that is truly responsible for the decision you make. So, I offered her an advice, which was quite simple, ‘find your interest and go for it’. Also, I gave her detailed guidance on how to detect the inner propensity for the things we truly wanted, which I think would be of great value for her. After listening to my words, she felt she was kind of enlightened.
Well, I wouldn’t say my advice was very great, but it’s at least useful in the long run. You know, sometimes parents want us to be successful but would help us in the wrong way by giving us a suggestion that doesn’t suit our need. Soon or later we will have realized that the decision was once made inappropriately. So, instead of letting others choose, we’d better know what we want.
其实,BC之前也考过类似的一道给建议的雅思口语话题卡,是收到别人给的建议,如果翻转过来,把别人给我的建议变成我给别人的建议也是可行的。具体话题卡解析详见→Describe an important decision made with the help of other people 别人帮忙做的重要决定
Part 3 追加问题
What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends?
How do experts give advice to others? (e.g. a doctor gives advice to his patients)
What kinds of advice do parents give to their children?
Whose advice is more helpful? Parents’ or friends’?
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future 描述未来想尝试的水上运动
水上运动的题目还真是第一次在雅思口语话题卡中出现,之前考过的都是诸如exciting sport或者extreme sport等。但是,虽然出题人把题目进行了修改,但这并不会妨碍我们的表达。之前有同学喜欢的刺激运动或者极限运动就是在水上完的,那恰好和这个题目吻合了。另外,虽然中文翻译过来为‘水上运动’。但并不是只有那些在水面上玩的运动才算==。water sport只要与相关都可以,比如潜水,冲浪,还有那种泰国海边的水上项目‘香蕉船’、‘空中飞人’等等。
Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future
You should say:
What it is
Where you would like to try it
How difficult it is
Why do you like to try it
A water sport I love to do in the future is actually windsurfing, which is considered as an extreme sport.
Windsurfing is actually kind of a combination of sailing and surfing. I got to know this while I was traveling along the coastal area with my friends in Australia during the summer. I saw strong guys hold a huge flag thing on the water surface, which immediately arose my interest.
I would like to try it in Qingdao, but I’m not sure if I am allowed to do so. I know Qingdao has the Olympic Sailing Center which once was the marina for the sailing competition of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. You know it’s not far away from the place I live, and it’s got very good sea area for sailing.
I feel that windsurfing is not easy at all as I mentioned it has been regarded as an extreme sport. It requires both strength and skills. This article is from Laokaoya website. I assume the most difficult part of doing it is standing on the board while balancing the weight of the sail. You have to be fully prepared, both mentally and physically, for the unexpected sea waves that come towards you.
Well, the reason why I like to try this water sport is that I think it’s a pretty good sport to challenge my limit. This challenge helps me to develop my own courage and strength that are crucial for my entire life. You know life is like windsurfing, you may never know what kind of waves will come to you next, but you gotta prepare for it.
Part 3 追加问题
Do you think it is necessary for everyone to learn to swim?
Why should we develop water transport?
What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?
What is the difference between outdoor sports and indoor sports?
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an experience that you went out with your friends and had a good time 描述一次你和朋友出去并享受好时光的经历/与朋友出游玩的很开心
这道题目烤鸭们可以选择说的事情有很多。最常见的情况就是和朋友一起出去旅游,比如说曾经去泰国的毕业旅行。另外,还可以说一些和朋友在一起做的比较有社会意义的事情。比如和朋友约好一起去西部地区给山里的孩子们支教,或者是和朋友们一起去沙漠中自驾越野等等。这里需要说明一下该题中的一个疑点-went out(外出)。go out并非仅仅指你在户外(光天化日之下)做的事情;柯林斯英文词典给出的解释为:If you go out, you leave your home in order to do something enjoyable, for example, to go to a party, a bar, or the cinema. 也就是说只要离开家了,做了一些比较愉悦的事情都算(如聚会、泡吧以及去电影院等)。
Describe an experience that you went out with your friends and had a good time
You should say:
Where you went
When you went out
What you did
And explain why you had a good time
I would like to talk about an experience that I went out with my classmate Liu Tong for traveling in Thailand.
我想要说的一次和朋友一起出去的美好经历是和我的同学Liu Tong一起去泰国旅游。
I remember it was during the last summer of our senior high school. We were about to further our studies in colleges in different cities at that time. So, we thought it would be awesome if we could have an international trip together before we say goodbye.
We went to a number of places while we were in Thailand. For instance, the Grand Palace in Bangkok, the beautiful beach in Phuket Island, and a History Museum, etc. But, in my memory, the sweetest experience was in an orchard, which was located in somewhere between Bangkok and Phuket.
It was very big, and I remember we rode an elephant to go to different spots in that orchard. You know, each spot had its unique fruit plants that we could actually harvest on spot, which was pretty interesting. We ate a myriad of tropical fruits, this article is from Laokaoya website, some of which were exotic to me but very yummy. I previously thought durian was the most stinky and disgusting fruit to eat, but the ones in this place completely eradicated my stereotype.
The reason why I felt I had a quality time there was that both of us were extremely satisfied with the foods there. You know, reasonable price and tasty. We had a blast there!
同类‘外出游玩’相关参考学习必读:Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future 水上运动
Part 3 追加问题
Who should people spend more time with? Family or friends?
What is the difference between staying with friends and staying with family?
Do people prefer being with a large group of people or with a few friends?
Do science and technology improve the relationship between people?
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down during your travel 描述一次交通工具出故障的经历/交通工具坏在路上
Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down during your travel
You should say:
Where it happened
When it happened
Who you were traveling with at that time
What impacts this breakdown had
An experience that the vehicle I took broke down during my travel happened last summer while I was with my classmates having a road trip in Australia.
I remember it was a very dry summer day. Two classmates and I were driving on a road in Alice Springs, which was a city in the north part of Australia. We were actually fully prepared for literally every aspect of this trip. You know, I even sat for the driving test to get a license before I came to Australia so that three of us were qualified to shift if unexpected things happened.
我记得那是一个很干的夏天。我的两个同学和我开在Alice Springs的一条路上,这是一个位于澳洲北部的城市。我们其实为这次旅行做好了几乎各个方面的准备。我甚至在来澳洲之前考了驾照,这样我们三个人要是发生意外还能轮班。
Things went pretty well until we were about to leave this city. We got a flat tire on our way to a national park, which shocked me while I was on the backseat. Obviously, we got a spare wheel, this article is from Laokaoya website, but it seemed that nobody had any clue about how to change it. We called the emergency number and had it changed.
Thank God that there’s nothing serious happened during that incident. The only impact this breakdown brought us was that the entire rescue consumed us an arm and a leg and three hours. So, we had to cancel a plan to a small scenic spot on our trip due to this breakdown.
Part 3 追加问题
What are the advantages and disadvantages of private transport?
What do you think needs to be improved in public transport?
Who likes to travel more? Older people or younger people?
Are there fewer people using private cars because of improved public transport?
今天小编要介绍的是马来西亚大学的一所高等学府-马来亚大学,英文名为:University of Malaya;也通常简称为马大或者UM。马来亚大学创立与1905年,它是马来西亚整个国家内的二十所高等院校之一,也是在马来西亚创建时间最早,历史最古老的大学。UM坐落于马来西亚的首都吉隆坡,目前在校生人数约有两万名(其中 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-06-022019年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part1答案
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今天我们要来介绍的是美国的一所高等院校-罗切斯特大学,英文名为University of Rochester。缩写为UR. 罗切斯特大学创建以1850年,是美国的一所私立无宗教派别的研究型高等学府。它坐落于美国纽约州的罗切斯特市。罗切斯特大学目前在校员工大约有一千三百多名,本科大约五千七百多名,研究生人数大约四千六百多位。 罗切 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06科罗拉多大学波尔得分校雅思分数申请要求
今天要介绍的是一所综合排名世界前两百的(2018年QS世界排名)美国高等学府-科罗拉多大学波尔得分校,英文名为University of Colorado Boulder,简称为CU-Boulder。科罗拉多大学波尔得分校创建于1876年,是美国的一所公立高等学府。科罗拉多大学波尔得分校在美国新闻世界报道中评为全美国最佳公立院校之一。该校目前在校学生 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06雅思考试时感冒了能带纸巾进考场吗?
这个问题也有若干只雅思烤鸭们曾经问过了,由于感冒严重,打喷嚏流鼻涕,雅思考试带纸巾(餐巾纸、卫生纸、手帕等等)进入考场可以吗?监考老师会不允许吗? 在官方雅思考试考生须知里面好像也并没有说明带纸巾这回事。 经过多次考试的老烤鸭会比较了解这些情况。那么,那么到底可否呢? 答案是可以的! 但是,有 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06雅思考试能带星巴克咖啡进考场喝吗?
这是小编史上听到最新鲜的一个关于雅思的问题。想必这位烤鸭一定是一位星迷或者咖啡爱好者。据小编的经历,还真没看见过有人端着一杯星巴克走近考场的==; 也许大家都太紧张了,一大早起来没想着去派对买咖啡。 不过,如果真是像这位烤鸭一样,急需一杯咖啡来提神怎么破?咖啡能带进考试的教室吗?莫慌,其实在官方雅思考 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06雅思托福分数换算 雅思和托福哪个更简单
关于雅思考试和托福考试到底哪个简单哪个更难的争论已经进行了好多年。一般来看,只考过托福的同学通常认为托福更难;只考过雅思的同学则通常认为雅思更难。出现这种情况也可以理解,毕竟大家都希望突出自己在备考过程中所付出的努力,不过日前,托福官方统计了1153名既考过雅思也考过托福的同学的成绩,并制作出雅思托福分 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06雅思听力机经是什么
不少同学在备考听力的过程中都会听到雅思听力机经一词。有时候是雅思听力机经词汇,有时候是雅思听力机经预测,还有时候是雅思听力机经答案。那么雅思听力机经到底是什么东西?它为什么出现频率这么高呢? 所谓雅思听力机经,其实就是过去考过的雅思听力考试题目以及答案的集 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-062019年1月5日雅思考试答案 大陆卷
今天是2019年的第一场考试,也是口语换题之后的第一场考试。希望参加这次考试的勇士们都能够取得令自己满意的成绩,顺利和雅思分手。具体来看,2019年的听力题型没有太大变化。第二部分仍然是选择+匹配的组合,第四部分也仍然是填空。写作部分的小作文考了柱状图,大作文是与运动相关的题目,都算比较正常。老烤鸭小编在第一 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06美国佛罗里达大学雅思要求University of Florida详解
今天小编要介绍的美国高校是-佛罗里达大学,英文名为University of Florida,简称UF,也称作UFL或Florida。佛罗里达大学建立于公元1853年,是美国一所公立大学,也是美国的六十二所研究型大学之一。佛罗里达大学目前在校本科生大约有四万人(学生数量全美国第二),研究生大约有一万七千人,在校老师约为五千三百多名。佛罗 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06墨尔本大学语言班要求 雅思多少分?
之前老烤鸭小编已经介绍过了墨尔本大学雅思要求,但是,如果实在达不到该校的入学雅思要求肿么办?自己千辛万苦申请上的conditional offer就业让让他白白跑掉了吗? 别急,本期我们就来解析一下墨尔本大学语言班要求,看看童鞋们能否在足够的时间内达到语言班要求,让自己能顺利入学。 墨尔本大学与Hawthorn-Melbourne合作 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-01屯特大学雅思要求多少分数?
今天小编要介绍到的是位于荷兰的屯特大学,也被音译为特文特大学,荷兰语:Universiteit Twente,英文叫:University of Twente。屯特大学创建于1961年,位于荷兰恩斯赫德这个东区最大的城市,它是荷兰所有U类大学中最年轻的一所高等院校,也被公认为荷兰顶尖的高校之一。 屯特大学目前有五个学院;分别为行为科学学院; ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-01零基础学雅思需要多长时间
之前一篇文章我们聊了下零基础学雅思难吗,今天我们来看看零基础学雅思需要多长时间。这里所谓的零基础并不是真的完全没有接触过英语,26个字母都认不全。而是指那些对英语有一定概念,但因为各种原因,在初中或者高中就放弃了英语学习;又或者之前虽然英语还行,但毕业之后就再没碰过,导致词汇量极少,语法知识几乎没有或 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-01